It's sad that there are people twinking these days that don't know what Magic Dust and Really Sticky Glue are......
Brb gotta go make some poisons for my 29 and farm up soul shards on my warlock after I level up my lock picking. Oh and I'm out of Shadow Oil. Can you hook me up? I'd say mail some but my mailbox is full of marks and I don't feel like dealing with that right now. Congrats on fishing boots last week and I totally could use a TBJ for my mage if you've got the funds bro.
Which reminds me, Priests were the ultimate twinks of the past. You needed to be LOADED to make one since every slot was BOE. I MISS IT IM GONNA CRY.
LMFAO so after this thread some dude rerolled feral and was sitting gy and chasing me the whole game. At one point he opened on me and I beat him on a holy pally w/o trinket up lululululul
I would say it's a close tie between Priests and Dodge rogues. If I had to crown a king though, definitely priests. Those fucking wands hit hard man! Priests will forever be #1 in my heart.
If you were referring to me then let me assure you that nothing I said was related to their performances in wargames. I only witnessed them wargame once and that was with a more than suboptimal team (5 healers, no druid FC). Judging them based on those games would be stupid even if they were an experienced team. I was talking about the individual impressions they made on me in the gulch on a daily basis.If people were talking about wargames against the EU that's rude and completely off base to boot. They're just starting to play together - every team will struggle to try new things and learn to work together in that setting. I'm sure they'll get considerably better as a team over time.
I say this having not really played them (I kept crashing in wargames, so had to scan/repair....ruined a good night for my guild unfortunately) but just making a general statement that every team will struggle at first and it's rude to talk trash about a guild's first games together. Now if they're been wargaming actively for several months and getting whooped and still talking trash I agree it's open - just think it's stupid early on in a team's development.
Hahah dodge rogues. I remember Cirran was in a premade with us (Dominate vs. MTU) and he was sitting on over 80% dodge. MTU was playing a melee heavy offense (two rogues and a warrior, a healer, and a hunter). They managed to drop Anarcan, our FC, and so Cirran picked it up. He ran over and put his back to the corner and on vent he sneered "I'll just sit here all day, let them try to hit me". We kept him up for about 2-3 minutes until he could pass back to Anarcan, cause no one could land anything on him but the hunter. (yeah yeah Drayner, you guys won that match).
Funny part is as ridiculous as that sounds, that wasn't even half as broken as some of the stuff in the bracket today, haha.
P.s. WTS Meadow Ring of Eluding with +1agi, 999,999 gold.
Hahah dodge rogues. I remember Cirran was in a premade with us (Dominate vs. MTU) and he was sitting on over 80% dodge. MTU was playing a melee heavy offense (two rogues and a warrior, a healer, and a hunter). They managed to drop Anarcan, our FC, and so Cirran picked it up. He ran over and put his back to the corner and on vent he sneered "I'll just sit here all day, let them try to hit me". We kept him up for about 2-3 minutes until he could pass back to Anarcan, cause no one could land anything on him but the hunter. (yeah yeah Drayner, you guys won that match).
Funny part is as ridiculous as that sounds, that wasn't even half as broken as some of the stuff in the bracket today, haha.
P.s. WTS Meadow Ring of Eluding with +1agi, 999,999 gold.
Okay well I'm looking forward towards you updating a horde 19 to play with us baddies see you soon k bye
Quoted just in case Stacy even cares anymore... I doubt she does, but ya. Public admission after all these years. /wink
I leveled all my 19s to 24... #ZEROREGRETS
I will say though, with Painaid, Slyfox, Gankya, and some other names from my past coming back...I am thinking about rolling some new ones. I don't see anything grandfathered that would be game breaking for any class really... with the enchants changing up and all....Looks like Magefist with 24 Stam > Jutes, etc...
