US The 19 Podcast - Legion Class Balance and Premade Meta Feat. Burg

I had fun! Sorry I'm terrible at interviews / talking, first time being recorded. :p Hope these keep going and would love to be a guest again sometime!
I actually think Holy priest is underrated
- You have a 2 CC's
- Ability to heal 2 players at once (once talented into it) [Trail of Light]
- [Holy Word: Serenity] pretty much a lay on hands every minute
- Aoe fear

Also Hpally are also not looked at..but as u mentioned they are viable...i reckon they are best to be play defensive with the fc since they have bubble and aoe.
- Hoj (amazing cc)
- bubble
- aoe (stealthies kryptonite)
- instant heal and delayed heal which is really good in some circumstances[Bestow Faith].
Strongly disagree with plebmades being a nice environment, it's widely agreed that plebs are beyond toxic and it actually turns a lot of people off from doing them.
No toxic people its a misconception...All good ppl do plebs..ppl may get annoyed with you if u stupid stuff thats as far as it gets..but just make sure to have the basics down cause it will be exposed when u play plebs.
Strongly disagree with plebmades being a nice environment, it's widely agreed that plebs are beyond toxic and it actually turns a lot of people off from doing them.
I'll be honest. If this was WoD I would 100% be agreeing with you right now. Ever since we have starting running these in Legion people have been super chill and just playing for fun.
Hate that I missed them last night! I had prior engagements. If they happen tonight maybe I can make it.

Good podcast! Perhaps it will drum up some business!
Have fun everyone!

Strongly disagree with plebmades being a nice environment, it's widely agreed that plebs are beyond toxic and it actually turns a lot of people off from doing them.

Some of the people in plebs can at times be very toxic, we just had an issue with that today, however the more influential ones will go out of their way to make sure things even out, some folks just care about winning while others want to grow the community as well. You will be seeing more people stepping in when someone needs a spanking or to be put on a leash. Folks are joining the wargame scene everyday, and many are realizing that it needs to be a positive learning environment for everyone's sake, we won't let a few bad apples ruin the meal. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, I wouldn't let that discourage you, the mark of a true 19 is in never giving up, i'm sure if you speak with one of the founders or more positive community leaders who do wargames you will find the assistance you need to be able to function in the scene.

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