10-19 TC Brackets, Rosters, Sign Ups, Schedule, Streams

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I can argue this point but I really cant be bothered anymore because you won't change your mind. W/e
give it a few hours chill get some gatorade as i did, and come back to forum, now that i have a fresh mind, nothing really to do, many teams played their heart out and the stature of this event was huge for twink history. results where good enough to make this a huge success my niga stay 100 become more dominant and shit on the competition 100% next time goon affiliation at its finest
give it a few hours chill get some gatorade as i did, and come back to forum, now that i have a fresh mind, nothing really to do, many teams played their heart out and the stature of this event was huge for twink history. results where good enough to make this a huge success my niga stay 100 become more dominant and shit on the competition 100% next time goon affiliation at its finest

Yer, I mean it's just super frustrating having to draw with a team that obviously isn't better or wouldn't have won the tournament. Make 0 sense to me. We worked so hard for the tournament win and then we get a huge let down, eh.
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Yer, I mean it's just super frustrating having to draw with a team that obviously isn't better or wouldn't have won the tournament. Make 0 sense to me.
stannis be frustrated at the battle of blackwater telling his team to push mid and getting wiped, but he gotta take that frustration, bang a redbone and come back 10x stronger to become the one tru king nawsayin. edit: but ye nothin can be done but i feel :(.
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stannis be frustrated at the battle of blackwater telling his team to push mid and getting wiped, but he gotta take that frustration, bang a redbone and come back 10x stronger to become the one tru king nawsayin.

Yer but we were the One True King ya kno wats up and then some fgt casts some magic spell bcuz they cant fight like men ya kno wat I mean.

Stannis out.
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I once knew this American bird, who said something about Us ppl having this thing, mudpits, where its a hole with mud, and random ppl fighting eachother in it, could you not, like, do that as a stand in for the finals? I'd love to see it..
or was she just pulling my... leg ;)
As shitty as the ending was, I had a blast playing in my first ever premades in 5 years of twinking. Cheers to my team for not getting capped on a single time.

I once knew this American bird, who said something about Us ppl having this thing, mudpits, where its a hole with mud, and random ppl fighting eachother in it, could you not, like, do that as a stand in for the finals? I'd love to see it..
or was she just pulling my... leg ;)

you slut!
it's hard to get capped on when you turtle for 20 minutes every game.

ggs though

must suck to be the guy who thought dropping the flag with the rogue in stealth was a great idea


Just stop. If there was even a remote bias in this tournament it was in favor of your team.

I agree with Myrm. You should stop and just please shut up. You blame TSN for stalling for time, yet this entire tournament we have been THE ONLY team who has been willing to play on time every time. SR took forever to start the initial que after we beat ATW, after we had asked for a 20min break and were refused SR must have taken over 1 HOUR to que against us.

Clearly the outcome of the tournament was not ideal to either team in the final, however SR was looked at preferentially in this tournament and no one can deny that. The rule to your team quing up after the first draw was if we won and your team got ddosed you would get a free tie. If we lost and got ddosed you would have received a win. Clearly we had all the risk and you could play to win or tie, whereas TSN was playing to win or lose. So how about you stfu and find out what you are crying about before you talk shit.

We were prepared to keep on playing for the tournament, however with that rule in play mentioned above most players were not, including myself. If it was a fair playing field and if either team won kept their wins I would have had no problem queuing, but the preferential treatment to SR who could not protect themselves from ddoss resulted the competition being ended in a TIE.

You try talk shit about us waiting over 1hour to que for a game, when TSN waited over 5 HOURS on Saturday to play, because people on SR and ATW were putting on "PROXIES" for that long and apparently just wasted everyone's time. During the '1hour wait time' we were coming to a compromise with Myrm and Pizza on the stupid bias rule toward your team. TSN was the only team open to streaming all their games with sound and skype from multiple POV, where as the rest of the teams played streams for part of the tournament and without sound. We were playing completely transparently and did not associate or involve in any activities outside of the stated rules - Mentioned this to blow your idiotic statement of noticing how it didn't happen to TSN. Is it TSN fault that other players spend over 5 hours to put on proxies and then turn out not to have done it correctly, essentially wasting everyone's time.

