Sparklystars 85 arena (movie)

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Rofl, right. All of them have been today. And you can't find said post, so now you look stupid as always and come up with another horrible response. GG
Clearly, all talk and nothing to back you up. Sorry, bad players will be bad.

No one to back him up, Haha i will gladly back him up, cause i know how more skilled he is than you. You're shit hes good.

Also Krislol go delete your Account, nobody likes you. You're only flaming on Sparkly, then Shadowmeldx comes to make you stfu and then you just start flaming Shadowmeldx. Sparkly and Shadowmeldx got alot more Exp than you do, and if you need help with keybinding then i will be pleased to help you out.
I dont understand if you either miss basic eduction or your just in need of attention Cyanerds, i would say have missed education but the fact that you are a child is pretty much obvious, no one above 18 would act like the pretty drama trolling princess that you try to appear as.

Wile if you seek attention, i'm sure your very eterosexual friends pasted in your avatar can give you a hug.

Calling me a child is funny tho, when your the one acting childish, being straight up delutional going around trying to lie to everyone why you aren't a mod anymore....I asked 3 Mods myself what happened, they all told me the owner of the site didnt feel you were a good fit, and decided to take you off....sooooo
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