Trollguden Jøldal Förebild May 7, 2014 #22 I will help if u need it, just whisp me when and if I'm on at the time, I don't care about what ppl think. Keep doing what u like and best of luck with it ...well yeh unless u are going to glitch terrain, then I'll be mad. Screw thoese f2p haters <3
I will help if u need it, just whisp me when and if I'm on at the time, I don't care about what ppl think. Keep doing what u like and best of luck with it ...well yeh unless u are going to glitch terrain, then I'll be mad. Screw thoese f2p haters <3
Achmed OG May 7, 2014 #23 Oh, i forgot to add, i can join you with my p2p horde also if you premade vs 24's only Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh, i forgot to add, i can join you with my p2p horde also if you premade vs 24's only Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
madhombre Legend May 7, 2014 #24 Achmed said: You're not good at history. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Click to expand... why not? :/
Achmed said: You're not good at history. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Click to expand... why not? :/