Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest? i wanted to make a 19 twink i heared u guys are really good
When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild? 19 twinks dueling about month ago
How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket? just started to but also played 19 bracket with my old rouge for 5 days of game play
How long have you been playing WoW? 2 years
Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19? no
In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself? i dont really know anyone that plays feral druid FC
What addons do you use on your twink? bartender
Do you use keybinds and macros? If so, what kinds? yes i do,i have everything keybinded my mouse buttons the letter F,C,R,T, and X
Picture of your twink's UI: i was trying to do this but it dont work
Armory of your twink:
Fatblunts @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft