Solutions for a balanced bracket

so you want an award for playing hunter?
so you want an award for playing hunter?

If that's all that you got out of that sentence then you're not looking for a discussion and I don't like feeding trolls.
If that's all that you got out of that sentence then you're not looking for a discussion and I don't like feeding trolls.

people, especially f2ps rolled op classes since day one and they will continue till the servers shut down, i think you should know that since you are "a big name" in this bracket.
This bracket has always had fotm classes, from cata and hunters to the recent reign of ferals and monks and therefore there will always be op classes. Since people dont want balanced gameplay there wont be balanced gameplay. Many have the 'i must pwn' attitude resulting in rerolling fotm classes so just embrace the madness.
5. MOST IMPORTANTLY: F2P need to learn to stop being scum and rolling only the most OP shit. Lil and I are the only big name hunters that I see still consistently playing our hunters. The rest of you play rets, ferals, monks and warriors. You can't bitch about 29s if that's all you do. Arena games would be a lot better if everyone wasn't an OP as hell spec.

Please explain how this is a problem to be laid at F2Ps feet, when P2Ps do this as well, in every bracket.

It greatly weakens your argument to try to pass this off as an F2P sin. You should know better.

P.S.: If everyone was OP as hell, then no one would be OP as hell. Didn't you see The Incredibles?
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ROll what you like, but dont roll it because its OP, roll it because you like it.
For instance, i played feral when WoD launched, yeah i played it be4 , in MoP. But now i rarely play it, why?, well, lets say i want something to shake me up, something different. And now, i rarely play my druid, i keep playing my Demo Lock because its really cool and i LIKE playing with him.
Chaos Bolt does less damage than MM's aimed shot. I think Chaos Bolt is fine right now, it only hit me for 400 non crit.

No a chaos bolt that takes6-7 incenerates and 3 second cast time for 8-900 damage is INSANE specially with the 3.5k ferocious bites... or the BM monks having 9k hp 6k shields unlimited slow and INSANE damage.... The chaos bolts needs a nerf since it crits 100% Unsure how clear I have to be before you understand the power of a warlock
Please explain how this is a problem to be laid at F2Ps feet, when P2Ps do this as well, in every bracket.

It greatly weakens your argument to try to pass this off as an F2P sin. You should know better.

P.S.: If everyone was OP as hell, then no one would be OP as hell. Didn't you see The Incredibles?

It's not just an F2P problem but I see 6 F2P teams for ever 1 P2P team I see in arena. Games would be a lot better if all 6 of those teams were not feral druids. I feel like you argue with me just to argue with me -.-
Chaos Bolt does less damage than MM's aimed shot. I think Chaos Bolt is fine right now, it only hit me for 400 non crit.

Chaos bolt is a guaranteed crit. I don't remember it hitting on the 900s. I think chaos bolt is fine, with the long cast time, there's more than enough time to try to line/interrupt/cc it to stop that damage. Getting it off sure is rewarding.
I see 6 F2P teams for ever 1 P2P team I see in arena.

This is just a theory, but, that might be because you're playing in the F2P bracket.

I feel like you argue with me just to argue with me -.-

No it's actually because I have a secret crush on you. Ooops, secret's out!

No, seriously, I'd call out anyone who I thought was levelling an unfair accusation at a particular group (in this case, F2Ps) but it appears that you're acknowledging that it isn't an F2P sin, so to speak, but it's an everyone sin and you just happen to see more F2Ps doing it because you're in a bracket that is mainly F2Ps. So I'm more okay with that approach, though I still feel like you might have been more careful in your original statement to not appear as if you were making this an F2P vs P2P argument. Cheers.
This is just a theory, but, that might be because you're playing in the F2P bracket.

No it's actually because I have a secret crush on you. Ooops, secret's out!

No, seriously, I'd call out anyone who I thought was levelling an unfair accusation at a particular group (in this case, F2Ps) but it appears that you're acknowledging that it isn't an F2P sin, so to speak, but it's an everyone sin and you just happen to see more F2Ps doing it because you're in a bracket that is mainly F2Ps. So I'm more okay with that approach, though I still feel like you might have been more careful in your original statement to not appear as if you were making this an F2P vs P2P argument. Cheers.

Actually, it's because the F2P's are playing in his bracket. The F2Ps don't own anything, they don't even pay rent.
Actually, it's because the F2P's are playing in his bracket. The F2Ps don't own anything, they don't even pay rent.

Okay, "in the bracket where the F2Ps are, who happen to vastly outnumber P2Ps, though no one actually owns the bracket." Is that better? Stirrer of nonexistent controversy?

P.S.: Unless I'm mistaken and something's changed, Hardwell plays F2P anyway, so really please don't butt in where it doesn't concern you.
How to completely balance the game is to make all the skills similar, basically making everyone into one class. That way people won't cry, right?
No but seriously, the game cannot be that balanced because all the classes and specs are different from one and another and if Blizzard managed to completely balance the game there will still be people that will complain.
Kincade said:
Okay, "in the bracket where the F2Ps are, who happen to vastly outnumber P2Ps, though no one actually owns the bracket." Is that better? Stirrer of nonexistent controversy?

Vastly outnumber? BGs aren't popping nearly as often as they were before 6.0. This tells me two things:

1. A majority of the F2Ps have quit or moved onto a different bracket.

2. It's only a matter of time before the few of you who are left get fed up and stop queuing on trial accounts.

It's already to the point where I am seeing the same teams over and over again in Skirms, and seeing a healthy number of 29s in BGs.

Kincade said:
P.S.: Unless I'm mistaken and something's changed, Hardwell plays F2P anyway, so really please don't butt in where it doesn't concern you.

Don't butt in to a public discussion on a public forum on the internet, which is accessible by over a billion people around the world....

Maybe you should use the private message feature?

billy said:
How to completely balance the game is to make all the skills similar, basically making everyone into one class. That way people won't cry, right?
No but seriously, the game cannot be that balanced because all the classes and specs are different from one and another and if Blizzard managed to completely balance the game there will still be people that will complain.

This is untrue. Classes being different does not lead to imbalance. Classes have to be different or else there is no reason to have classes in the first place. Every class boils down to the same mechanics anyway: damage, healing, CC, utility, ect. What differentiates these classes is how those mechanics are flavored. You know it's a mage CCing you because you're a hapless sheep wandering around for a minute. You know it's a druid healing you because he's running around changing into different animals and throwing hots on everyone.

The balance issue comes with the numbers associated with mechanics. For instance, if a feral druid's relative damage output over 30 seconds is significantly higher than a fury warrior's, both being controlled by players of equal skill using optimal rotations, that's a balance problem. All one needs to do is identify the median numbers of all classes, plot them on a chart showing the lowest to highest, and they can begin tuning things accordingly. Blizzard just happens to ignore that part of game design when it comes to class balance.

They literally make some changes, push them live, and wait for players to prove how overpowered/underpowered a class or spec is. Then they make some more changes, push them live, and wait. This cycle leads to the wild imbalances we see today.
Okay, "in the bracket where the F2Ps are, who happen to vastly outnumber P2Ps, though no one actually owns the bracket." Is that better? Stirrer of nonexistent controversy?

P.S.: Unless I'm mistaken and something's changed, Hardwell plays F2P anyway, so really please don't butt in where it doesn't concern you.

Yeah still F2P but anyway, how does my point not make sense then? If it's mostly F2P I see, and they are all OP specs then how is the criticism of "be the change you want to be" misplaced? If everyone but the p2ps played balanced classes 6 out of 7 games would be amazing..

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