Quoted just in case Stacy even cares anymore... I doubt she does, but ya. Public admission after all these years. /wink
Heh - I have many times publicly admitted that we lost one match to MTU (and we won one against the old MTU team and won another against a new generation MTU team). What I may have gotten wrong in this post is that Anarcan claims he was not playing in the match we lost to MTU. Frankly, my memory doesn't go back far enough to say whether the FC who dropped the flag (before Cirran picked it up and played the Dodge Game) was Anarcan or Celinocter. I just remember that we lost that game. It's one of only two premades that I believe <Dominate> ever lost (the other being to Make Your Time on the PTR, but everyone knows we really lost that game to dust haha).
I assumed you were part of one of the European guilds who are going to play in the cup. If you are not you should probably leave the rules to the people who actually participate.
Actually it is better for nonparticipants to make the rules. They have nothing to gain by setting them. I have been stating this for weeks.
There should be a formal committee of non-biased, nonparticipants that make the rules. And those rules that are set forth will be the rules, no if ands or buts. Just like any other tournament that you enter.
If you were to enter "Acme Lego Building Championship" this weekend there would be no negotiation in the rule. They would be there in black and white. The participants of a competition do not make the rules, the ruling body over that competition makes the rules. Take it or leave it. Simple as that. We just need to round up some responsible people that have no intention of entering and are willing to give a little time.
Non-participants gain nothing from making good rules and lose nothing from making terrible ones. Letting non-participants make the rules is ludicrous. Myrm is the obvious exception since he's in charge of the tournament.Actually it is better for nonparticipants to make the rules. They have nothing to gain by setting them. I have been stating this for weeks.
There should be a formal committee of non-biased, nonparticipants that make the rules. And those rules that are set forth will be the rules, no if ands or buts. Just like any other tournament that you enter.
If you were to enter "Acme Lego Building Championship" this weekend there would be no negotiation in the rule. They would be there in black and white. The participants of a competition do not make the rules, the ruling body over that competition makes the rules. Take it or leave it. Simple as that. We just need to round up some responsible people that have no intention of entering and are willing to give a little time.
Non-participants gain nothing from making good rules and lose nothing from making terrible ones. Letting non-participants make the rules is ludicrous.
Do you even know how rules in the NFL, etc. are being made and/or changed? The competition committee consists of team representatives which is the equivalent of team captains in the twink cup since we do not have team owners or coaches.And this is exactly why ALL serious competitive events are held this way. Do you think Olympic atheletes decide the rules in their own competition? How about the NFL? Or baseball or soccer or spelling bees? NO, they do not. They are decided by a source that have absolutely nothing to lose or gain from the outcome. That is why they work.
When Blizzard has their gaming tournaments, they set rules. Do they go to the community to ask for opinions? No, they give the rules and that is that, take it or leave it. And that is how we should do it. We are talking almost Ten thousand dollars. The people that win will have to claim this on their taxes, or should...
I am new around here so I don't know much about this Twink Cup thing but here''s my 2 cents...
I have played some xp on bgs from 10-30something and in the 10 to early 20s.... it seemed every game had 1/2 their team as feral druid... they hit like a truck. Seems there were a lot of ferals, disc priests, and monks. Anyhow...
Maybe I don't know the rules completely, but if there is a limit of 2 per class (is this correct?), then banning feral druids isn't necessary is it?
Are resto druids not the best FC in the bracket by far? 1 druid used.
Are Boomkins the best ranged DPS in the bracket by far? 1 druid used (more if the rules allowed... right?
BM monks can FC as well, and ferals are just way too op, a feral + rogue can literally snipe any1, even without stacksI am new around here so I don't know much about this Twink Cup thing but here''s my 2 cents...
I have played some xp on bgs from 10-30something and in the 10 to early 20s.... it seemed every game had 1/2 their team as feral druid... they hit like a truck. Seems there were a lot of ferals, disc priests, and monks. Anyhow...
Maybe I don't know the rules completely, but if there is a limit of 2 per class (is this correct?), then banning feral druids isn't necessary is it?
Are resto druids not the best FC in the bracket by far? 1 druid used.
Are Boomkins the best ranged DPS in the bracket by far? 1 druid used (more if the rules allowed... right?