SS time!

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Alkaholic said:
U mean like this?

Please pull ur head out of ur ass w/ ur unimpressive ss or flawed opinions.

ok, all of the SS you posted, you were either top one or second top one of the kill chart, do you really consider games where you, a rogue, top the kill chart, dominated by your opponenets? look at the SS that i posted, and try to see the important differences.

and the only SS posted by you that's even remotely impressive is this one


and in that game, horde has one bad-ass flag running mage...they could have won it even without you anyways...
here, let me explain it more carefully


look at that SS,

the only good players on alliance team is myself and that warlock on top of the dmg chart, on the other hand, horde has good druids*3, hunter, shaman.

so i had to shut down 3 druids that constantly went for flag just by myself, and assist flag running in between killing their FC, in fact, the first 2 scores from alliance were flags that i carried to our tunnel and died but my teammates were able to pick up the flag and score.

and that is what i call a good game, a game where you turn the table almost single handedly, a game that would have been a quick loss without you.
here is another one for your viewing pleasure.


i am not going to explain what happened, you can look at the screen and guess yourself.
glancealot said:
here is another one for your viewing pleasure.


i am not going to explain what happened, you can look at the screen and guess yourself.

Ok, let me guess, you played in a pug, and then you won.
glancealot said:
here is another one for your viewing pleasure.


i am not going to explain what happened, you can look at the screen and guess yourself.

lol you have 1 cap and 1 return with a shitty K/D ratio and a shitty amount of damage done. you're not even trying to post good SS's anymore obviously
glancealot said:
ok, all of the SS you posted, you were either top one or second top one of the kill chart, do you really consider games where you, a rogue, top the kill chart, dominated by your opponenets? look at the SS that i posted, and try to see the important differences.

and the only SS posted by you that's even remotely impressive is this one


and in that game, horde has one bad-ass flag running mage...they could have won it even without you anyways...
I'm sooooo confused what ur point is....

1st ss: I'm the only horde in Top 4.

2nd ss: I'm 1 of 2 horde in the Top 8, 3 flag returns

3rd ss: I'm the only horde in the Top 6, 4 flag returns

4th ss: I'm 1 of 2 horde in the Top 8, 2 flag returns

Clearly in none of those games would I say Horde dominated. Then u post a game where u did 6-3 and 25K dmg in 33 mins. I did 4 times that in my first ss w/ 5 times the kills. Too many others have pointed out why looking @ the stats page does nothing in a game w/ so many variables. If there's a prot warrior/paladin fc, focus the healers and let magic dmg take out the fc. There are many other scenarios that affect the screen. Number of twinks, which side dominates, etc.

Long story short, I don't care if u find my ss impressive, u've proven that ur priorities in wsg is quite different from mine. Urs involves not killing and clicking the flag and or hitting Sprint and getting boots. Mine involves killing the efc/efc healers/efc support. Let's just leave it @ that...
Alkaholic said:
Then u post a game where u did 6-3 and 25K dmg in 33 mins. I did 4 times that in my first ss w/ 5 times the kills.

and here i thought you weren't as dumb as the other guys(falkor etc) here, you didn't realize (even given the hint of the chat window) that i joined a 2-0 game and won it in less than 10 minutes?

Alkaholic said:
Long story short, I don't care if u find my ss impressive, u've proven that ur priorities in wsg is quite different from mine. Urs involves not killing and clicking the flag and or hitting Sprint and getting boots. Mine involves killing the efc/efc healers/efc support. Let's just leave it @ that...

really? i mean, really?

you truly think my priority is just "not killing and clicking the flag and or hitting Sprint and getting boots"?

i play to win, and i would never deny that, even though given that you and i don't get along too well, that you play to win as well.

it's just that i think your way of helping your team to win isn't nearly as effective as what i do, i am not trying to put you down as a player, i am just saying that, according to armory stats, you should go after the flags more(even if you already do, keyword: more), and if you do that, you will, i promise you, have better winning ratio and more flag returns/captures per game.
Rogues don't go after FCs... Magic DPS do unless there's no other MS effect around. Rogues are responsible for locking down healers, especially the squishy ones. What's the point of a rogue going up against full plate or bear form unless it's just to put up bleeds?

*edit - doh Pel already said it.
Is that NurfedUI wonder? It was one of the first UIs I used, but I stopped when he didn't update it for a little bit.
Wonder said:
armory stats y'all

staying sort of on topic

sholazar is pretty

i dont like hunters

might wanna shrink those pictures(volume-wise or dimention wise) a little next time.

a good software that i use to do that is FastStone Photo Resizer

Wonder said:
and why would i want to shrink the pictures? the forums already resize them. unless you're browsing the internet on a gameboy they should be fine. i prefer the quality to stay unchanged

i see that you posted quite a few scenery SS's

man i never paid attention to those beauties in wow because i have always been so focused on pvp.

care to post a few more?
glancealot said:
it's just that i think your way of helping your team to win isn't nearly as effective as what i do, i am not trying to put you down as a player, i am just saying that, according to armory stats, you should go after the flags more(even if you already do, keyword: more), and if you do that, you will, i promise you, have better winning ratio and more flag returns/captures per game.
I think it's just as effective as urs. If I go after the flag, I'd have more flag returns/captures? Ya think?!!?!?

What part of, "those things aren't priority to me" are u missing. I'm not a FC, I will run it if the tank is down or if I outclick the opposition to pick up the flag if they drop our FC but I don't go to the enemy flag room and grab the flag and head out. In the instance I have to get it so they don't cap, I give it up to the designated FC. If u're capping that many flags, I question ur bg's skill. As for flag returns, I've already shown u my other rogue w/ a higher flag return rating. This rogue was created w/ a drop efc support quickly. Rogues trying to drop SL locks, Prot pallis, Prot wars, Bear druids, are gonna need a lot of time. I don't have that time when it's all twinks working together. So picking my targets and attacking strategically is how best I can help my team, not stat whoring. If they have a healer/fc vs me and 2 other dps, it's best for me to keep the healer from healing as opposed to trying to add the 3rd dps when the holy paladin can just throw anti physical bubbles on them.
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