US That 19s Show - Official Thread

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Sup Mesi here!

I'm sending you two clips as soon as I get them uploaded, feel free to use either of them or even both if you feel like. Also a feedback kind of thing, the music on both episodes have been terrific, besides at the second episode where the song got to the point it goes all instrumental guitar shit on and on... Great job with both of the episodes, I'm really looking forward to the next one!

And please people, stop bragging on forums about how you and your guildies are the best and how everyone else is shit.... Get that fraps recording and PROVE it! Don't just expect that Squidgy & the producing team will magically make up clips from fairy dust or some shit xD
I know i'm not allowed to whine, considering the fact that i don't contribute in any way. But the wait time is excruciating.
I'm quite mwi, but I shall try to upload a clip or 2 that I recorded earlier today on le batlhakämmen warr.

Edit: If/when you get my clip, the true magic happens between 2:16 and 2:19 :)
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I'm afraid the community isn't big enough anymore/yet. Maybe will can make a 3rd episode, maybe not, but it was a cool project to work at anyways, thanks to squidy and chill for making this real, you guys did most of the work after all :D
I'm sad to hear this. Was a very promesing idea and the 2 first episodes were very much fun and enjoyable to watch!
I will continually spam my realid until bitches get their ass in gear and start send you guys clips! #19SHOWFORLIFE
don't get me wrong guys, I just made a statement regarding this thread/ it's activity. I don't know how it's going atm with the next episode, because my computer is broken (university computer ftw), but from what I read and see in this thread it's rather clear, that it's no really productive and it might come to an end like this :/
Im sending in clips again, was hoping to see new people send in their stuff but until then you have my support :) BUMP!
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