Everyone in this bracket is dogshit
You're banned from all the wargames hehehehehehhehuhuheheh
Everyone in this bracket is dogshit
Oh noYou're banned from all the wargames hehehehehehhehuhuheheh
You really whipped out the poisoned knife fireflash elemental force/satyr build. o.oSomeone took this video of Krystalhawk running into a 5-man Horde premade in the tunnel trying to protect their EFC.
Warning - don’t look if u have a weak stomach or are adverse to violenceLooks like she had Sader up for that last Heroic Throw!
@Consumables/Premades Haters: I mean seriously, people are still crying about this shit? Get your game faces on MFers! When I see levelers and F2P/vets arcane bombing me and planting flags, it puts a smile on my face - it lets me know this bracket is still ALIVE! But let me tell you guys something, once upon a time during BFA, there used to be level 29 twink premade groups stomping this bracket spamming consumables. Whether they were any good or not would be a whole other discussion, but I’d say 99.9% of you vet/f2ps wouldn’t survive that, not even close, ‘cause y’all suck dogshit!! And you are free to get your own consumables, you crybaby, belt-glitch-cheating MFers! (5) Check! (6) Check! (7) Check! (8) Check!
@Chey/Bull: What’s good my Kiwi friend! Yeah, I’m trying to emulate the 99% of the postings on this forum – I suggest you do the same – here’s a checklist per my previous post: