Sponsor Has Beta - Uploading my 10 Twink


Achievement Hunting
Streaming BETA on 10 twinks

So my friend (Spønsor hunter) forced me to download the new Battle.net app and we realized together that I had the WoD Beta this whole time...

The bad news is that I work a lot cuz it is summer and I need moulas for the school semesters.

The good news is that I am going to solely upload my 10 warrior on to the Beta and answer EVERYONE'S questions. I think we might have enough 10s to now try some wargames (if they work) and see how BG scaling works.

I will be spending a lot of time on beta from now on, so if you are a 10 twink and want to contribute to the testing and exploration of the future of 10 twink community, add me up @ Kick#1611 on Beta (my "Live" friends list is maxed out sorry).

This is gonna be fun :cool:

Gonna keep a list updated of things I find and try to categories it.

Our list is a nice work in progress! Feel free to pitch in info (backed up pls, not hypothesis) and ask questions!!

What has been found thus far:

- Arms Warriors get Rend, unlocks at lvl 7 (tics for 325 dmg (crit) for me)
- Fury and Arms Warriors no longer have Heroic Strike
- Fury Warriors cannot dual wield 2h swords at lvl 10 (myth BUSTED)
- Base health increased by roughly 500
- Resilience / PvP power removed
- I hit a 845 crit Mortal Strike on a 14 hunter (one shot -> Bugged dmg?)
- Avoidance still works vs lvl 90s

- Survival Hunters get Survivalist at level 10. Ticks every 2 seconds and lasts for 10 seconds. Effect is triggered after killing a target.

- Eclipse has been redesigned: 1 wrath brings you to Lunar eclipse in under 6 seconds of build up. Stays at Lunar Eclipse for 4 seconds then goes back down.
- New cat/bear form skins
- Shred is available at lvl 6
- Rejuv heal is terrible. ticks for 46 in feral, 36 in resto (bug?)
- Swiftmend no longer has the AoE

-Demonology receives a complete redesign
- Metamorphosis

- When in Demon form your Shadow bolt and Corruption become respectively Touch of Chaos and Doom
Touch of Chaos - instant damage (great for kiting if high on demonic fury, hits for 150s in my POORLY geared lock)
- Doom (currently available at lvl 10 despite what databse says) - Corruption and Doom can be applied at once if corruption is applied before you transform, meaning you get 2 dots up on your target. one hitting every 3 seconds, the other every 12.3 seconds (ticks for 350s on my poorly geared 10 lock)
- All specs have Corruption
- Only Affliction and Demonology have Drain Life

- 500 Health increase
- Primary and Secondary stats seem untouched
- Attack/Spell power have been scaled down slightly
- Stats that are not beneficial to your current spec will be grayed out and wont count. Ex: If you're a Resto druid and use agility gear, the agility will not do anything. No more hybrids.

Enchants: (link to database of new enchants)

General Info
- Enchants dont scale appropriately on Beta so any testing is not accurate
- Ring and Neck enchants are now available (no enchanting level required)

Multistrike: "Grants two X% to deliver extra attacks/heals for 30% of normal value"
- Seems like the stat to stack after 100% crit --- still not sure if having over 100% multistrike is usefull
Beta example : With 173% multistrike, every hit pretty much hits an extra 2 times. So I am hitting three times in 1 hit. When my crusader procs it procs 3 times; healing me for around 700.
- I would personally use the same build and add multistrike on my neck and 2 rings.

Versatility: "Increases damage done and healing done by x.xx% and decreases damage taken by x.xx%"
- Another really tasty new stat that increases your damage/healing and reduces the damage you take.
- Hunter Sponsor is streaming at the moment in his versatility set and he's getting hit for 2 damage in RFC and he's hitting for 500 auto attacks (then + additional damage from his multistrike)
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WTB 10 female panda fury warrior information
I dont have any other 10s so I couldnt test diff classes even if I wanted to.

I got my hands on a few new enchants that I am about to test right now.

Ok bad news, enchants currently dont scale down.... so all the data I will be gathering about the new enchants will be obviously WAY off course... However there are now Ring enchants available to all, as well as neck enchants.
are shoulder enchants being GFed? from what ive seen on streams theres no shoulder enchants but im not sure if they've been talen out or not
are shoulder enchants being GFed? from what ive seen on streams theres no shoulder enchants but im not sure if they've been talen out or not

Alright so dont worry about the shoulder enchants from aldor, they are still in game. Idk about the ones the streamers were looking at though. The only thing that's changed with the aldor shoulders is that they cannot be applied on shoulders that have an ilvl above 600, safe to say it wont affect twinks. ;)
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Any change in damage? Stats scaling? Hp? All that stuff

