Skill is BOP


Does anyone know/remember the guild Skill is BOP on Akama? Guild leader's name was Tiesto. Just wonderin :D
Hmm I was in that guild at one point..wasn't too involved. but i liked the name :p idk just wonderin if maybe any of my old guildies happened to be on this website..but whats so funny? was it a scrub ass
I believe he was undead? Maybe he race changed lol i quit a looooong time ago hahah
^Actually your'e right he was a troll before, then he switched to undead. lol mah bad
Yeah i was friends with Aoe and Insulin lol good players..
Hey Søber, I am one of the founding members of Skill is BOP. The guild leader was Tiesto, who was always a troll rogue. We ran multiple premades, and even twink world pvp battles against other well established twink guilds over the years, including victories over the top alliance twinking guilds at the time. Many members from the guild are still in touch with each other including Tiesto and many of the officers, anybody wishing to get in touch should send me a message. Our guild was rivalled by Mayhem on Akama for many years which Tiesto and I battled with Mayhem on <3. Aoe was an officer of Skill is BOP at a time, and actually led his own twinking guild on alliance on a different server, and joined Skill is BOP after premading and losing to them. Many of our players are still active, and anybody who wants information regarding the guild and players associated should try and contact me.
Skill is BoP was a fun guild that didn't come with the bad attitude of many of Mayhem's members.

k .

Our guild simply was/is formed by and for elitists. We don't/didn't just accept anyone. Skeying is a guild kick. The guild never was about making new friends or being friendly... sounds like a qq
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k .

Our guild simply was/is formed by and for elitists. We don't/didn't just accept anyone. Skeying is a guild kick. The guild never was about making new friends or being friendly... sounds like a qq

Watch out we got a bad ass over here.

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