It was unfortunate people on SR were 'allegedly' being ddosed namely Pizza, who I saw sit in his body for all of 30 seconds then came back online, however it is the teams responsibility to protect themselves from this. It was suggested to play the FINAL on a later date, however that would not work, as some people in our team actually have lives and are not just living to the beck and call of World of Warcraft - 19 Twink Bracket. If there was no bias to SR and we had played another game after the tie and a person from SR had gone offline, then why do you deserve a TIE and NOT A LOSS, however if someone from TSN went offline it would be a win for SR - Completely absurd and BIAS.

You sound very mad and you should be Solipsist and any other SR member who is MAD, I mean you tied a 19 twink tournament with a team that had less than 3 games premade experience in this bracket. Warlock with no skinning, Rogue with no skinning/herb, Monk with no skinning/herb, only 2 players with BC shoulder enchants (Boom,Paladin). If you watch the vods of the last game its fair to say if the rogue had crit/haste for more dmg SR FC could have potentially died. So I can understand why you are so mad at yourself for struggling to beat a team who came to YOUR bracket and essentially beat you at your own game. Yes games in the final tied and the ultimate decision was a tie, however this was a result forced on from SR as a whole and your leader in particular of watching our VODS from our matches, pubs and premades and using the exact same strategies against us, just in a more defensive way.

I will say you are welcome we came to this bracket and taught the entire bracket a new way of looking at fighting in WSG, specifically running Guardian/Resto Druid FC, Rogue and Quick Capping, in a capacity that has never been seen in the 19 bracket. If we had not shown our druid FC quick capping and Rogue strategies this competition would have been a pub stomp, because SR would not have been not have been able to steal them and use them to turtle. SR leader can say what he likes, like he has said before for e.g. We always wanted to run druid FC and rogue etc, but at the end of the day every 19 knows that is a bunch of bullshit and the only reason SR and any other team ran it was because TSN showed the potential it had in premades and pugs before the comp.

In conclusion I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Myrm for organizing the Competition and for Purj's contribution to the Prize pool. There were some issues with the rules, scheduling, roster sign-in cut offs, however I believe Myrm did a great job running a tournament of this magnitude by himself. It is not easy to think up every rule for a competition that is a first of its kind, or dealing with pubescent virgin teenagers like Solipsist and much of the 19 bracket, but I believe he did a great job and achieved what the competition set out to do - Reinvigorate the 19 TWINK COMMUNITY.

Hopefully we will see more tournaments like this in the future and with the experiences of this one be able to better future events.

Cheers to my team coming through the losers bracket and for not playing like turtling retards.

and a big thanks to SR for coming up with such original strategies for the competition... oh wait nvm
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Shitty way to finish, but I'm sure everyone had a blast playing, watching, and talking in the stream chats. Big props to Myrm for making the organizational effort to make this happen, and to those who took the initiative in organizing teams.
The ending to the tournament was very disappointing. It was very bothersome that my guild was the only one getting DDoSed throughout the WSG tournament. That being said, the experience as a whole was great.

I want to start off by thanking Myrm for hosting such a wonderful tournament. The time, effort, and patience you put in to successfully host this tournament, while also leading your own team, is greatly appreciated. I speak on behalf of my whole team when we say thank you. You're the best man, really.

I want to also say thank you to my team. We were the only undefeated team in this tournament. We didn't even get capped on once. Thanks for taking the tournament so serious and being willing to follow my lead into the Gulch.

Enjoy twinks.
was a great weekend of games, can safely say that it was one of my favorite moments in 19s hanging out playing some games.

pterodactyl's team and abn's team's both deserved to win, unfortunate there wasn't a decided winner but tbh i couldn't care less. GG's
I agree with Myrm. You should stop and just please shut up. You blame TSN for stalling for time, yet this entire tournament we have been THE ONLY team who has been willing to play on time every time. SR took forever to start the initial que after we beat ATW, after we had asked for a 20min break and were refused SR must have taken over 1 HOUR to que against us.

Clearly the outcome of the tournament was not ideal to either team in the final, however SR was looked at preferentially in this tournament and no one can deny that. The rule to your team quing up after the first draw was if we won and your team got ddosed you would get a free tie. If we lost and got ddosed you would have received a win. Clearly we had all the risk and you could play to win or tie, whereas TSN was playing to win or lose. So how about you stfu and find out what you are crying about before you talk shit.

