Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

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yoo, since pretty much everyone here looks up to me i thought it would be a good place to post this movie, playing some ebola cleave (top ebola cleave cyclone after 1day playing together, sup) only facing rmps in this movie, no fun as hpala but since im awesome we win anyway :cool:

+ brightness on ur screen or u wont be able to see anything
sorry but, worst pvp music of all time! that's chill music :s! CRITISISM!
lolz, ive been past 2.3k every season i've played this game, 2.6k in s8 as hiro cleave, 2.7k as tsg in s9 and 4-5 other comps to 2.6k +, s10 i just played 2 days went 2350 and decided to go #1 world in 2s and 3.1k in 3s instead of playing a broken class, and now in s11 im prolly going for some more world firsts, maybe i will go to usa and become prez who knows
Rofl, here we go. 2.3k is not hard, sorry to burst your bubble. 2.7k as tsg in one of the most broken seasons with mmr exploits, win trading, glad sales at the max. 2.7 wasn't even bottom line glad, it was a joke. And rank 1 world 2's/3's? You mean the fact you win traded that high and played disc with 2 of the most broken classes. Oh and I welcome you to the us. Come to kt on nightfall, the biggest and most competitive bg in the world right now. See how your 2k team does here.
So much hate from players who can't break 2k. There's hardly even a difference between different bgs on 2,2k rating, you know. And nightfall being the most competitive bg in the world? That was a long fuckin time ago, buddy.
Oh come on please, stop your flame feast on sparkly, i coulden't care less about his win / loss ration, he posted a video, watch it, did you like it ? good. You diden't like it ? who cares, just dont use every single post of the 70's section to come up with more trolling, it's annoying as hell.
I hope you know I'm talking about us, and if you do I really think you just don't know anything. Name just about any top player right now, and they are all on kt. Even top eu players made us accounts to play on this bg. It is the most competitive and biggest bg as of right now, and the only players who aren't on it don't want to play us, or are on tich because it's western.
Wasn't trying to troll to begin with, he claims to be the best and people just pointed out his w/l and rating. His fault.
Can't? I don't know what toon you are looking at, but I haven't done arena on my 70's except my pally, which I played with a ret who never did arena before. I never said anything about his twinks, was talking about his mains.
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