Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

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Oh come on please, stop your flame feast on sparkly, i coulden't care less about his win / loss ration, he posted a video, watch it, did you like it ? good. You diden't like it ? who cares, just dont use every single post of the 70's section to come up with more trolling, it's annoying as hell.

I didnt care once you were an admin......i dont care now, sit back shut up and enjoy the show
Amazing gameplay, some of the best I have ever seen. You are a god amongst 70 wannabe's and I /applaud your awesomeness.

I did just feed the whole point of this thread didn't I?

P.S. I also make an awful liar.
I never said I don't have 70's, I just haven't done arena on them since they aren't bis. Oh and if you want to talk about mains, I'm sure you've never even seen glad so you don't have any room to talk.
You've never been above 2k on any character and you flame people like you're a multi glad. Get real, douchebag. You're fuckin shit
Lol? Never been 2k on any character, okay. Like you know all of my characters, gg. I am multi glad, but you wouldn't know anything about that.
Lying about things you have achieved in a game, rofl, as low as you can get. You're a typical 1,8k clicker. Get real, you're pathetic.
I love how you have no proof of anything and say " Hey I got this char that no one knows about that I have achieved gladiator on several times ". You're so bad it's not even funny to troll you anymore, you have no characters above 2k rating. Get less pathetic, please.
I didnt care once you were an admin......i dont care now, sit back shut up and enjoy the show

I dont understand if you either miss basic eduction or your just in need of attention Cyanerds, i would say have missed education but the fact that you are a child is pretty much obvious, no one above 18 would act like the pretty drama trolling princess that you try to appear as.

Wile if you seek attention, i'm sure your very eterosexual friends pasted in your avatar can give you a hug.
Lol all you can say. "You can't prove anything". It's funny because I can prove it, but since you are so bad the only response from you will be "I can link fake armories too".
Lol all you can say. "You can't prove anything". It's funny because I can prove it, but since you are so bad the only response from you will be "I can link fake armories too".

Easiest way is just to link it and then offer them to make a level one on that realm and write to them a known phrase or saying as proof.

Yes of course you can say "Why should I lower myself? Blah Blah". But you are gonna look worse if you are called out and ARE bullshitting. ;)
Prove me wrong by linking someone elses armory huh? Let me have your real id and I'll head over to us and add you, or did you recently sell the account or perhaps it got banned?
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No I could easily do that, if you're willing.

But pretty sure you would have to buy a retail us account, since you can't add real id on trial. So you would have to be willing to spend a lot for proof.
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krislol most shit player ever, i remember u posting a screenshot with 2 binds of when u got tazik and u went like "imma finnaly get 2k!!!11" but didn't really work like that, did it? 1500 scrub forever lol.

and to the guy asking if im TFC, no but the feral in my team is, hes making a bigger movie l8er this season also so subscribe!

edit: todays spotlight on wcm cuz sparkly
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LOL. I never posted a ss of getting tazik. It's funny, because you can look at ALL of my posts from the account, so please, find the post where I did. Goodluck!
after scrolling through half of the 1st page of ur posts, woah almost every post u've made has been a post where ur hating on me, obviously some fugly girl i rejected, go stalk some1 else brah
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