Shadowfang (And other!) item changes!

Conrose said:
"Now I put my first talent point into Subtlety and WOOT, my Ambushes and Backstabs are ZOMGAWESOME. I am happy, put my backstab onto my toolbar and run up to my first mob after levelling, go stealth and Ambush, woot, awesome it crit, now I backstab.... I said backstab... wtf, stop turning towards me you stupid mob, I want to backstab, zomg, ack, sinister strike, sinister strike, why is my sinister strike so weak? Shit, I sold my sword after learning my dagger was leet, damn... I'm dead. Okay, this spec sucks, I'm gonna respec... wtf? I don't have that much money!? I'm stuck this way now? Forget this, I quit."

cool story bro
yeah cool story

how about that SHADOWFANG!
Looks like Crusader strike is back up to 100% weapon damage instead of 75%
blizz is now iffy about divine storm at such a low level too, yet another cool story unrelated to this thread.

how about that SHADOWFANG!
yeap, that "only" really changes it as the BiS weapon for many classes.

dropping from 17.8 dps to 15.6 dps, 29-55 damage still has chance of 30 shadow damage, but.............skeletal club has that too, with 15.8 dps, .10 faster, 29-53 damage.

the 2 points at top end will be very random and not as gamebreaking
shanker said:
yeap, that "only" really changes it as the BiS weapon for many classes.

dropping from 17.8 dps to 15.6 dps, 29-55 damage still has chance of 30 shadow damage, but.............skeletal club has that too, with 15.8 dps, .10 faster, 29-53 damage.

the 2 points at top end will be very random and not as gamebreaking

looks like i'll have to go to skeletal club with +22 int on my mage now.
Kore nametooshort said:
eh? SF will still be better than skele, the topend and slower speed make it better. But sadly it'll just be a vanity item in cata :( :(

not better enough to warrant 2500 to 25000 gold. yes 25000 one on AH on mannoroth. this occured after a player paid 13500 for one. but as it still happens these days, players always research twink builds, get old info, and still ask for things like meadow rings of eluding, libram head enchants, and sentry cloaks. so the same will go for the shadowfang.

is slower than SF, has more DPS, and more low end and top end damage to boot.
Grabco said:
looks like i'll have to go to skeletal club with +22 int on my mage now.

lol why that doesnt even make any sense?
seen a gnome mage or warlock that used to equip a shadowfang just to show off at start of a BG. he would put real weapon on once BG started.

alot of melee players would QQ when they saw this
shanker said:
seen a gnome mage or warlock that used to equip a shadowfang just to show off at start of a BG. he would put real weapon on once BG started.

alot of melee players would QQ when they saw this

Seen mages using 22 int on Shadowfangs as well. A waste imo, but nothing that makes me QQ :p
shanker said:
not better enough to warrant 2500 to 25000 gold. yes 25000 one on AH on mannoroth. this occured after a player paid 13500 for one. but as it still happens these days, players always research twink builds, get old info, and still ask for things like meadow rings of eluding, libram head enchants, and sentry cloaks. so the same will go for the shadowfang.

is slower than SF, has more DPS, and more low end and top end damage to boot.

Wow, that's pretty good looks like a slight damage increase from what is currently in game, more total damage on the proc than shadowfang but not as bursty.
shanker said:

is slower than SF, has more DPS, and more low end and top end damage to boot.

I wouldn't equip it on a rogue. An Ensham, sure, but not a rogue. I don't like weapon procs that can break CCs like gouge with my Rogue. A frontload damage proc like on SF no longer breaks CCs when it procs on the CC attack.

SF still remains superior in a burst scenario.
Llare said:
Why're people fapping over Holy Paladins all of a sudden? They lose their support/utility for a BIT extra damage and a quicker heal, which can still be interupted. Lose BoP, much less chance of sustaining heals vs Rogues now. Lose HoF, so we lose advantage over Hunters+Pets in 1v1s/supporting our team-mates in 2s/3s.

They lose the only spells that made them useful for arena/O in WSG. Holy Pallys, vs other casters especially Shaman's in 1vs1, can just out last the opponents mana; due to their regen/usual high mana pools. Unless Crusader Strike adds some mass deeps to their setup, then that's another class they can't compete with. Everyone'll be gaining OTT Int/Mana Pools, so any attempts to OOM someone'll end up in a 45minute long 1v1.

This is just stating facts, minor QQ on my part; will have to wait and see what Cata brings. Adapt and keep playing I guess, am still psyched for Cata.

I guess you missed the part where they get a dispel as well lol
Conrose said:
I wouldn't equip it on a rogue. An Ensham, sure, but not a rogue. I don't like weapon procs that can break CCs like gouge with my Rogue. A frontload damage proc like on SF no longer breaks CCs when it procs on the CC attack.

SF still remains superior in a burst scenario.

so if a player is CC'd....sheeped, rooted, netted, sapped, and can whack them with a shadowfang and it won't break those CC's? lol................and while gouged you can hit them and with your shadowfang and they stay gouged? really

SV as shown cata updated has higher numbers than SF. so on a ambush, with or without procs SV will do more damage, SV outdoes SF by more and in many areas too boot it's is burstier.

in open combat, the SV numbers and proc will will out do a SF and proc.

people in posts back still defending SF due to .2 on a stat vs a common easy to get SC. . SF is just another sword in the game now, still a killer twink weapon but not KING BIS anymore.

game has had equipment manager for a long time, if one needs to equip a different weapon in combat, certain scenarios, it can be done, i do it all the time.

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