Something Fishy Going on in AB

Cloud said:
Not my fault I have a life.. :3

I clearly have no-life because I did achievement instead of doing PvP. 20 hours of achievement and 20 Hours of PvP takes the exact same amount of time out of my life. So sorry, if you believe achiever have no-life because they achiev stuff? Instead of doing something else on WoW...

Anyway, you sir are surely fucking stupid.

Edit: BTW 2Man Flying Mount, Explorer achiev takes less then 10 hours and is about 800+ Achiev pts.
Evade said:
I got my rogue powered to 19 via recruit a friend. is my level ten achievement not legit? lol

ur a disgrace to humanity. go delete urself
bankbeauty said:
I clearly have no-life because I did achievement instead of doing PvP. 20 hours of achievement and 20 Hours of PvP takes the exact same amount of time out of my life. So sorry, if you believe achiever have no-life because they achiev stuff? Instead of doing something else on WoW...

Anyway, you sir are surely fucking stupid.

Edit: BTW 2Man Flying Mount, Explorer achiev takes less then 10 hours and is about 800+ Achiev pts.

Yes sir that is exactly what I believe. Please. ;)

Well you're clearly fucking retarded, that's all I have to say.
People are really getting worked up over this? Interesting...
Sharper said:
Who said anything about "secret" Blizzard test? Can't get away from conspiracy theories even with the simple, straightforward explanation.

Don't get me wrong, Riv. I like almost everything you have to say.

Perhaps I read it wrong but it seemed like you were implying that blizzard activity/fuck up was to blame.
So I happened to get a pop in AB last night and decided to try and find out what all the hooplah was about. I tried to cast in the the water & it wasn't fishy at all. hmm damn that 2.1 patch
Rivfader said:
Perhaps I read it wrong but it seemed like you were implying that blizzard activity/fuck up was to blame.

Yeah, I did. But, I never suggested it was "secret" testing. I'm sure they test stuff out all the time. Ofc they do it behind-the-scenes so as not to interfere with game play. But, it just seems obvious when you see 15 of the same toon with testbone, testbtwo, etc., that some sort of testing is going on. For example, I often see test stories from the Associated Press that are inadvertently posted to live websites. Occam's razor applies here.

Lol, Secclusion, see what you started !? (Kidding, of course.) Please fan the flames now that my nerdrage has dissipated by making ambiuous posts mentioning being in debt for the purchase of 15 computers, etc.

The whole achievement debate is funny, too, given that very few achievements are the result of individual effort or actual accomplishment.
Secclusion said:
So I happened to get a pop in AB last night and decided to try and find out what all the hooplah was about. I tried to cast in the the water & it wasn't fishy at all. hmm damn that 2.1 patch

Rofl! .
I was queued for most of the day on the 27th and got one achievement - a mere AB win, as horde. Out of ~25 games, ~half ended due to lack of players on the horde side. There was a full group 15 aside popping at the same time so I reckon there were around 25 ppl each side queuing most of the day and it was random if you got the in full group or the leftovers. I can believe Alliance got more achieves merely by having the greater numbers most of the time and zerging, maybe. I met the warlocks bots en masse once. I met Rantcasey in one game and we had a quick chat, he linked me the 6 mins achieve for AB and he said he'd has a couple of 'great games'. My point is...if there truely is a us-wide AB battlegroup, and I was there, getting the whole suite of ab achieves in a single day is slightly ... miraculous.

looking forward to the next AB CTA
you guys are funny, why would they test something in xp off 19 bracket on LIVE? The achievement whores are clearly the source, and who cares?
Neuqfaut said:
you guys are funny, why would they test something in xp off 19 bracket on LIVE? The achievement whores are clearly the source, and who cares?

This .

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