Skill is BOP

Hixxy (my brother) dragged my ass over to the computer to look at this thread cause he thought it was funny. I love how Aoe and others mentioned were our worst players yet people are saying they were really good. Non of them ever did any good in 1v1 or 2v2 5v5, and were average at best in our 10 man premades. Me (Tiesto) and hixxy carried that guild filled with a bunch of nobodies who just liked to GY camp with us and beat numerous guilds that took the game so seriously. We were a bunch of little kids ripping bong hits and camping midfield for fun. Our guild record was 5 wins and 1 loss. The one loss was to Dominate. We also killed 2 guilds, Aoe's guild i cant remember the name of it and Unforgiven...we beat them so badly that the guilds disbanded and the players leveled their twinks and/or quit because they were humiliated to be beaten by a bunch of nobodies and 2 little stoned kids. And then Aoe joined our guild after his guild folded...I only have one 1v1 loss to Cirran. Everyone else got absolutley shat on and humiliated as a little kid high out of his mind mocked them via ventrillo. Monkeysong was by far the favorite as he talked shit to me for 3-4 months and then when he finally agreed to 1v1 me I toyed with him just so i could mock him for longer on vent. Anyways for anyone else who still plays this dead game goodluck being the best at something that all the legit players quit. Your the best of the worst. congrats.

Tiesto #1. Then, now, always.

SiBvsDominateroundtwo3-2forSiB.jpg picture by ArsenalBound - Photobucket
We also killed 2 guilds, Aoe's guild i cant remember the name of it and Unforgiven...we beat them so badly that the guilds disbanded and the players leveled their twinks and/or quit because they were humiliated to be beaten by a bunch of nobodies and 2 little stoned kids.

Tiesto #1. Then, now, always.

SiBvsDominateroundtwo3-2forSiB.jpg picture by ArsenalBound - Photobucket

That is a joke right? Unforgiven didn't disband because they lost to your guild. They disbanded because of issues within the guild (jinjoro mainly) and mullus not wanting to lead anymore. You were a joke back then and you still are now.

your win against dominate also was against maybe 5 from their core A team. grats...

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