The 39 Shadowlands BiS Gear Handbook is best for pretty well any melee spec that can use a two hander axe

My level 30 twink so far. Swords proc rate is insanely high. Over 90% haste when both proc.

been looking at this one specifically.

anyone know the ins-and-outs of how to get reqlevel39/highest ilevel out of these when farming? also any good farm spots for outlands boes like this? was told it may require a level 38 to have it drop for a 39, anyone have info on this?
been looking at this one specifically.

anyone know the ins-and-outs of how to get reqlevel39/highest ilevel out of these when farming? also any good farm spots for outlands boes like this? was told it may require a level 38 to have it drop for a 39, anyone have info on this?
I'd wager the higher iLvL for the same Character Level were already in a Bank/GB pre-squish. As for getting these to drop at the Level you want, you may be better off "Farming" various Realms' AH. World drops are just that, there is no rhyme or reason to what drops them (usually) and since the squish they tend to drop FOR the Level you are (for the most part).
been looking at this one specifically.

anyone know the ins-and-outs of how to get reqlevel39/highest ilevel out of these when farming? also any good farm spots for outlands boes like this? was told it may require a level 38 to have it drop for a 39, anyone have info on this?

I'd wager the higher iLvL for the same Character Level were already in a Bank/GB pre-squish. As for getting these to drop at the Level you want, you may be better off "Farming" various Realms' AH. World drops are just that, there is no rhyme or reason to what drops them (usually) and since the squish they tend to drop FOR the Level you are (for the most part).

I was farming BRD on a lvl 30 post squish when a dropped. Required lvl 31 and was ilvl 36
And how does that compare to items you see on the AH with the same Character Level? And how do we determine if those are actually post Squish or pre?
Good question... I was just sharing my post squish drop findings.

which were asked about previously...
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Alas, the argulite suffers from the same tooltip issues as other higher gems. It says +7 mas in the AH and even in our bags, but once you socket the gem, it changes to its actual +4 mastery. Would some hunters still want to gem full mastery over agility?

I've been gearing out my Hunter with what gives overall the most stats (secondary/primary) with all gems going mastery.àhl
I wouldn’t know but does that meta in your helm stack with your feet enchant?

I was sure it did but as I just checked, I'm at 10% bonus move speed with either the boot enchant or helm gem so I do need to get a different meta gem.

That looks great! But is the armory correct i.e. does 250 mastery for an MM hunter only come out to 26.53%? Or does that low percentage belie the true impact of stacked mastery?

MM mastery also gives increased range which is super good. Increased range and damage on all hunter abilities is too good imo.

My shots are at 51 yard ranges but I'm pretty sure its 50.6.
That looks great! But is the armory correct i.e. does 250 mastery for an MM hunter only come out to 26.53%? Or does that low percentage belie the true impact of stacked mastery?
Don’t secondaries scale like shit at the end of the bracket? 29, 39 etc
Don’t secondaries scale like shit at the end of the bracket? 29, 39 etc

Depends on how you define that. Regardless, in instanced PvP, everyone gets scaled up to the end of the bracket anyway.
I was sure it did but as I just checked, I'm at 10% bonus move speed with either the boot enchant or helm gem so I do need to get a different meta gem.

Apparently that meta gem retains its full 12 crit?
I mean it in the traditional sense.

I still don't follow what you mean.

For the 39 bracket, you'll certainly get more mileage out of your secondaries at level 35 outside of instanced PvP, since most BiS gear requires level 35 (for most classes and specs), and the stats lost by not going to 39 won't compare to the value gained in secondary stat scaling. This assumes no additional valuable abilities appear for a given class and spec between 35 and 39, which is its own discussion.

As soon as we step into a battleground or arena, we automatically get scaled to level 39 anyway, so we might as well level to 39 to get said abilities.

Blizzard has hinted they may go back to gear scaling for instanced PvP in a forthcoming patch. If that happens, and assuming there are no worthwhile abilities to gain on the farther end of the bracket, then for sure it will be better to stay on the nearer end of the bracket to let raid gear scale beyond what instances and BoEs could offer. But that's rumor, and again contingent on ignoring additional abilities.
I still don't follow what you mean.

For the 39 bracket, you'll certainly get more mileage out of your secondaries at level 35 outside of instanced PvP, since most BiS gear requires level 35 (for most classes and specs), and the stats lost by not going to 39 won't compare to the value gained in secondary stat scaling. This assumes no additional valuable abilities appear for a given class and spec between 35 and 39, which is its own discussion.

As soon as we step into a battleground or arena, we automatically get scaled to level 39 anyway, so we might as well level to 39 to get said abilities.

Blizzard has hinted they may go back to gear scaling for instanced PvP in a forthcoming patch. If that happens, and assuming there are no worthwhile abilities to gain on the farther end of the bracket, then for sure it will be better to stay on the nearer end of the bracket to let raid gear scale beyond what instances and BoEs could offer. But that's rumor, and again contingent on ignoring additional abilities.
Mb, thought there was some confusion as to what the word ‘shit’ meant
This will be a good template.. But I will try it with SoO gears when I start playing 30s as most of the gear have mast secondary stats on them

You can def get more mastery with more SoO gear but I think the gear I'm using gives the most all-round.
Another fantastic guide Kirise.
And as with the 39s Shaman guide, this isn't only relevant for 39s wanting to pvp.
It has a lot of useful info for anyone looking to gear up between 30-49, whether for pvp or pve twinking.
Great stuff, thanks again.
I was sure it did but as I just checked, I'm at 10% bonus move speed with either the boot enchant or helm gem so I do need to get a different meta gem.

MM mastery also gives increased range which is super good. Increased range and damage on all hunter abilities is too good imo.

My shots are at 51 yard ranges but I'm pretty sure its 50.6.

Now that hit is out of the game, Balroy needed a new stat to stack!

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