Damage is messed up on Beta atm. Sometimes I auto attack for 49ks, others I hit for 200s
Like I said in my original post, I crit an 845 on a pvp target (lvl 14 hunter), so one shots are back around (possibly)
Hp has scaled up by around 500.
Stats seem to have remotely stayed the same, however I do have less attack power (100 less), but in my avoidance set I still have 106% avoidance (only works in Prot spec now though)
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Damage is messed up on Beta atm. Sometimes I auto attack for 49ks, others I hit for 200s
Like I said in my original post, I crit an 845 on a pvp target (lvl 14 hunter), so one shots are back around (possibly)
Hp has scaled up by around 500.
Stats seem to have remotely stayed the same, however I do have less attack power (100 less), but in my avoidance set I still have 106% avoidance (only works in Prot spec now though)

Okey ty, everything you see now can tho be changed. Only when WoD acculy hits we will be able to see what its like.
Everything changes :p
Nope, had a hard time killing a lvl 20. I dueled a lvl 14 hunter and I missed a few hits on him as well.

What's the point of playing a 10' twink if you can barely finish content and players a bit higher lvl than you... looks like fun is gone at WoD
What's the point of playing a 10' twink if you can barely finish content and players a bit higher lvl than you... looks like fun is gone at WoD

F. is for friends who do stuff together
U. is for You and me
N. is for anywhere and anytime at all,

Welcome to twinkinfo!
I've checked Wowhead to see all the basic staples of Twink gear (for 10's) and how they will handle the squish in WOD. As far as I can tell our gear won't change more than ~3-5% stat wise (outside of Armor/AP/SP ofc). The bigger issue I have is the loss of Hit Rating and Dodge as we will no longer be able to kill anything much higher than +6 lvls and by-by ever having a true 100% Dodge Rogue again, which my Rogue Creepybutler and Dodgeyou are about as close as it gets right now in our Dodge/Agi gear. However, the loss of Dodge may be mute if we take insignificant damage with high Versatility and the lack of Hit might be softened with high Multistirke so when you do hit you hit like a mack truck. Also since WOD is a whole new world I haven't noticed any quest removals putting even more Twink gear on the Grandfather list. Also with Multistirke/Veratility I forsee Healers being absolutely impossible to kill come WOD, hooray for my 10 Disco.

On another note, depending on how the current secondary stats convert into Haste/Crit/etc it may be stupid simple to get 100% Crit on all 10's without having to do much enchanting for Crit.
I've checked Wowhead to see all the basic staples of Twink gear (for 10's) and how they will handle the squish in WOD. As far as I can tell our gear won't change more than ~3-5% stat wise (outside of Armor/AP/SP ofc). The bigger issue I have is the loss of Hit Rating and Dodge as we will no longer be able to kill anything much higher than +6 lvls and by-by ever having a true 100% Dodge Rogue again, which my Rogue Creepybutler and Dodgeyou are about as close as it gets right now in our Dodge/Agi gear. However, the loss of Dodge may be mute if we take insignificant damage with high Versatility and the lack of Hit might be softened with high Multistirke so when you do hit you hit like a mack truck. Also since WOD is a whole new world I haven't noticed any quest removals putting even more Twink gear on the Grandfather list. Also with Multistirke/Veratility I forsee Healers being absolutely impossible to kill come WOD, hooray for my 10 Disco.

On another note, depending on how the current secondary stats convert into Haste/Crit/etc it may be stupid simple to get 100% Crit on all 10's without having to do much enchanting for Crit.

Yeah lots of weird changes are gonna happen to secondary stats.
About the 100% crit thing, mind you that agility will no longer give critical strike rating :s
Indeed but I still think as they convert stats like Hit into Crit and the like that it'll be much easier to obtain 100% Crit on 10's than it is now (not that it's at all hard now). Keeping in mind that my 10 Disco is over 100% Crit now with very low Int since the mana cap was instituted. Haste will be a possible other benefit from the conversion of removed secondary stats. What I'm unclear on is current level 90 (Pandaria) and below enchants. It doesn't seem as if Blizzard is removing them, so will we still see people (Twink or not) running with fully enchanted gear up through Pandaland but then lose all enchants but off-pcs when they cross the iLvL 600 barrier? Another question would be with the removal of Dodge, what will say the TBC Agi/Dodge cloak enchant convert to, same with the leg embossments for Stam/Dodge?

It's gonna be interesting at least to see what all the effects are of the change to stats. TBH, I think overall it's going to be a good thing for the Twinking community, time will tell.

EDIT: It would seem I have found at least one answer to questions we have about Enchants and Twinks come WOD. If you read HERE it clearly states "All Enchants added in Mists of Pandaria and earlier can only be applied to items with an iLvL lower than 600." Granted this is not a Blue post so take it for what it is.
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