Some information on Retribution Paladins in 5.3

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False alarm guys ret sucks go back to your prot pallys, hpallys, rdruids, surv hunters, druids, rogues etc.

This is what I get for trying to promote a spec everyone assumes is underpowered.
omg ret pwn all class

ok ret doesnt pwn all class cus i actually said this in my edited op

omg i do 400 dps

ok i do 70 dps cus actually skada mislead me

i accept any 1v1 challenge

ok i dont accept any 1v1 challenge cus actually hunter op
omg ret pwn all class

ok ret doesnt pwn all class cus i actually said this in my edited op

omg i do 400 dps

ok i do 70 dps cus actually skada mislead me

i accept any 1v1 challenge

ok i dont accept any 1v1 challenge cus actually hunter op

Is that supposed to be a joke?
So what we've all learned now is don't make a thread when your whole OP is wrong and don't get mad and accuse others of trolling when they prove you wrong..

Common Neon you should know both of those by now.. Ret is UP compared to prots and Hpals. No1 has said not to play one but if you are comparing the 3 specs in terms of usefulness ret is pretty easily the worst however probably the most fun
I am not stupid enough to provide incorrect details, it's just sometimes I wish ret was playable again.
your profile pic scares me
Stop trolling me Hurrx people like you won't understand, just pm your realid so we can 1v1 on Monday.
my real id? i asked to borrow an account cus i obviously dont have one on us myself
Ret is playable. As Lil said it is more UP than the other specs. But it is fun for reasons not listed in your OP. Point out the ACTUAL positives of the spec instead of your "exaggerated" or flat out lies listed in your OP and people might actually believe you and try it out!
From what i've seem playing my paladin as ret.....they have fairly good dps

Cs hit 100-200 and Tv hit 250-600
Judgement is like 160-375
( with berserking buff and darkmoon power up)

and their off healing did go up to 3.3k
they are good enough just that the dmg recieved from hunts make the hp drop really fast!!
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