US Should double Boomkin be banned in Warsong?

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Should double boomkin be banned in WSG Wargames?
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I think that it's a bit trickier than just banning or not banning double boomkin. Right now, we have bans on double warrior, double BM, 2 class limit, etc. I mean SURELY double boomkin is much more overpowered than something like two BM monks would be. I just think that in general, these restrictions need to be re-examined. In my eyes. we can either ban double boomy and keep the current restrictions as is, or if we do not, then we have to unban something like double BM Monk, and even a 2 per class limit.

Edit: ALSO, this is something that needs to be decided on ASAP, and when I say asap I mean first priority. Most teams are currently practicing with the double boomy comp because it is extremely hard to play against it as anything else.
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I think that it's a bit trickier than just banning or not banning double boomkin. Right now, we have bans on double warrior, double BM, 2 class limit, etc. I mean SURELY double boomkin is much more overpowered than something like two BM monks would be. I just think that in general, these restrictions need to be re-examined. In my eyes. we can either ban double boomy and keep the current restrictions as is, or if we do not, then we have to unban something like double BM Monk, and even a 2 per class limit.
I agree completely. Furthermore, double boomkin is easily much more broken and unbalanced then double brew and double warrior.
honestly, i trust so few of the people in this community to make a decision like this. A poll is ridiculous
i voted no, i just like being negative, no other particular reason, i dont play tc anyhow and i dont care

I personally loathe the amount of restrictions we have set in place when it comes to premades.

There's just too many.

They make your options very limited when it comes to team compositions you can create.

We have so many restrictions that there's little to no creativity involved in constructing teams now. If teams are equal then it's not very fun. There needs to be an imbalance and you need to be able to overcome that imbalance. That's what makes it fun; that's what makes it competitive.

Everyone just runs the same class compositions. Not because it's the best, but simply because THAT'S ALL YOU CAN RUN.

I imagine the average viewer finds watching events such as the NWL/TC extremely dull when every team is running the same class composition and strats.

I honestly would love to see these events similar to 100 RBGs where you can create any type of team composition you'd like. Obviously that would be complete chaos in this bracket though, but an idea headed in this direction sounds pleasant.

Basically we already have so many ridiculous restrictions (and some not so ridiculous), that adding more is just nonsense. Leave it as be.
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@zeiren You do realize though man, that double boomkin has created that exact situation; every single team running the exact same comp. Also, I agree that there are already a lot of restrictions, but if we do not ban double boomkin, then all the other restrictions just make no sense. Boomkin is the most powerful class at 19, top tier damage, ability to FC, extreme mobility, etc. If you can run two of those, how does a ban on double BM or double war make any sense?

That's just how I see it, but I agree with a lot of what you said too.
@zeiren You do realize though man, that double boomkin has created that exact situation; every single team running the exact same comp. Also, I agree that there are already a lot of restrictions, but if we do not ban double boomkin, then all the other restrictions just make no sense. Boomkin is the most powerful class at 19, top tier damage, ability to FC, extreme mobility, etc. If you can run two of those, how does a ban on double BM or double war make any sense?

That's just how I see it, but I agree with a lot of what you said too.
No, Double boomkin's brought about people playing different comps if anything. The last NWL final was the first time i've seen drastically different comps at a high lvl in the past 2 years (games were still close with different comp)

ps. Double bm/warrior is broken where as boomy is not, people need to understand this.
I just want the restrictions to be level and make sense. Ban or no ban on double boomy, it needs to make sense. You can't allow double boomy and keep double BM or double warrior banned, however unbanning something like double arms war would create a need for new restrictions for running that with say, 2 boomkins. It's a tricky subject, but it needs to be addressed.
When you look at why we created the restrictions in the first place, it was because damage was out of control and we wanted to provide a playing field that rewarded strategy. If we go off of that same reasoning then you would not even consider double boomkin.

I think what were seeing now is that this new comp came along and people view it as exciting and different so they're open to it, as it restores the old MOP warsong tactics of sit in mid all game. However, healers in premades have said when something dies there's no time to react if you sync it right and I just don't know if promoting this is the best thing.
I think if this is the meta for the twink cup, the games are not going to be as fun to watch as previous years and we could potentially see a decline.

Similar to what Zeiren said, I believe all the rules should be looked at again to decide if we are promoting the best atmosphere for games and the future of 19s. I think a committee of team leaders should sit down and have a serious discussion about what is best going forward, hell you could even do a stream of it and open it up to the community for transparency.

Regardless of the decision I hope that whoever is helping to decide is looking out for the future of 19s and not just their own chances in the tournament. It's a tough decision either way and should not be made lightly.
I just want the restrictions to be level and make sense. Ban or no ban on double boomy, it needs to make sense. You can't allow double boomy and keep double BM or double warrior banned, however unbanning something like double arms war would create a need for new restrictions for running that with say, 2 boomkins. It's a tricky subject, but it needs to be addressed.
So what then we gonna ban double resto shaman, double disc and double survival then with your logic? no because none of these things are broken while double arms/bm are broken that's the difference, it's not complicated
So what then we gonna ban double resto shaman, double disc and double survival then with your logic? no because none of these things are broken while double arms/bm are broken that's the difference, it's not complicated
No idea what you're on about. I'm talking specifically about double boomkin, which is just as overpowered as double arms, and way more overpowered than double BM would be. I'm not against 2x of anything, I'm against 2x of the best dmg in the bracket being allowed while 2x of inferior classes are banned. Yes double war is tricky to unban cause its mid damage is insanse. But outside of mid warrior is crap. Boomkin can do that same damage in mid, has 100x the mobility, can FC, and can crit 2K+ with catform bites. It all just needs to be re-examined.
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