We were prepared to keep on playing for the tournament, however with that rule in play mentioned above most players were not, including myself. If it was a fair playing field and if either team won kept their wins I would have had no problem queuing, but the preferential treatment to SR who could not protect themselves from ddoss resulted the competition being ended in a TIE.

You try talk shit about us waiting over 1hour to que for a game, when TSN waited over 5 HOURS on Saturday to play, because people on SR and ATW were putting on "PROXIES" for that long and apparently just wasted everyone's time. During the '1hour wait time' we were coming to a compromise with Myrm and Pizza on the stupid bias rule toward your team. TSN was the only team open to streaming all their games with sound and skype from multiple POV, where as the rest of the teams played streams for part of the tournament and without sound. We were playing completely transparently and did not associate or involve in any activities outside of the stated rules - Mentioned this to blow your idiotic statement of noticing how it didn't happen to TSN. Is it TSN fault that other players spend over 5 hours to put on proxies and then turn out not to have done it correctly, essentially wasting everyone's time.

It was unfortunate people on SR were 'allegedly' being ddosed namely Pizza, who I saw sit in his body for all of 30 seconds then came back online, however it is the teams responsibility to protect themselves from this. It was suggested to play the FINAL on a later date, however that would not work, as some people in our team actually have lives and are not just living to the beck and call of World of Warcraft - 19 Twink Bracket. If there was no bias to SR and we had played another game after the tie and a person from SR had gone offline, then why do you deserve a TIE and NOT A LOSS, however if someone from TSN went offline it would be a win for SR - Completely absurd and BIAS.

You sound very mad and you should be Solipsist and any other SR member who is MAD, I mean you tied a 19 twink tournament with a team that had less than 3 games premade experience in this bracket. Warlock with no skinning, Rogue with no skinning/herb, Monk with no skinning/herb, only 2 players with BC shoulder enchants (Boom,Paladin). If you watch the vods of the last game its fair to say if the rogue had crit/haste for more dmg SR FC could have potentially died. So I can understand why you are so mad at yourself for struggling to beat a team who came to YOUR bracket and essentially beat you at your own game. Yes games in the final tied and the ultimate decision was a tie, however this was a result forced on from SR as a whole and your leader in particular of watching our VODS from our matches, pubs and premades and using the exact same strategies against us, just in a more defensive way.

I will say you are welcome we came to this bracket and taught the entire bracket a new way of looking at fighting in WSG, specifically running Guardian/Resto Druid FC, Rogue and Quick Capping, in a capacity that has never been seen in the 19 bracket. If we had not shown our druid FC quick capping and Rogue strategies this competition would have been a pub stomp, because SR would not have been not have been able to steal them and use them to turtle. SR leader can say what he likes, like he has said before for e.g. We always wanted to run druid FC and rogue etc, but at the end of the day every 19 knows that is a bunch of bullshit and the only reason SR and any other team ran it was because TSN showed the potential it had in premades and pugs before the comp.

In conclusion I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Myrm for organizing the Competition and for Purj's contribution to the Prize pool. There were some issues with the rules, scheduling, roster sign-in cut offs, however I believe Myrm did a great job running a tournament of this magnitude by himself. It is not easy to think up every rule for a competition that is a first of its kind, or dealing with pubescent virgin teenagers like Solipsist and much of the 19 bracket, but I believe he did a great job and achieved what the competition set out to do - Reinvigorate the 19 TWINK COMMUNITY.

Hopefully we will see more tournaments like this in the future and with the experiences of this one be able to better future events.

Cheers to my team coming through the losers bracket and for not playing like turtling retards.

and a big thanks to SR for coming up with such original strategies for the competition... oh wait nvm

so I got as far as "essentially beat you at your own game"... which is quite comical because you couldn't beat us... in 4 games you couldn't even get a single cap. In regards to your rogue being able to kill me if he had more crit/haste, I think i'm just hearing more excuses stemming from your ignorance. Maybe if your rogue didn't play like a fucking moron you would've gotten a cap as well too eh? You kids came into the bracket talking so much shit about how you were gonna steamroll and you ended up barely even getting to the finals after we 2-0'd you. Stay small.
I agree with Myrm. You should stop and just please shut up. You blame TSN for stalling for time, yet this entire tournament we have been THE ONLY team who has been willing to play on time every time. SR took forever to start the initial que after we beat ATW, after we had asked for a 20min break and were refused SR must have taken over 1 HOUR to que against us.

