Second Robbery


The Dude Abides
Hello all. For those of you who didn't see my last thread, Laughing Skull FTW was robbed several weeks ago by someone on Livingforce's account. Following this incident I demoted (what I thought was) all of Livingforce's characters. Unfortunately I missed one character that was in the rank "alt of officer". This mistake has now costed me another several thousand gold and irreparable damage to my guild. Whoever has access to Living's account logged on that character and withdrew countless shit from my guild bank - making the first robbery seem like absolutely nothing. Since the list of stolen items is far too long for me to type I have included screen shots - this is no joke. The included screenshots are only a part of the total damage, because I didn't feel like taking 15 pictures... you get the idea. Two of the tabs were also entirely filled with withdraws, so the full history of lost items can't even be seen. I am making this thread because I have no where else to go with this issue... I am very busy with school and don't have the time to do detective work to track down the thief, so I'm looking for some help from the community. Right now my prime (and only) suspect is Hurxx, as many people have told me he is the only person with access to the account. I am also shying away from Hurxx because we hardly know eachother, and people have told me he is a respectable person. In other words, this looks to be the work of an immature child, probably between 13 and 17 years old. I ruled out the possibility of a random hacker because the person who did this seems to have a personal vendetta for me, as you can see by the photo where he changed my note to "shit cunt" and "likes it in the bumb". I can't believe there is somebody out there that hates me enough to do such a rash, terrible thing. I've hardly even been active as of late, and I never thought I had a single enemy in this community; I've always tried to get along with everyone. Anyways, probably worse than the lost items (because I'm hoping those will be restored) is what he did next: the hacker removed somewhere around 100-150 guild members from Laughing Skull FTW. This hits me the deepest because many of the removed players were very, very old friends of mine who played a crucial role in LS FTW in years past. As is custom, when an LS FTW member quits wow their player is demoted to an "Inactive" rank, mostly for the times I'm reminiscing on the old days (I'm extremely nostalgic) and look over the inactive player list to recall important memories. With all these characters now removed, they are lost from the guild (and probably my memory) forever. If you know anything about this issue, please please please please inbox me or contact me in game. As I said, I am very busy with school so inboxing me might be best. I'd like to find out who did this and discuss the matter maturely. Thank you so much in advance.
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I don't think Hurrx would ever do this. Afaik, other people than Hurrx had access to Living's account.

EDIT: Really douchie move, especially to kick everyone, hope you get this fixed somehow. I know that GMs are able to make people join guilds - should look into that.
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So sorry this happened to you and the rest of us. The person who did this must have a lot of anger and misery inside but lacks the wisdom to know what to do about it. People like that feel a little better when they see others hurting, until the emptiness comes back.
I don't think Hurrx would ever do this. Afaik, other people than Hurrx had access to Living's account.

EDIT: Really douchie move, especially to kick everyone, hope you get this fixed somehow. I know that GMs are able to make people join guilds.
I won't go into details but yes we are fairly confident that it was Hurrx.
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Sorry to hear it man, my favorite guild . . . such a shame. Take a pic of the guild log if you can at least you'll have the names.
have you forgot our conversation alrdy? i said i have access to his account that has only 2 toons which is his 19 priest and some lvl 15 priest, no chars in your guild

why would i steal shit from your gbank? i dont even have an account on us
also i dont fucking see the problem he has done this once before and you let him stay in the guild with a rank allowing him to withdraw endless amount of shit? blame urself

edit actually i read ur post now ignore this lmao
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have you forgot our conversation alrdy? i said i have access to his account that has only 2 toons which is his 19 priest and some lvl 15 priest, no chars in your guild

why would i steal shit from your gbank? i dont even have an account on us

It's true that I've only seen Hurrx on living's second account, doesn't mean he hasn't been on his main account too.
So livingforce has two accounts. Does anyone have the second one (the one Hurxx says he hasn't been on) added on realid? Who had access to this second account? Ben, can you get into contact with your brother and ask him who had access to this account? Hurxx, did you share the info with anyone else?
why am i even trying to justify lol, theres nothing i can do to prove it wasnt me, how about you ask livingforce yourself which account i had access to
why am i even trying to justify lol, theres nothing i can do to prove it wasnt me, how about you ask livingforce yourself which account i had access to

I'm not asking you to prove it wasn't you... I'm already giving you benefit of the doubt. All I'm asking for is help to track down the true hacker. I am trying to get in contact with Livingforce through his brother. I just found out about the robbery this morning though, so I havn't had much time. Thanks.
So livingforce has two accounts. Does anyone have the second one (the one Hurxx says he hasn't been on) added on realid? Who had access to this second account? Ben, can you get into contact with your brother and ask him who had access to this account? Hurxx, did you share the info with anyone else?
I am already inquiring into this before I start making accusations that's why I'm not going into details just yet. I or one of my associates will let you know ASAP.
lol it certainly wasn't Neap. that is for sure.

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