score board (e-peen) thread

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F2p hero? No. I just know hes good. But w/e man, you can get on f2p all you want, but its not worth my time.

Linking my achivement page and laughing must mean i am the worst player to ever come across world or warcraft. Your right tho, i probably still click my spells out of my spellbook.

Just because i don't stick around an arena team long enough to hit 1550 or probably like 2700 in your case bro, doesn't mean that I instantly suck (although im sure you think i do).

But live in your achievement world. Im chillin at 90s havin lots of fun.

Lets see your 2700 achiv. Or else your a baddie like all of us.

truth hurts :(

Marz don't pay him any attention.. He's just another random nobody troll lol

and what would make u a somebody? please tell. and i will tell you how i could train a goldfish to play a hunter. a hunter you just happened to make when they was the most OP class in the history of WOW. yes, yes you are a somebody, i'm sure i'd get banned for saying what type of somebody though.
oldschool vashj vs famous multiboxer


only other scoreboard pic i have

Scoreboards...mmmhm..I like those..

I present you: Mists of Blood:How Much Alliance Blood Can You Spill

Dont post your cataclysm or wotlk scoreboards i dont want to see those. I want fresh MoP no later then a month;all these screenshots i am posting are qualified in this category

I will personally make it a living hell for every night elf,human,draenai,dwarf and worgen,i will ensure what there is no escape from my grasp as long as i am in a bg with you

It sucks,i can no longer bring outside buffs,Bgs are 5 minutes shorter(less killing),many classes have been severely handicapped...BUT!But.It doesnt stop me from getting kills!@

Cataclysm all over again?

TRUST ME, farming nets more honor.Even through alliance won, we got triple the honor points.
i guess another ONE OF THOSE?:cool:

Horde, bring out your paladins.Show this alliance scum how we deal with pirate druids and rogues, and skeying hunters

And last,but not least...24 warrior is SO NERFED now, i dont think i had a 800 crit on cloth...with best in slot gear, 420 attack power.
Trial rogues crit 2X MORE then me(shows what something is clearly wrong with the bracket,were in theory every class should 1 vs 1 each other..)


Can we nerf rogues for once?
5 stacks....(6 kicked in after he died)

here is his armory; Snakeshadowx @ Quel'Thalas - Community - World of Warcraft with wrong rings/weapons etc

I dont effin understand....rogues get cheapshot, kidney, poisons, evasion, gouge,sap start with 100 energy(dont forget the op thistle tea also),45 agil from enchants,mongoose early on....

I suggest them either giving smoke bomb and step/stuns at level 1 to make it fair so at least rogues can survive longer in low level bgs
Another suggestion for 5.2 is to move the "charge" skill to at least level 50 so warriors would need to run up to their targets

Umm i know this dont belong here but can we talk about 24s?;)

My max crit was 800 i believe on cloth priest with crowd pummeler/berserking and max str buffs /7 stacks
Trial rogues dont need to worry about soloing p2p warriors with their OP ambush and evis/find weakness.And if he fucks up...well just pop evasion! In cataclysm, 24 at least had Overpower to deal with those pesky things, but now?With living steel chains gone, all i find myself is "parry, parry, dodge,parry", while eating a meaty 800-1000 crit of evis with a 70% armor debuff.A healing potion wont save you either

2-shotted with 1.6k armor

Ballmer @ Dalaran - Community - World of Warcraft wrong pants and ellos isnt best for alliance rop is better no professions

Keep in mind in cataclysm my warrior would hit 500-700 in fury,and 1500 in arms.With 500 white hits.

And now?I am hitting glancing blows, getitng dodges and parries with 10 expetise from TRIAL paladins,while getting 6second stunned and eating 700 avenger crits.Just an example how weak in reality 24 warrior is..i am better off playing a trial prot paladin or rogue then a p2p warrior

Vs Lofi @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

Only 1 word left....P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C A leather armor hunter can take rougly 8 hits before going down

Keep in mind i will die in 8 hits as well(arcane shot hits 120~(non-crit),auto shot is 70),960+560=1520. Then there is the pet with auto attacks/bite, stuns, disarms and so forth. Licholas is right, we literally became the spectators of low level bgs;we cant buff our team, we cant really pressure the efc or healers...only thing i am good at is fighting other warriors and VERY nooby/undergeared players

It takes a use of crowd pummeler,all my cds, mass buffs and even a greater healing potion to kill ONE trial protection paladin
But god forbid if he uses his bubble before he is about to die...then no amounts of heavy runecloth bandages and healing potions will save you

First BG on my new hunter D:
surprisingly went 32-0 and got wrecking ball without even trying lol.

Hunter 2 OP
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