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The twinking community is going downhill everyday, I had a dream that shitters could be accepted in the community , I'm sad to say that the dream is dead. Oh what are twinks coming to now a days , as an OG 2003 tinker I look down upon the bracket in shame
Just in a BG were a warlock was under geared, so Yowza and his pals report him AFK and get him kicked out of the WSG simply because of his gear..

I messaged this individual prior to the game starting and asked him politely to leave because of his atrocious looking gear. Because he was so reluctant to leave and seeing how he would have been a liability to the team, I merely stated for everyone in the BG to afk him.

especially considering yowza was running in a group

Why does everyone always assume I'm in a group? Can a man not single and win BG's without being in a party?

that is simply ludicrous hahahahaha

I know right?

do we ban women from serving in the military because they are (in general) physically inferior to men? do we ban fat kids from playing sports?

just because someone is at a disadvantage doesn't mean their right of participation should be withheld - especially in the context of a petty online game hahaha

Youre taking this completely out of context. xD

Anyways justgotagm, you should be thanking me. We cleared a spot for Srphordganic, as a result our team beat the chickenhearted horde and their 7 man premade.

P.s. mods? #@thread
I messaged this individual prior to the game starting and asked him politely to leave because of his atrocious looking gear. Because he was so reluctant to leave and seeing how he would have been a liability to the team, I merely stated for everyone in the BG to afk him.

Why does everyone always assume I'm in a group? Can a man not single and win BG's without being in a party?

I know right?

Youre taking this completely out of context. xD

Anyways justgotagm, you should be thanking me. We cleared a spot for Srphordganic, as a result our team beat the chickenhearted horde and their 7 man premade.

P.s. mods? #@thread
This isn't really an @thread, it's more a General thread with you being mentioned as an example.
Rather have a competitive game than a game with a bunch of shitters running around.

hahah kinda hard to do that @ 19 m8x lets be honest here xDxDxD
hahah kinda hard to do that @ 19 m8x lets be honest here xDxDxD

DERV where you been @????? bern is back and you know what that means. some casual sipping of fruit juice and arenas is in order
This isn't really an @thread, it's more a General thread with you being mentioned as an example.

I beg to differ. The opening paragraph of the thread is clearly being directed towards me, and its being concluded with a universal question/general statement to the community. In other words its more so an @ thread that is gradually turning into a general thread
I beg to differ. The opening paragraph of the thread is clearly being directed towards me, and its being concluded with a universal question/general statement to the community. In other words its more so an @ thread that is gradually turning into a general thread

Personally I feel it is using you as an example, starting with you, and then giving the rest of the title's topic in the paragraph. But that may just be me. Good luck! See you in the Gulch.
I wonder why the reactions were so different when Eliot and his crew announced that they would /afk out everyone that stepped too close to the graveyard for their liking.
You could say the same about Protection Warriors in 5.2.
Or Cataclysm Hunters.
They have an advantage - a severe advantage, like the undergeared players have a severe disadvantage.
Some people do twinks for fun, not competition - max level is for competition - and then you all /reportafk them because you don't want to feel weighed down. I have seen several undergeared players actually beat players (excluding Protection Warriors from this) with BiS gear.

max level


I feel the only time it is fair to /afk another player, is when he/she is afk.
If you want a bigger more active community you have to let "shitters" join games.
If you don't want that, and just want to be giving all the newcomers a bad first impression of the bracket, then fine..

What has happended? I mean if a normal guy, who plays WoW for leveling, sees us twinks and thinks "wow I wanna try that". He goes around and gets what he thinks is good gear and join his first bg, gets kicked and maybe dont want to join another bg. He dont have twink friends, so who does he ask to get the gear right.. i mean, give him links and help him goddamnit. ive seen this many times in different brackets and its annoying as hell, when people complain about the community 24/7. you dont let it be good.

morning typing if theres anything wrong blablabla :)
similiar behaviour has been had in EU as well and look where it got us, EU players going US and daily games reduced to few games a week, just sad
the amount of people who ddos now is ridiculous lmao its very hard to have competition with that happening, e.g friend doing rbgs at like 1800 on his fresh 90 gets ddosed

like lmao are u kidding me

not to mention the amount of wintraders or mmr exploiters

then there's the entire valor trinkets thing and vast imbalances but i won't even go into that

ontopic: there's nothing wrong with afking undergeared players they very rarely want to actually put time/effort into their gear, the amount of times i've asked people to leave until they gear up and linked them ti etc and they said something along the lines of "fuck you" to me is ridiculous if you people think that they actually help the bracket sorry but ur retarded
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give them the TI link, say welcome to the comunnity, then give them a nice afk cya later mateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Rather have a competitive game than a game with a bunch of shitters running around.

Dude..its always been like that. Where ya been

Dude, seriously, what right do we have to kick someone out of the game that has PAID to play. They have EVERY right to play as much as a grandfathered vinilla twink. Its just people dont give a fuck about how other people feel when they get kicked.

Who knows they might be new to the bracket. and they are willing to learn and get good gear, just needs direction.

Some of those people that get kicked might not decide to make a proper twink and could in turn miss out on some really good players.
Dude, seriously, what right do we have to kick someone out of the game that has PAID to play. They have EVERY right to play as much as a grandfathered vinilla twink. Its just people dont give a fuck about how other people feel when they get kicked.

Who knows they might be new to the bracket. and they are willing to learn and get good gear, just needs direction.

Some of those people that get kicked might not decide to make a proper twink and could in turn miss out on some really good players.

Totally agree.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Albert Einstein
Could be put into play here. We are all players. But if you judge a decent player on their gear then they will live their life thinking they are not of some real potential.
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