Shadowfang (And other!) item changes!

shanker said:
so if a player is CC'd....sheeped, rooted, netted, sapped, and can whack them with a shadowfang and it won't break those CC's? lol................and while gouged you can hit them and with your shadowfang and they stay gouged? really

I figured my intention was fairly clear but I guess I'll have to explain it. A number of CC abilities back in the day also were able to trigger weapon procs, talent procs and weapon enchants (Temporary and permament). This led to a problem with the damaging procs actually breaking the CC created by the attack that triggered the proc. Blizzard has since fixed most if not all these incidents. The exceptions are weapon procs that apply DoTs. If applied by the CC ability itself or an attack preceding it, the DoT WILL break the CC. SV has such a DoT type proc. If SV procs on or prior to the Gouge, it reduces the effectiveness of the Rogue's one CC ability they can use in combat at 19. If you are using SF, you can get the extra damage without it threatening your own fragile CC. It's akin to deciding between using Instant Poison against Deadly Poison in PvP before Envenom received so many buffs.
taniwha said:
The shadowfang stat changes aren't an accident - Night Reaver and Black Malice's DPS has been normalised down and shadow damage dropped as well :

Night Reaver - Item - World of Warcraft

Night Reaver - Items - Sigrie

Black Malice - Item - World of Warcraft

Black Malice - Items - Sigrie

So why haven't the lost ilevel points been reassigned somewhere else? We're still basing all of this off of datamined information, I'd hold the chicken little routine until we see an open beta or cata goes live. Don't dump those unbound SFs just yet.
Dinkorastamán said:
Shadowfang just dropped from that big wolf boss over here at Draenor EU, but what do u guys think it's worth now? or in cata?.. ( Sry if this allready been said, but I didn't read all posts in this thread =[ )

Going a little off topic to help explain why you should dump it ASAP.

I make money by selling and trading Magic cards, I know it sounds like a stupid thing to do, but it's been a good source of money for me so far. I can go through a dollar bin, grab a bunch of dollar rares and then trade them around and make double, even triple what I spent. Albeit, I turn $50 into $100 or $150, but profit is profit.

The way Magic works is the two newest sets (and a few other core sets) are legal in Standard format. Older cards are legal for play in other formats, but newer stuff is more expensive since it's a much more popular format. The last two sets to come out were called 'Alara' and 'Zendikar'. Alara is about to rotate out and become illegal and I have a good amount of Alara cards left, so before the next set comes out I better get rid of these cards because they are going to plummet in value. Of course, I may still find someone willing to pay a good price, hell I may even make more then what I paid for in the first place, but I'd rather trade the $100 now then the day the new set comes out and that $100 card is in the dollar bin.


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