US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

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Normally camping should be looked down upon ... but since it's Xenaria ...

Why are you applying to join Waw Tawent? What sparked your interest?

I've been looking for something like this for a while. Waw Tawent is pretty much exactly what I've been looking for. I love PVPing and playing with other good PVPers, especially on 19 twinks.

When was the first time you heard about or noticed our guild?

I've heard about Waw Tawent alot on wow as a good twinking guild. I also started seeing people talk about it on this forum.

How long have you been playing in the 19 bracket?

Since early BC!

How long have you been playing WoW?

I joined in patch 1.12.0

Have you or do you play in another bracket other than 19?

Yes, I play in 85, I have a retadin with s10

In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?


What addons do you use on your twink?

bartender, titan panel, sexymap, xperl, recount, quartz, BamMod, skeen,

Do you use keybinds and macros? If so, what kinds?

i keybind all my spells and use some useful macros like pvp trinket and bubble, etc.

Picture of your twink's UI:


Armory of your twink:

i have gold so i wont really be needing funding for anything

Thanks! Hopefully you like my application <3
o im not in wt lol, just saying thats one of the reqs, make a toon on bleeding hollow, pizza is online now
you're either a retard or a troll.. cant tell which just yet
I think that recruiting perfectly BiS chars is flat out silly. You seem close enough to me, good luck getting in.

For the horde!

PS: What makes his post retarded, Sani?
In comparison to other players, who also play your class, how would you compare yourself?


That. Run along now, you're worthless.
Sunday's videos of the week #8:


Actually enjoyed this video. Possibly my new favorite YourFavoriteMartian video.


One of my favorite videos when I was growing up.
Pizza said:
Sunday's videos of the week #8:


Actually enjoyed this video. Possibly my new favorite YourFavoriteMartian video.


One of my favorite videos when I was growing up.

What did your parents think of your wow/porn addiction when you were growing up. I'm wondering because I might be suffering from the same problem. Thanks a lot.
Wednesday's screenshot of the week #9:

Updated picture of my UI/bags.
Sunday's videos of the week #9:


D-Pryde, man I found out about him this week. An excellent Asian rapper that came up through YouTube. Check out his latest mixtape if you like this little clip he did.


This could possibly be the worst show on the internet, but it's fun to watch each installment every week.
Wednesday's screenshot of the week #10:

First player in the world to reach 5,000 WSG wins.
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