EU+US Stam set for Druid

Boomie's armory has him in FC gear again. Reviewing some of the armories posted for notable things:

  • Scaled Forest Leather Mantle (+2 stam) vs Heirloom (can only get +2stam/1dodge) seems like an easy choice. Grandfathered 3stam/3res give 1 more possible stam, but I think res does nothing anymore so the lack of verse is a problem.
  • Sylvan Cloak seems to be the best cloak. Probably want two of them, one for FCing (gift of verse) and one for stacks (3stam or shadow armor enchant)
  • Vigorous Belt (8stam, 4verse) vs Engy Belt (13stam, shield (which is presumably not usable in wargames))
  • Deep Fathom Ring (6stam, 8verse) vs Recruit Ring (6 stam, 4 verse, but has int)
  • Woodworking gloves (6 stam, but SWAG) vs Bristlebark (7 stam). I feel like Scouting Gloves with 7 stam and verse would be better here. Thoughts on Imbued Pioneer Gloves with 9 stam, but no verse?
  • You need 2 pairs of boots with the two enchants...minor speed for carrying, boars speed (or w/e) for holding with stacks
  • Insignia is probably super important for the 2min CD. AGM (if off CD) or defending/returning champion otherwise
So, the maximun sta you can get as druid in each slot is:
-head -> +23
.-neck -> +6
.-shoulders -> +8 +2ench ......or +7heirl +3gfEnch
.-back -> +6
-chest -> +13gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +11gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +10 +7allStatsEnch
-wrists -> +7gf +4ench ......followedBy +6 +4ench
.-hands -> +9 +7ench
-waist -> +13
.-legs -> +10 +4ench
-foot -> +9gf +2ench ......followedBy +8 +2ench
-finger -> +7gf ......followedBy +6
-finger -> +7gfChangeFaction ......followedBy +6
-trinket -> +11gf
-trinket -> +11gf
.-weapons -> + 6oneH +6oneH

Total: +178sta
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So, the maximun sta you can get as druid in each slot is:
-head -> +23
.-neck -> +6
.-shoulders -> +8 +2ench ......or +7heirl +3gfEnch
.-back -> +6
-chest -> +13gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +11gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +10 +7allStatsEnch
-wrists -> +7gf +4ench ......followedBy +6 +4ench
.-hands -> +9 +7ench
-waist -> +13
.-legs -> +10 +4ench
-foot -> +9gf +2ench ......followedBy +8 +2ench
-finger -> +7gf ......followedBy +6
-finger -> +7gfChangeFaction ......followedBy +6
-trinket -> +11gf
-trinket -> +11gf
.-weapons -> + 6oneH +6oneH

Total: +178sta
Hi, which are the gf chest, wrist and boots? Also, legs i belive can be 11 with scouting trousers +9 with a 2 stam ench.
- You are loosing way too much armor with the cloth pair of gloves (leggings are possible as well). Get a scouting pair of gloves and leggings (4/3 for the gloves and 5/4 for the leggings is the most possible). You can enchant both with the same enchants that you have right now, but you will get vers as a secondary.
- Go with cloaked shoulders instead of Forest Leather Mantle, you gain 5 int and 3 crit (or haste) and only lose 2 vers.
- Change Neck to an int version and put a defensive enchant on it.
- Change the offhand to a blue bg offhand, it can go up to 4 vers.
- Change the ring to a blue bg ring, you will get 4 int 4 vers 1 crit and only lose 1 stam.
- The weapon may get better secondaries, but its not a major thing.

You wouldnt value 7sta / 7vers over 8sta 5int?? o_O
So, the maximun sta you can get as druid in each slot is:
-head -> +23
.-neck -> +6
.-shoulders -> +8 +2ench ......or +7heirl +3gfEnch
.-back -> +6
-chest -> +13gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +11gf +7allStatsEnch ......followedBy +10 +7allStatsEnch
-wrists -> +7gf +4ench ......followedBy +6 +4ench
.-hands -> +9 +7ench
-waist -> +13
.-legs -> +10 +4ench
-foot -> +9gf +2ench ......followedBy +8 +2ench
-finger -> +7gf ......followedBy +6
-finger -> +7gfChangeFaction ......followedBy +6
-trinket -> +11gf
-trinket -> +11gf
.-weapons -> + 6oneH +6oneH

Total: +178sta

So, how much total sta with fully GFd gear? The above list seems completely wrong if you want full sta and have access to gfd gear.
its basically 7 vers vs 1 stam 5 int. Yea, I would go with stam and int, end every self-healing fc should do the same, even tho it is close.
Ah, every selfhealing one sure, but I props wouldnt do it in a premade aspect.

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