This jump would be allowed in end game since it's not a glitch. Jumps involve skill . If your team is bad enough to let the efc get get across with bad Mid positioning you deserve to lose.
Tinky Cup has too many Rules/Restrictions and Class bands it has the feel of a bad Wargame. Rewarding so much money by dumbing down the Game Play for players.
Then some Nub saying no glitching or jumps should be allowed on twink cup then states iconic tunnel jumps or fence jumps should be allowed. Contradict Much?
Either jumps are allowed or they are not, these conditions make for boring games if all fcs are more or leas forced into 1 way of playing, also what about the jumps next to horde tot, mid stump jumps? Don't make these "if condition A is present then action B is allowed" that just makes for messy games and gives ppl a reason to rage/blame eacother.
Avoid the bitching, allow all jumps (not exploitative glitches) or ban all.. very simple it should be