Shadowfang Insight.

I would think it possible. I did a couple runs tonight on my Druid, and had drop of a lvl 20 mob. I could see shadowfang dropping off a lvl 21 mob their... Too bad they are few and far between.

Thorbia's ilvl is 23, so it can drop off level 20 mobs iirc, where shadowfang is ilvl 24 so unable to drop off anything under 21
a F2P level-20 hunter who had one about 4-5 months ago, someone made a player on his realm and talked to him. he claimed the SF he got dropped off the very first boss

there is a recent SS of a SF loot on the last boss of SFK

there are a few guards in SFK that are level 20, i could see there maybe being a possiblility?

overall SFK imo is all around jacked, and needs fixing by blizzard and has gone downhill after patch 2.2 or 2.3 when mobs were adjusted in 2007. blizzard's supposed current CATA loot journal is all jacked up too, 3 items on the journal don't even drop and haven't since CATA, several bosses drop the same items, contrary to the journal.

assassin's blade were nerfed to level 16 and drop rates were never adjusted on this items either, although no longer BIS it is still wanted for T-mog, you would think a level 16 dagger would drop somewhere off any mobs in SFK. it is still rare as a SF maybe even rarer which makes no sense
How is this even possible the Wailing Guardsman dont even have a % of drop to be 0 there is only an extremely small chance that it would drop.
Thorbia's ilvl is 23, so it can drop off level 20 mobs iirc, where shadowfang is ilvl 24 so unable to drop off anything under 21

Thats what I was saying. If a ilvl 23 drops from a lvl 20 mob, i can see shadowfang which is a ilvl 24 dropping off a lvl 21 mob.
this happened on aszune the other day, and its NOT bs.

a guild member of mine, named Happycurse saw a /2 thread, asking if anybody wanted a free shadowfang. he replied to the guy, who gave it to happy for free. (happy no longer has it, stop /w'ing him :
. the guy further explained that he had been farming sfk for transmog. gear and saw it drop! this was around the 30'th of december, this patch. even if the guy had had it for ages, why hold on to it then give it away for free? this leads me to conclude that it still drops. (it dropped of last boss btw)

i know this to be true and seen the sf 1st hand, if the guy had it post cata why save it then give it away for free then make a bullshit story about where it came from?
Thats what I was saying. If a ilvl 23 drops from a lvl 20 mob, i can see shadowfang which is a ilvl 24 dropping off a lvl 21 mob.

Ahh, I thought you were saying that the Shadowfang could drop off the level 20 mobs because Thorbia's dropped off them, my bad.
To all those referencing the recent screenshot post of the SF dropping off the final boss, it was an admitted fake.


OT: Interesting post Gothicholy, but if the 2-3 mobs you reference as possible SF droppers aren't level 21 or above, they won't drop it. I personally still believe it seems most logical that it can only drop off of bosses.
To all those referencing the recent screenshot post of the SF dropping off the final boss, it was an admitted fake.


OT: Interesting post Gothicholy, but if the 2-3 mobs you reference as possible SF droppers aren't level 21 or above, they won't drop it. I personally still believe it seems most logical that it can only drop off of bosses.


Also while doing a couple runs on my druid lasdt night I noticed for some reason chain pulling the beginning part of the instance I would recieve a periodic hit for 15K damage... Anyone else notice anything like this?

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