Clearly the outcome of the tournament was not ideal to either team in the final, however SR was looked at preferentially in this tournament and no one can deny that. The rule to your team quing up after the first draw was if we won and your team got ddosed you would get a free tie. If we lost and got ddosed you would have received a win. Clearly we had all the risk and you could play to win or tie, whereas TSN was playing to win or lose. So how about you stfu and find out what you are crying about before you talk shit.

We were prepared to keep on playing for the tournament, however with that rule in play mentioned above most players were not, including myself. If it was a fair playing field and if either team won kept their wins I would have had no problem queuing, but the preferential treatment to SR who could not protect themselves from ddoss resulted the competition being ended in a TIE.

You try talk shit about us waiting over 1hour to que for a game, when TSN waited over 5 HOURS on Saturday to play, because people on SR and ATW were putting on "PROXIES" for that long and apparently just wasted everyone's time. During the '1hour wait time' we were coming to a compromise with Myrm and Pizza on the stupid bias rule toward your team. TSN was the only team open to streaming all their games with sound and skype from multiple POV, where as the rest of the teams played streams for part of the tournament and without sound. We were playing completely transparently and did not associate or involve in any activities outside of the stated rules - Mentioned this to blow your idiotic statement of noticing how it didn't happen to TSN. Is it TSN fault that other players spend over 5 hours to put on proxies and then turn out not to have done it correctly, essentially wasting everyone's time.

It was unfortunate people on SR were 'allegedly' being ddosed namely Pizza, who I saw sit in his body for all of 30 seconds then came back online, however it is the teams responsibility to protect themselves from this. It was suggested to play the FINAL on a later date, however that would not work, as some people in our team actually have lives and are not just living to the beck and call of World of Warcraft - 19 Twink Bracket. If there was no bias to SR and we had played another game after the tie and a person from SR had gone offline, then why do you deserve a TIE and NOT A LOSS, however if someone from TSN went offline it would be a win for SR - Completely absurd and BIAS.

You sound very mad and you should be Solipsist and any other SR member who is MAD, I mean you tied a 19 twink tournament with a team that had less than 3 games premade experience in this bracket. Warlock with no skinning, Rogue with no skinning/herb, Monk with no skinning/herb, only 2 players with BC shoulder enchants (Boom,Paladin). If you watch the vods of the last game its fair to say if the rogue had crit/haste for more dmg SR FC could have potentially died. So I can understand why you are so mad at yourself for struggling to beat a team who came to YOUR bracket and essentially beat you at your own game. Yes games in the final tied and the ultimate decision was a tie, however this was a result forced on from SR as a whole and your leader in particular of watching our VODS from our matches, pubs and premades and using the exact same strategies against us, just in a more defensive way.

I will say you are welcome we came to this bracket and taught the entire bracket a new way of looking at fighting in WSG, specifically running Guardian/Resto Druid FC, Rogue and Quick Capping, in a capacity that has never been seen in the 19 bracket. If we had not shown our druid FC quick capping and Rogue strategies this competition would have been a pub stomp, because SR would not have been not have been able to steal them and use them to turtle. SR leader can say what he likes, like he has said before for e.g. We always wanted to run druid FC and rogue etc, but at the end of the day every 19 knows that is a bunch of bullshit and the only reason SR and any other team ran it was because TSN showed the potential it had in premades and pugs before the comp.

In conclusion I would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Myrm for organizing the Competition and for Purj's contribution to the Prize pool. There were some issues with the rules, scheduling, roster sign-in cut offs, however I believe Myrm did a great job running a tournament of this magnitude by himself. It is not easy to think up every rule for a competition that is a first of its kind, or dealing with pubescent virgin teenagers like Solipsist and much of the 19 bracket, but I believe he did a great job and achieved what the competition set out to do - Reinvigorate the 19 TWINK COMMUNITY.

Hopefully we will see more tournaments like this in the future and with the experiences of this one be able to better future events.

Cheers to my team coming through the losers bracket and for not playing like turtling retards.

and a big thanks to SR for coming up with such original strategies for the competition... oh wait nvm

You come across as a big crybaby posting this huge wall of text well after the fact. Your outpouring of tears gives Agonist a good run for his money.
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