Something Fishy Going on in AB

like fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists are generally immune to logic, but anyway here goes.

What makes more sense:

a) Blizz employee testing something out would make a team of all the same race and class with sequential names b/c they're just test bots anyway and gonna be deleted. Same employee makes bonehead mistake and doesn't keep them out of queue system or delete them in time for AB weekend. Players get into AB, notice the weirdness, and pick up a few cheap achievements.

b) Some guy after achievements wants to advertise what he's doing by choosing all the same race, giving toons obviously fake names, and choosing AB weekend when twinks will actually be in the BG rather than any other time when the BG would be empty. He figures out how to run 16 accounts on one computer, uses 16 computers or he enlists the help of 15 friends. And he decides to make sure everyone knows what he did and lets lots of other people get the same achievements he's worked so hard for by continuing to keep the fake toons in the BG all weekend.

Speaking of conspiracy theories.... I almost feel like there's a big conspiracy to troll me because it's too hard to believe so many posters above are so foolish that I feel like someone figured out how much I nerdrage at utter stupidity and got a bunch of people to add to this ridiculous thread with seemingly earnest posts.
ah the spelling pay out, did u have to go to school to learn that one?

I dont care about q time or if they dont use there bots again.

I dont like BG's achievments faked, cause ppl link the WSG or now AB achevement to a guild or person as skill,

lvl 1, 10-19 and up can fake wat eva they want just not them.
Lets get 14 people with me horde side to make a trial on alliance each and we can all cheese achievements together. All in favor say "aye".
Am i allowed to laugh? all this for an achievement is hilarious!! Let him be, and join WSG wich is a better (no mount/twink) BG than AB.
Haha true that, i mean i was upset yesterday because i was getting booted from the BG's for no reason... well thats fine i guess i just queued WSG and it was over... haha if the dude wanted the achievements that bad then its fine! I like WSG for 19 wayyy better anyways AB is tooo much moving around without a mount and idk about horde side (doesnt seem this way for horde haha) but its hard enough to get 10 alliance players all on the same page to win a pug BG... 15 people in a BG like AB would be ridiculous hahaha im fine with sticking to WSG for now...
Sharper said:
like fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists are generally immune to logic, but anyway here goes.

What makes more sense:

a) Blizz employee testing something out would make a team of all the same race and class with sequential names b/c they're just test bots anyway and gonna be deleted. Same employee makes bonehead mistake and doesn't keep them out of queue system or delete them in time for AB weekend. Players get into AB, notice the weirdness, and pick up a few cheap achievements.

b) Some guy after achievements wants to advertise what he's doing by choosing all the same race, giving toons obviously fake names, and choosing AB weekend when twinks will actually be in the BG rather than any other time when the BG would be empty. He figures out how to run 16 accounts on one computer, uses 16 computers or he enlists the help of 15 friends. And he decides to make sure everyone knows what he did and lets lots of other people get the same achievements he's worked so hard for by continuing to keep the fake toons in the BG all weekend.

Speaking of conspiracy theories.... I almost feel like there's a big conspiracy to troll me because it's too hard to believe so many posters above are so foolish that I feel like someone figured out how much I nerdrage at utter stupidity and got a bunch of people to add to this ridiculous thread with seemingly earnest posts.

Sharper said:
like fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists are generally immune to logic, but anyway here goes.

What makes more sense:

a) Blizz employee testing something out would make a team of all the same race and class with sequential names b/c they're just test bots anyway and gonna be deleted. Same employee makes bonehead mistake and doesn't keep them out of queue system or delete them in time for AB weekend. Players get into AB, notice the weirdness, and pick up a few cheap achievements.

b) Some guy after achievements wants to advertise what he's doing by choosing all the same race, giving toons obviously fake names, and choosing AB weekend when twinks will actually be in the BG rather than any other time when the BG would be empty. He figures out how to run 16 accounts on one computer, uses 16 computers or he enlists the help of 15 friends. And he decides to make sure everyone knows what he did and lets lots of other people get the same achievements he's worked so hard for by continuing to keep the fake toons in the BG all weekend.

Speaking of conspiracy theories.... I almost feel like there's a big conspiracy to troll me because it's too hard to believe so many posters above are so foolish that I feel like someone figured out how much I nerdrage at utter stupidity and got a bunch of people to add to this ridiculous thread with seemingly earnest posts.

It bothers me that you think that the warlocks being part of some secret blizzard test is more plausible than someone multiboxing trials to cheese achievements.
Antísocial said:
Guys I know why it so many warlock. One or two or mote people want achievement in arathi basis and it need many accout so u can do it easily without other person take flag for fast win game with this they can ignore winning arathi basis battleground and just go for the world of warcraft achievements points. I will show u exampel.

u r ally and stay at BS and cap flag.

u r horde and stay watch the ally cap flag-

now u horde recap flag so it says you defend flag.

it is many achievement with this things cap 3 flags in one game or cap and assult flags in one game or cap total 50flags in arathi basis battleground.

PM me if you wanna know more about what they doing because i know exactly what is going on /flex ;)

wow nice! here we have the answer:O
No names but ive been chatting to someone doing this, i wisperd my mate who is bad for farming BG's asking if he knew about it and said him and a group are doing it too (dont know about anyone else). but they playing it smart and spreading there ach over time so it look more legit. it is happening.
Your friend makes it sound as if someone is going to have their achievements removed which simply won't happen. Blizzard let the Wrathful Scumbags keep their R1s in most cases, what makes you think they'll give 2 shits about some random ass 19s faking some achievements?

Stop getting this false sense of importance, no one cares.
dude i never said that they get them takin away i said more legit, meanig more legit to other players . if you see a full WSG ach list with 1 date on it would you be stupid enuff to believe it? they speading the dates out to look more legit to other PLAYERS. who gives a fuk about GM's.
Lovestotwink said:
dude i never said that they get them takin away i said more legit, meanig more legit to other players . if you see a full WSG with 1 date on it would you be stupid enuff to believe it? they speading the dates out to look more legit to other PLAYERS. who gives a fuk about GM's.

The stupidity shown by your thought processes is simply astounding.

Who cares if people think they're legitimate achievements or not?
Rivfader said:
...some secret blizzard test...

Who said anything about "secret" Blizzard test? Can't get away from conspiracy theories even with the simple, straightforward explanation.

Don't get me wrong, Riv. I like almost everything you have to say.
I got my rogue powered to 19 via recruit a friend. is my level ten achievement not legit? lol

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