SS time!

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glancealot said:
212 hit rating?! what for?...are you planning to 5 man strat etc coming next patch?

He might just be trying it out...

He has a level 19 cloak, I wouldn't even take that into PvE.
at least i know its possible to cap white hits @ 49. would i ever do it though, no.
glancealot said:
212 hit rating?! what for?...are you planning to 5 man strat etc coming next patch?
He has a 92% win ratio in WSG w/ over 300 games played. Stacking hit is the way to go...
Alkaholic said:
He has a 92% win ratio in WSG w/ over 300 games played. Stacking hit is the way to go...

its pretty obvious that he /afk out of losing battles and/or always queue with 2+ guildies.(his guild has 26 49 twinks, and 1 48 twink)

and i like how his only pet is a bat.
I have not afk'd from any BG as of yet. I have taken ~40 arena pops in BGs thou as I dislike steam rolling pugs.

I have almost 500 WSG games played. : \

We actually plan to full clear BRD come 3.2.
Welcome to twinkinfo, meet Glancelot, if there's a conclusion to jump to from feverishly dissecting your stats, he'll find it...

Balroy, do u take the time to log out in ur "troll bait" outfit everytime u log? I wanna check ur gearz...
Haven't uploaded anything in a while cause I don't play WoW as much due to GF aggro, here are some gems from the last few month, I've been playing too much 69 prot warrior...



Why I hate 2s, focus 1 player and profit...




My Tidal Charm video...

[ame=]YouTube - Sorry Qweelol...[/ame]
hi alkaholic :)

some screenshots i have:


i dunno what you guys are sayin, paladins and shamans are fine.


just thought this was pretty
Sup wonder...I is bored w/ 49's I don't think I've been in a game in 2 weeks. Taking my warrior to 80 via PvP, questing is way faster but damn if pwning n00bs isn't a great feeling. Blood DKs and Prot paladins aren't that fun though....
Alkaholic the SS's u posted aren't impressive at all.

try to win a game where your opponent dominates?


can never play like that can you?
26-10 & 60 with less than 100k damage. obviously you just lurk around and attempt to kill steal, and then end up getting caught out of stealth and get killed. just awful. oh not to mention this is pre 3.2, so totally irrelevant.
I'm trying to find the screenshot where I kissed my Mojo on my 48 druid while carrying the flag and was hopping around with the flag as a frog... but I can't find it!
glancealot said:
Alkaholic the SS's u posted aren't impressive at all.

try to win a game where your opponent dominates?


can never play like that can you?
U mean like this?





Please pull ur head out of ur ass w/ ur unimpressive ss or flawed opinions.
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