I was just informed by a friend that in the next patch, level 20 cap zones will now go up to 60, to work with the quest sync system.
This could potentially make SALVAGE CRATE Mulgore/Tirisfal/Elwynn/Durotar/DunMorogh/EversongWoods/Bloodmyst/Teldrassil drops not scale to a max of 20 anymore, but rather 60.
Anyone with crates or anyone who knows someone with them should open them for that last shot at Rare/Epic 20 Sleekfeather Tunic/Lionfur Armor from mulgore and Foreman Vest/Pants from Dun Morogh
you wont be able to farm Elwynn Forest rares on high level for 20 stuff also.
in an eventual level squash world this change could mean Elwynn items for whatever level we will be idk.
PTR is broken atm, cant log in to confirm changes on these zones level caps.
there was the guy with EPIC BVB who wanted boarhide for his 39, he will be happy xD