SOLUTIONS to fix the faction imbalance in this bracket


1. sticky at the top of this forum encouraging *EVERYONE* to roll or re-roll horde 20 twinks to fix the numerical twink faction imbalance

2. sticky at the top of this forum EXPLICITLY stating that 20 twinks in this community should avoid wsg unless they are grouped. this way the glut of alliance twinks will not be able to get regular WSG pops and farm horde f2p noobs

3. sticky at the top of this forum with a WEEKLY SCHEDULE that outlines SPECIFIC times that we can all try to queue WSG, AB, or arenas on set times on set days. this way we can push the scrubs out of our queues and have good games

for example:

Monday - WSG from 3pm-9pm EST

Tuesday - AB from 3pm-9pm EST

Wednesday - Arenas from 3pm-9pm EST


these are the SOLUTIONS that i suggest to try to fix the faction imbalance that is ruining so many of our pub games in this bracket. i encourage everyone to post their own. if you'd like, i can add them all to this original post so we can discuss them easier.
allahkazam said:
I disagree completely with #2 and consider it basically giving in and giving up to a playstyle that should never be supported. We don't negotiate with terrorists and we damn sure don't give in to GY farming scum by playing AB exclusively.

i understand this sentiment, and i mostly agree with you. but we don't have to play AB exclusively. we can have multiple planned WSG days per week, where there will be enough horde TWINKS queuing that the games will be more even.

and you don't have to avoid pub WSG entirely on the off days - you can always queue with a group - this way you'll be able to put up a fight vs the 6 hunters in every game. i know that you do this already on your 24s ; )
C O T U S said:
1. sticky at the top of this forum encouraging *EVERYONE* to roll or re-roll horde 20 twinks to fix the numerical twink faction imbalance.

You do know that there's more f2p twinks horde online on AP than alliance? I think this imbalance will change soon.

C O T U S said:
2. sticky at the top of this forum EXPLICITLY stating that 20 twinks in this community should avoid wsg unless they are grouped. this way the glut of alliance twinks will not be able to get regular WSG pops and farm horde f2p noobs

3. sticky at the top of this forum with a WEEKLY SCHEDULE that outlines SPECIFIC times that we can all try to queue WSG, AB, or arenas on set times on set days. this way we can push the scrubs out of our queues and have good games

for example:

Monday - WSG from 3pm-9pm EST

Tuesday - AB from 3pm-9pm EST

Wednesday - Arenas from 3pm-9pm EST


these are the SOLUTIONS that i suggest to try to fix the faction imbalance that is ruining so many of our pub games in this bracket. i encourage everyone to post their own. if you'd like, i can add them all to this original post so we can discuss them easier.

No just no, people wont follow this and we don't want rules which battlegrounds we wanna play.
Hiidden said:
You do know that there's more f2p twinks horde online on AP than alliance? I think this imbalance will change soon.

On AP yes, but it's the non-TI twinks where alliance has waaay greater numbers.

That and the fact that horde has way more newbie trials that pvp. It is a well known fact that new players that choose alliance are more likely to be pve oriented.
Why all this QQ, them farmers dont read this forum. Why concern about something you cant and will never stop?

Your main focus should be to get your boa's from that hell and then quit pugging. We are twinks, we do it for the sportmanship... or dont we? Wargames is the place for us... not that stupid pug battleground sjit. We are a community and we have the power to do WARGAMES and make our own rules... Let others rot in pugs and farm what ever...

Dont care! and have fun with the people from our community, but there is allready to much hate between people for different reasons and the more reason for me to make a seperate non public forum for just nice people with some understanding and organize wargames, ab wsg arenas, that way. Its an idea to look into and ill ask arround if people are interested in a lesser annoying, public w/e environment.

Im getting sick of all this crap while there is a solution allready for fixing it.
I think over time it'll work itself out. I was alliance originally and while fishing & waiting for the 12 minute Q time someone mentioned that horde has 1-2 min Q times.

It was a fairly new toon, no BoAs yet, so I immediately rerolled.

