Something Fishy Going on in AB

These people niini i cannot help it makes me think about how retarded the world has become go learn some common sense seriously.
<3 Earthroots ^~
True achievements take time. Not massive amounts of trial accts. But whatever Earfroots and Secclusion got what they came for. Maybe next we will see the "first" 19 "bloodthirsty" lol. O and Grats to Secclusion for being #1 even if you cheated =P
Well, It's not cheating in the fact that it's Achievements. What I mean is that, what ever you do to get it, if you get it, it's great. If you explore all by yourself or get someone with a mount to help you out, it's the same thing, at the end you get the same amount on achievements. I didn't get any achievement more because I soloed eastern and kalimdor on my level 10, nope, nothing more. It would have taken atleast 100 hours less with someone helping me. Same thing goes here. The amount of time required to get all these achievements, especially when BG isn't even popping would be impossible. I remember, one of my friend during BC did all the AB achievement at 29, and he played a lot and A LOT and I think it took him about 6 months. That was during BC, where BG were popping every single minute. Imagine with 1-2 AB a week, Hello.... Several years? Yes it could have been done more legit, but you know.. I have difficulties getting one WoW friend to help me grinding sporregar rep! Imagine getting 29 Friends to Q AB just so I can get Achiev, GG.

Btw, Earthroots, It is possible to get perfect score without mount. I have it on my mage 29 back in BC where they didn't have mount and same goes to my friend I was talking about previously. Basically, you get like 3-4 persons at the same time, (Mostly Druid and Shammy at that level) All of them going straight for the flag, Speed Pot, pop CD to kill everyone there, and boom possible. It was indeed one of the hardest and one the last achievement I got.The only one that took me more time was Exalted with AB, so you get the point.
Guys I know why it so many warlock. One or two or mote people want achievement in arathi basis and it need many accout so u can do it easily without other person take flag for fast win game with this they can ignore winning arathi basis battleground and just go for the world of warcraft achievements points. I will show u exampel.

u r ally and stay at BS and cap flag.

u r horde and stay watch the ally cap flag-

now u horde recap flag so it says you defend flag.

it is many achievement with this things cap 3 flags in one game or cap and assult flags in one game or cap total 50flags in arathi basis battleground.

PM me if you wanna know more about what they doing because i know exactly what is going on /flex ;)
Antísocial said:
Guys I know why it so many warlock. One or two or mote people want achievement in arathi basis and it need many accout so u can do it easily without other person take flag for fast win game with this they can ignore winning arathi basis battleground and just go for the world of warcraft achievements points. I will show u exampel.

u r ally and stay at BS and cap flag.

u r horde and stay watch the ally cap flag-

now u horde recap flag so it says you defend flag.

it is many achievement with this things cap 3 flags in one game or cap and assult flags in one game or cap total 50flags in arathi basis battleground.

PM me if you wanna know more about what they doing because i know exactly what is going on /flex ;)

A light among darkness
Should get a mod to see IP of that buddy.
notoriousthf said:
In the end, though, they didn't get those achievements fairly. It's a disgrace.


The worst part is that he/they don't admit it. Like I quote on the other topic :

Earthroots said:
:eek: we would never do that.

So that's already a very bad point regardless of it being deemed ok or not.

And for me it's not OK. And people saying "world explorer" is the same thing. It is not, it is aknowledged by most people that when you see someone with world explorer there is 99% chance he used a 2 sitters and or a summon. So forget it, pve achievs, you can use any means except botting (which is obviously against the EULA), pvp achievs, it's pvp.

And let's face it, if this is ok, then farming to 250k is ok too. And it's even worse... I'm not gonna get into that in details...

The afk report abuse also point out the mentality of the people who did this...

Everybody knows who did this anyway... he just brought a big cloud upon himself

Turtlezyo said:
brb wintrading to r1 and say in my defence that it's just because i wanted achievement

That's exactly that, right on.
Xâar did this same thing a week before these nerds, why is everyone now saying that this is wrong?

They were fags long before this. No reason to hate on them for one lone reason :p
Achievements = Love it.
na ppl that do this are loosers with no life, it not hard at all to set up mulitple account, why do ppl think wow is hard and that they gotta fake BG achievements. ive never been into achievments unless they give u something like a title or tabard or pet etc. ppl are not stupid and just like fresh prince was called on that stupid photo he tryed to pass of as a twink battle, this guy will be called out on his/her AB acievements cause it to soon from AB releasse and there no pops to get a full list of achievements, so if the person every brings them out and say look at me i will be one of the first to trash the shit out of the losser.
Lovestotwink said:
na ppl that do this are loosers with no life, it not hard at all to set up mulitple account, why do ppl think wow is hard and that they gotta fake BG achievements. ive never been into achievments unless they give u something like a title or tabard or pet etc. ppl are not stupid and just like fresh prince was called on that stupid photo he tryed to pass of as a twink battle, this guy will be called out on his/her AB acievements cause it to soon from AB releasse and there no pops so if the person every brings them out and say look at me i will be one of the first to trash the shit out of the losser.

When posting in the future, have your mother come check your posts before you butcher the English language. Please and thanks.

In other news: Not sure why anyone cares this much.. ideally Secclusion & Co. will stop using these bots or whatever as soon as they have all their achievements, which it looks like it does.

SSB64 said:
Why the fuck do you guys care about his achievements so much? Hop off IMO

Never seen a post truer than this.

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