SPC hosting horde premades sunday 11 may 8pm server time


Somalian Pirate Crew

Was planning on doing some 10v10 wsg wargames this sunday with <SPC> nothing serious, just for fun and practise, but will probably need a few extra people including a decent FC.
If you're interrested in joining add my btag: Jornick#2563

<> <> <> GM of <SPC>
I'm so sorry.
Yeah lets necro and insult the people who are trying to have fun with wargames and with their game over all.

That you dislike p2p's in this bracket is very clear and there is no need to post stuff like that over and over mr f2p restricted hero who thinks that his way is the only honorable thing to do. But you are deluded and it clouded your mind with hate and not thinking about the things you do yourself even as a restricted player which is just as bad. You do the same as experienced player and min/max your gear too.

Now stop this nonsense.
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Yeah lets necro and insult the people who are trying to have fun with wargames and with their game over all.

That you dislike p2p's in this bracket is very clear and there is no need to post stuff like that over and over mr f2p restricted hero who thinks that his way is the only honorable thing to do. But you are deluded and it clouded your mind with hate and not thinking about the things you do yourself even as a restricted player which is just as bad. You do the same as experienced player and min/max your gear too.

Now stop this nonsense.


That was my intent.
It's not even close to the same since 5.4.

Comparing the 2 is nonsense, you stop it.
The guy asks to do some 10 v 10. Instead of encouraging him to do 24 v 24 you troll him? Seriously is there anything that pleases anyone on this site?

How many threads are 'round here with F2Ps asking for premades?

"But dey badz!"

Well maybe they're trying to improve?
Ignoring the issue of enchants doesn't mean 24s are equal to f2ps in terms of douchyness.

Remember I Queue solo:

When I join a BG the other team has a fighting chance. When a premade joins they don't.
Noone said f2p and p2p characters are the same. I talked about doing stuff, you do the same as a p2p in every way and more with your premades.

No, he does it better, not the same. there's a difference.

Anyway, about SPC, if they want to premade other 24's only, nice initiative, i support it.
Every single thread lel.
f2ps = morally perfect
p2ps = worse than hitler/bin laden


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