EU+US The 10's Directory


I am going to have to decide whether to cut down on some armories, or pile up a million links of 10s because this armory has become MASSIVE!

Please do not feel targetted if I do not add your character to the armory, its either because I haven't updated the page yet or there are simply too many 10s of that particular SPEC.

Arms Warrior. I'm still missing a few things, but I'm doing quite well with him. I usually get between 60-90k DPS in BG's, depending on whether or not I'm following objectives. xD

Also have gear sets for Prot and Fury, but I do much better as Arms so I don't switch very often.

Wrong Directory, this is for level 10 twinks. :)

May I suggest you take a look at the level 19 Directory here

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