-Talon of Vultros Question-


I was just wondering if Talon of Vultros was BiS some people were telling me otherwise, that is was NOT BiS the boa dagger is does still more damage. Can someone just clear the air for me?
It's BiS for ambushes (max damage). The BoA dagger is still better for overall damage.

(I could care less, my rogue is probably the least geared of all the dual Shadowfang rogues)
I feel like he was asking why you'd use a dagger that is (hypothetically and minimally) better for, at most, 3% of a bg, when you have to work your ass of for it, and in addition, why is it better at all?

Screw grammar btw
I feel like he was asking why you'd use a dagger that is (hypothetically and minimally) better for, at most, 3% of a bg, when you have to work your ass of for it, and in addition, why is it better at all?

Screw grammar btw

I'm pretty sure he has bought the dagger already.
I think there is more for cheap on different realms and I think it's BiS for heavy stacks on efc b/c it's slowness
The vultros gives highest topend. Therefore, this will give the highest ambush possible. It is because of its slow speed.
Anyone here know how much AP you have to stack (to make it #1 dmg), and how much better damage does it do than the #2 proclaimed Sharpened scarlet kris? Any info very well appreciated :3
So we link random wowhead search results now?

No I always have.

Joking. It's not random - if you read for content it shows the top end dmg of available daggers and refutes Curley's claim as the ToV as having the highest top end dmg.

Edit: Baa. Baaahaaa.
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No I always have.

Joking. It's not random - if you read for content it shows the top end dmg of available daggers and refutes Curley's claim as the ToV as having the highest top end dmg.
And now let's assume that ambush isn't affected only by the top end damage of your weapon but by your overall top end.
well it probably does most damage with ambush but wouldnt u lose the minor dmg buff u gained there at the white hit that comes along with the ambush? (this is a question, not facts so dont flame me if incorrect).
well it probably does most damage with ambush but wouldnt u lose the minor dmg buff u gained there at the white hit that comes along with the ambush? (this is a question, not facts so dont flame me if incorrect).

no, the white hit will also be higher whit ToV otherwise the ambush wouldn't be higher since its based on weapån dmg
no, the white hit will also be higher whit ToV otherwise the ambush wouldn't be higher since its based on weapån dmg

Yes but you will still lose white damage because Sharpened Scarlet Kris has higher DPS. Harder hits yes, more sustained damage? No.
Hemo will do more dmg with vultros. Vultros best at high stacks cant u nerds just listen to me.

Lel "You guys are nerds, just listen and believe my theorycrafting when I say the mystical Talon of Vultros does the most ambush damage in world of Warcraft. Nerds."

Just puttin it out there
Edit: no disrespect intended ofc.
Hemo will do more dmg with vultros. Vultros best at high stacks cant u nerds just listen to me.
This is exactly why no one takes you seriously. No one wants to listen to a child. They're looking for a mature person to actually run numbers not just "armory me im bis".

I however play with whatever gear I want, whenever I want. I've 3v1d a rogue, mage and a warrior with my crusader shadowfang and survivability set w/o agm and I'm not even that serious about WoW any more and I'm not anything special either.

Likewise I've 2v1d a resto druid and a prot pally to return solo with my scarlet kris in my AP bomb set.

Play what you want, twink how you want, don't let others tell you how to play unless they're being constructive and friendly.

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