Shane has spoken

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Shots Fired. Now youre really getting upset. I see youre going to have a high school mentality to this. Well when the bracket was dead I was still on my 19. ive had my 19 before you were even in this bracket. been playing since vanilla and I don't need to have a popularity contest with you. On top of the matter of the guild im in I don't think its right to attack my guild when your guild is filled with DDoSers XD

Unfortunately you haven't been relevant at any point in time.
xp on games? my priest who isn't even grandfathered unlike my paladin who is the most gf paladin in this bracket other than DA was leveled in a dung for satchel belts not an xp on game? so idk where you are getting this information HB the community leader of DDoSers
On top of the matter of the guild im in I don't think its right to attack my guild

Last I heard you and Jamesb couldn't get your shit together to play us for over a month so you caved and moved off bleeding hollow joining MYT, so technically, not your guild.

If I was MYT right now I would be disgusted by the way you have handled yourself today on the forums representing your newly merged guild. I will defend my teammates to the end against ignorant buffoons like yourself.
Did I not say the guild im in? Keep digging that hole "community leader" youre doing excellent :)
"I do want to state that we are not taking this matter lightly. We are investigating all of this and will be taking the proper course of action in due time.

My personal advice is that you do not let these people participate in this tournament. The people that put this on put a great deal of work into it and they should not have it ruined by people that belong in a prison cell.

I am going to go ahead and lock this thread as I believe it has run its course. Thank you very much for revealing these people for what they are. You did the twinking community is great service."

Other than the fact that Shane runs the site, his opinion on how people in the community are to be dealt with outside of TI is ignorant and irrelevant. You should be ashamed of yourself as the site moderator for going beyond measures outside of what you know, and what game you are not involved in, to call players out and how they should be dealt with in the Twink Cup, which you have done very little for in comparison to others.

Are we supposed to just let this go unpunished? What's to stop these people from ddosing during the twink cup or from doing it again in general? These people were literally caught red handed and should have to face the consequences. Not punishing them only encourages this behavior to continue as there will be literally 0 repercussions for doing it. I'm not saying we should ban them all from the twink cup, but you can't expect us to see evidence of several people cheating and just brush it under the rug like nothing happened. You should honestly be ashamed of your guildmates for sinking so low and i can't believe you're defending their actions.
was that your attempt at giving him the boot? honestly you're acting like a god damn child HB, and it's only digging your hole deeper.

It's disappointing from a person like yourself that I have a ton of respect for, and up until today, thought we had that mutual respect, only to see when things get messy you take your leave.

I will defend my teammates against anyone that is making ignorant comments and not taking the time to understand the work I have put in to make TwinkCup/End Ddosing happen.
Are we supposed to just let this go unpunished? What's to stop these people from ddosing during the twink cup or from doing it again in general? These people were literally caught red handed and should have to face the consequences. Not punishing them only encourages this behavior to continue as there will be literally 0 repercussions for doing it. I'm not saying we should ban them all from the twink cup, but you can't expect us to see evidence of several people cheating and just brush it under the rug like nothing happened. You should honestly be ashamed of your guildmates for sinking so low and i can't believe you're defending their actions.

Well said, well said.
It's disappointing from a person like yourself that I have a ton of respect for, and up until today, thought we had that mutual respect, only to see when things get messy you take your leave.

I will defend my teammates against anyone that is making ignorant comments and not taking the time to understand the work I have put in to make TwinkCup/End Ddosing happen.

all im saying is if you want a chance at forgiveness, you need to drop the childish act, calling people ignorant because they think certain members of your guild shouldnt be included in the cup. to say that this website isnt a driving force behind activity in this bracket is beyond me, all those time games werent popping, people were still here, trying to figure things out. while i admit shane hasnt done us many favors, but to discard his opinion entirely is rubbish.
From an outsider's standpoint or the view of a new or prospective twink to the bracket, this looks ugly as fuck...

Thank you for your valuable input.
all im saying is if you want a chance at forgiveness, you need to drop the childish act, calling people ignorant because they think certain members of your guild shouldnt be included in the cup. to say that this website isnt a driving force behind activity in this bracket is beyond me, all those time games werent popping, people were still here, trying to figure things out. while i admit shane hasnt done us many favors, but to discard his opinion entirely is rubbish.
He has nothing that qualifies him to make an informed decision regarding this issue, or any twinking related issue at all. He is no part of the community and never wanted to be. Simply hosting this website does not enable him to form a relevant opinion on this situation.
Thank you for your valuable input.

I think Laurenti has a point (and [MENTION=1972]Kahr[/MENTION] too). Posts are a lot more effective when they focus on the issue, rather than just focusing on poking holes in each other. I get that a lot of you have a strong desire for /popcorn material but there are some serious matters going on here. I said I would give you guys latitude to work them out, but come on, actually work on the issues, please!
I think Laurenti has a point (and [MENTION=1972]Kahr[/MENTION] too). Posts are a lot more effective when they focus on the issue, rather than just focusing on poking holes in each other. I get that a lot of you have a strong desire for /popcorn material but there are some serious matters going on here. I said I would give you guys latitude to work them out, but come on, actually work on the issues, please!

I have come here to eat popcorn and post silly things...and I'm all out of popcorn.
I have come here to eat popcorn and post silly things...and I'm all out of popcorn.

Enjoy playing both factions each side has idiots and legit dudes thats 19s for ya. Imo money is makin yall cray cray. Id give $ back to donors and just make it a free tourney winner gets bragging rights. Never needed $ to fuel the community. Times have changed tho so all this ddos stuff is cray. What happen to being on vent and argue/lovin ppl. No cash you see a bunch of ppl that just love 19s and just want the title. Wheres da love?! My 2cents but do what yall do
So, because the investigation took some time, as investigations typically do, certain scumbags want to give their scumbag buddies immunity for their crimes, because, well, because 19s clique, I guess.

No surprises from the Toxic Shitters.
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