-Talon of Vultros Question-

This is exactly why no one takes you seriously. No one wants to listen to a child. They're looking for a mature person to actually run numbers not just "armory me im bis".

I however play with whatever gear I want, whenever I want. I've 3v1d a rogue, mage and a warrior with my crusader shadowfang and survivability set w/o agm and I'm not even that serious about WoW any more and I'm not anything special either.

Likewise I've 2v1d a resto druid and a prot pally to return solo with my scarlet kris in my AP bomb set.

Play what you want, twink how you want, don't let others tell you how to play unless they're being constructive and friendly.
Still playing like 06'? Bro ur really gud.
This is exactly why no one takes you seriously. No one wants to listen to a child. They're looking for a mature person to actually run numbers not just "armory me im bis".

I however play with whatever gear I want, whenever I want. I've 3v1d a rogue, mage and a warrior with my crusader shadowfang and survivability set w/o agm and I'm not even that serious about WoW any more and I'm not anything special either.

Likewise I've 2v1d a resto druid and a prot pally to return solo with my scarlet kris in my AP bomb set.

Play what you want, twink how you want, don't let others tell you how to play unless they're being constructive and friendly.
Bottom line: Gear doesn't matter because you destroy awful players in random gear sets?
Anyone here know how much AP you have to stack (to make it #1 dmg), and how much better damage does it do than the #2 proclaimed Sharpened scarlet kris? Any info very well appreciated :3
You don't lose much Ap at all from using vultros i think you don't lose any? Regardless it will do a higher hemo and ambush. Only use at high stacks.
Thanks guys! And one more thing is it gf'd or is it just really hard to get from a rare spawn?
It is Gfd as Vultros has been nerfed to a lower level than the dagger requires and since Vultros is not in an instance he cannot drop it.
My rule of thumb: If you have to agonize hard about which item is better - The difference is marginal and it doesn't matter so wear what looks coolest.

fuk bis, ascetics4lyf
About the GFd part. outside blackrock depths u will find an NPC called The Behemoth who is level 50 non elite and drops a fist weapon that req lvl 51 so dont just assume things
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About the GFd part. outside blackrock depths u will find an NPC called The Behemoth who is level 50 non elite and drops a fist weapon that req lvl 51 so dont just assume things

At this point you're making us assume things too, unless you can give us proof of this.
Yes but you will still lose white damage because Sharpened Scarlet Kris has higher DPS. Harder hits yes, more sustained damage? No.

i did not say ToV did more dps but he wonder if the white hit would make up for the lower ambush whit the heirloom dagger. ofc the dps is higher whit heirloom any fool can just look at the dagger to see what dps it has but the ambush and the white hit will both be harder whit ToV
Did you have to repeat yourself because noone gave a fuck when you wrote it the first time?

Talon of Vultros is not BiS for anything

Edit: Now Im very happy cause you gave a fuck about that post at least. Thank you
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i did not say ToV did more dps but he wonder if the white hit would make up for the lower ambush whit the heirloom dagger. ofc the dps is higher whit heirloom any fool can just look at the dagger to see what dps it has but the ambush and the white hit will both be harder whit ToV

Neither did I say you said that. I was just clearing that up. Calm down, bro.

Ok so go farm me TSS, walking boots and ToV now and prove your point that items can't grt gf'd because of mob level nerf :)

Also, do you actually have any proof about talong being worthless? Do you have the dagger and could show us some SS's and or numbers? If not, you might aswell just be quiet because you obv don't know about it.

Same thing I'd ask fro Curley, care to send some SS's, like a set with 550ap showing weapon dmg with vultros in 1 pic, kris in other. Same at 600 and 650 (or however much ap you have in your stack/max ap set).

Been thinking of purchasing the dagger but want to know some numbers first. If Anyone could do this, I'd appreciate it greatly, and it would also clear things up a lot for everyone.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for typos (on phone atm)
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Ok so go farm me TSS, walking boots and ToV now and prove your point that items can't grt gf'd because of mob level nerf :)

Also, do you actually have any proof about talong being worthless? Do you have the dagger and could show us some SS's and or numbers? If not, you might aswell just be quiet because you obv don't know about it.

Same thing I'd ask fro Curley, care to send some SS's, like a set with 550ap showing weapon dmg with vultros in 1 pic, kris in other. Same at 600 and 650 (or however much ap you have in your stack/max ap set).

Been thinking of purchasing the dagger but want to know some numbers first. If Anyone could do this, I'd appreciate it greatly, and it would also clear things up a lot for everyone.

Thanks in advance, and sorry for typos (on phone atm)
There is a thread by curley somewhere around this site with 2 SS's of ToV and kris in normal gear. And obviously the more ap you stack, the bigger the gap becomes.

edit: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f12/new-bis-ambushing-heavy-stacks-42134/
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