Something Fishy Going on in AB

Is that why AB has said between <1min - 5min today? I was all excited, but I guess if 15 locks are queuein together, I'd never get in.
I had the same thing happen over the weekend: TestBotOne, TestBotTwo, etc. Looks like some minor programming error that resulted in test bots somehow not being excluded from the queue system. I saw the locks' minions in the building at the Farm, too.

Funny, tho, sucks to get reported AFK during that and missing out on a few free honor points. I guess if you get reported AFK you can retaliate by reporting everyone else in the bg...

A far bigger problem is running into a Horde premade that is almost certainly using Vent and getting utterly destroyed to the point where the whole Ally team can't get out of the starting-base GY.

Communication is key in AB and Vent is a monstrous advantage. When used by a team that already has their roles down and works together well, it is at the same time a beautiful and ugly thing.

The REAL "fishy" thing in AB, imo, is three-minute queues and games shutting down for lack of players. Odd that Blizz has the games starting with too few players and such short queues. Are there three games going on at the same time, each with 10 total players? I think there's a little queue bug in there.
Sharper said:
I had the same thing happen over the weekend: TestBotOne, TestBotTwo, etc. Looks like some minor programming error that resulted in test bots somehow not being excluded from the queue system. I saw the locks' minions in the building at the Farm, too.

Funny, tho, sucks to get reported AFK during that and missing out on a few free honor points. I guess if you get reported AFK you can retaliate by reporting everyone else in the bg...

True that.. :/
Honestly i feel like this whole AB weekend thing messed up the bracket a little... now people are queuing for AB and WSG both and neither are getting consistent queues to pop and the AB's end after 5 min because there arent enough people.. people should start just queueing WSG again because 1. it wasnt that bad and 2. we dont have a large enough pool of twinks in this bracket to consistently do both...
Vincent said:

In the past i've paid to faction change and get gear for just +3 stam and a little str. I guess you could get 14 trial accounts activated or pay for 14 accounts to get achievments in AB and it would kinda be the same thing. It's not really a new low it's just a way of twinking and achievment twinks actually have quite a big following. Even I don't mind getting certain achievments. I guess there is a certain stigma attached to finding a way around the system to get these artificially or not get them legitimately but whatever floats your boat. I would argue that getting "we had it all along, *cough*" in a real game is so much more fun than rigging the system.
Grabco said:
I guess pay for 14 accounts to get achievments in AB is a reasonable thing to do.

Well that says a little about you dont you think?

faction changing to get gear is one thing since it still gives you an advantage pvp-wise (which 19's are all about, otherwise you can make a lvl 1). But plan all that shit and ruin those games for the rest of the players just so that you could get some achievements which would still be possible to get in an honest way, thats just selfish and pathetic. No respect what so ever for whoever did that, also ruined the status of their achievement-points when you've cheated your way to it.

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