US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

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are you sure that's a woman?
On a scale 1-10 (10 easiest) how easy is it to get into the guild if you meat all the requirements and been twinking sence WotLK
ßlÃ￾nk said:
On a scale 1-10 (10 easiest) how easy is it to get into the guild if you meat all the requirements and been twinking sence WotLK

Easiest way to join (10) is to link your 19.
As far as i can see WT standards have dropped a little bit. Not calling people in the guild trash but it seems like Pizza has been less focused abt *hardcore* recruiting.
Sunday's videos of the week #12:


Cheers Rihanna


I love hearing peoples' reflections on 9/11.
Wednesday's screenshot of the week #13:

Only 19 in the game with Mojo.

"On January 27 2008, a bug enabled characters of any level to obtain Mojo upon doing a /kiss emote to Prigmon. The bug was hotfixed a few hours later on the same day, however characters who received Mojo in this manner were allowed to keep him."

So basically you're admitting to bug abuse. Interesting choice for MVP Ink.
Sunday's videos of the week #13:


<3 Avril Lavigne


A puppet video by YFM. This is a first.
Dang is this the minecraft picture thread? Daaannng!


This is my Mr. Slave Minecraft skin I made. Isn't he glorious?
Wednesday's screenshot of the week #14:

Deadpetcity is my #1 fan.
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