I suppose that if Alliance wants decreased Q times, the social obligation falls to them to advise would-be companions in BG that they should roll horde and be opponents. This needs to happen before those toons really get geared up.

But personally, from the PoV of horde?

I'm ok with the decreased Q times.

Long ally Q times contribute to them being better geared then us overall, that is the only downside: If the Q time for DPS in BG or WSG is over 10 min on ally, and 1 min and >10 min respectively for horde, then obviously horde will tend to spend less time in dungeons. "Why wait 10 minutes to get some action, when I can wait 1?" is presumably the sentiment for many of the 700 hp horde 20s that we are forced to play with.

I tank at least 1 dungeon per day to help alleviate the problem and decrease PvE Q times for horde, and I abandon said party if I don't see any trial accounts.
allahkazam said:
Yeah a 125-23 record in BGs is TOTALLY balanced. I mean gosh your face must get tired of being stuck on your keyboard all that time! 87-14 in WSG too it's no wonder you have BoAs already.

Are you referring to Shockur? Me and him have had our disagreements but he's an optimal player. We've stomped his team and he still comes out with 30-60 honor. He's not getting carried by an imbalance.


My stats have been pretty even;

Arathi Basin battles 26

Arathi Basin victories 19

Warsong Gulch battles 24

Warsong Gulch victories 12

Battlegrounds played 50

Battlegrounds won 31
allahkazam said:
talking to the dwarf shaman. of the few alliance i thought to check that was by far the best win rate. i don't even have win rates like that on my 19 that queues with no 3-4 other people every time i play.

Oh, alright, You didn't quote and I thought you were referring to Shock, I was like :0 bad form! Haha.
so far there have been:

0 (zero) other suggestions

6 (six) posts that have done nothing but flame each other

seriously, guys. come on. you want to help this bracket or not?
allahkazam said:
talking to the dwarf shaman. of the few alliance i thought to check that was by far the best win rate. i don't even have win rates like that on my 19 that queues with no 3-4 other people every time i play.

I didn't play for 3 weeks mate, so it's totally different now. This was the first week blizz released f2p endless.
allahkazam said:
the real solutions are to roll horde, even if it's a mirror twink on horde. with more people gearing up horde toons it will balance things out more. i don't believe abandoning WSG is the right thing to do.

^ This is pretty much it. You can't force players to abide by a schedule and expect results. Balance the bracket with numbers, not by expecting players to do things, we can't even expect people to do things IN the battlegrounds, much less for the best interest of the bracket.
So.. yea it's right that the people who farm in BG's most likely are not registered in this forum and doesn't even care about this bracket I guess 'cuz they just wanna pvp and might have a P2P account to play on which ran outta time...

We should try first to gear those 500 - 700 hp Hordes up most likely 'cuz most of 'em got atleast decent skill and are no (no offense at Thirk :D) freakin' S-Key-Hugging-Huntard I really see some warlocks in bg's which Fear the healer etc. but they still get flamed cuz of their HP even though they have better gameplay then (WATCH OUT! :D) our nice little 24 2k health+ Twinks....

SO my suggestion Gear those guys up first. :D

Second yea really communicate with the people who start on the server as allies and tell them that it's totally over filled that horde has no chance that u have 10 times higher Q time then them etc. something might change then.
yep, suggestion #1 in the original post. i'm glad you guys agree. if you agreed with it, why didn't you just post that in the first place, instead of starting another pointless argument?

in an ideal world, we could implement #1 and this problem would gradually solve itself. all it would take is 5 minutes of a mod's time. hell, make me a mod, i'll make the sticky, and then you can take it away again.
Throwing more players (especially newer players) at the horde won't fix the win ratios one bit, if anything it will make it worse.

I might get some heat for this but I'd actually encourage anyone that wants "e-z winz" to roll alliance, it only takes a day to level up and get viable gear so go ahead.

In the end the truly skilled players who want a challenge and know they can carry their team might try out the horde with the incentive of quick queues...

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