I'm just going to make a couple of points here on your podcast, specifically related to the site.
First of all, you want REAL statistics of the sites activity? Sure thing. I'll give you some stats for the last month:
There have been between 250-300 active users on the site per day.
There have been between 5-30 new threads made per day. (usually around 10)
Now let's look at those same statistics from 6 months ago:
There were between 200-250 active users on the site per day.
There were between 0-10 new threads made per day. (usually around 3-5)
And now, let's go back a year:
Both stats were just slightly less than those listed above.
Any other stats you're looking for? Let me know. Need actual proof of this? Let me know. I'd be more than willing to provide that for you.
Secondly, you say that drama can be a good thing. A lot of you are saying that. I don't disagree. It can certainly fuel competition, and in turn benefit the bracket and community as a whole.
What I do NOT agree with, however, is you blaming the current direction of the site (at least partially) for the lack of this content. Sure, there have been some issues with moderation lately, no doubt about that. But why not actually make the effort to see for yourselves what content has been moderated, that everyone seems to be creating such a big hype over? Again, there have been a lot of cases where bans were issued for the content, or even where content was moderated and it was not exactly necessary. But was any of it contributive in any way? Did any of it fall in to the category of this "productive drama" that you're referring to? If you can think of so much as a single post or thread that was moderated that you feel was beneficial to the site in any way, PLEASE, by all means, direct me to it and I will undo those changes RIGHT NOW.
I have access to a list of EVERY post that has been removed from public view or edited, and EVERY thread that has been locked. I just looked through all of it from the last 2 weeks, and while some of it could have been left alone (and a lot of it was undeserving of a ban), they all shared one thing in common: Absolute garbage. None of it was doing anything beneficial for the site, the 19 bracket, or anything else you care about. It was all useless trash. Would you like proof of that as well? Want to make your own judgement? I will personally give you my XenForo Admin Control Panel login info and let you browse through the list yourself. Then, you can attempt to prove me wrong. I have no problem with that whatsoever.
This is not a personal attack on you. I have no problem with you. I actually have a lot of respect for you and appreciate what you do. My problem lies within the fact that everyone is blowing up the hype on this when they really don't have a clue what is ACTUALLY going on, and I'm merely attempting to clear up those misconceptions. Have you actually experienced any of this first hand, or are you just believing all of the shit that everyone is feeding in to it? The latter seems to be the case, as is with most everyone else here.
I'm taking responsibility for everything that I feel I am responsible for, even some actions made by my staff that I may not actually be responsible for. But I REFUSE to allow myself, or any of my staff to be held responsible for a "death" of the website which is not really occurring in the first place.
My "Into The New Era" Thread has received nearly 7,000 views. Mutando's recent thread has received over 3,000. Both of those threads are good examples of the sort of "productive drama", as I would define it. Everyone who really gives a shit about this site (and even some who don't) voiced their opinions in those threads. The responses in those threads are exactly the content that is helping us shape and mold this site in to something better. There's plenty of useless shit to be found there, just like anywhere else, but there are also plenty of valid points from people in the community who actually have something worthwhile to say. Posts like "kys", or threads like "I had sex with Selaya" do not at all fall in the same category. They are, as I stated before, absolute garbage and aren't doing the bracket, the site, or the community and good whatsoever.
Perfection is not an end result, it is a never ending process. The direction of this site is no different. It is a process, and we aren't going to get there overnight. It has only just begun and I am doing everything I can as the Head Administrator and community leader to get us there. I mean well, and I care a lot about this community. But I will make mistakes, and I need the community to lift me up when I do and help me back on my feet, not to kick me and spit on me when I hit the ground. I'm not here to ruin the site, I'm not here to turn XPOFF in to some Nazi Concentration camp where everything you say or do is censored. That was never my intention, and contrary to popular belief, it's not actually what is happening at all, despite the issues that have been occurring recently. I take constructive criticism very well, and I encourage it. I have wonderful qualities and a great set of skills, but I am self-aware enough to know that I have flaws and faults as well, and I do not claim to be perfect or mistake free. Nor do I expect anyone else to be. I'm just trying to get things on track. It's not easy, as many of you here seem to think. It's very difficult, very stressful, and at times I just want to escape it all and take a break. But I can't do that, because then I wouldn't be doing my job. This is what i signed up for. I'm here to stay, until I either fix things and pass it on to someone else, or the community throws me out; whichever happens first.