Just reporting bugs on beta my dude@Rusks explain yourself, you got caught red-handed
also thisthese one time only opportunities for gear thats miles ahead of other gear you can normally get are stupid
nice going casual lab rat.these one time only opportunities for gear thats miles ahead of other gear you can normally get are stupid.
xDnice going casual lab rat.
i don't really care that is has been fixed as i did enjoy the fact that this event brought people together to do thing.
i don't really care that is has been fixed as i did enjoy the fact that this event brought people together to do thing.
but an "individual" that would remove something for other just because IT didn't have the guts to do it is pure pathetic and sad.
if i had anything to do with that guild u involved in i would remove you from it and ban you from any further group activities.
people like you should get insta ip ban from this or any similar communities for times to come.
Good luck being a filthy moocher.
<3 xoxo
Now you can farm bg crate gear that’s going to be pretty much bis in bfa, pvp rewards will bring people to bgs where we should be. Lol everyone’s upset they aren’t goin to get 6%+ vers and like 15+ primary stats to One shot levelers also the correct ilvl satchel gear is still bis in some cases anywayI don't understand people like Rusks. There's new gear to get, of which only 2 pieces are significantly stronger. Because they can't be bothered to farm for satchels (which everyone can easily do) themselves, they rather report it so it gets removed. That's the kind of attitude I didn't expect on a twinking forum where getting the very best gear is a big part of the twinking scene. Also, the satchels gave something to do for twinks while waiting for BfA. People better keep secrets to themselves nowadays.
Neck still awesome though. The heal from BoA neck vs the few extra secondary stats. Hmmmmm.
just because IT didn't have the guts to do it is pure pathetic and sad.
truewelcome to twinking? not sure how some of you vets arn't used to this by now
Guts? Oh dear, you're acting like farming these satchels was some sort of heroic achievement with any sense of merit. Farming low level dungeons all day and night is probably one of the most brain-dead mind-numbing things you can do and I am surprised so many stooped that low to commit to that. Bravo, I suppose.
Personally, I only managed to farm a couple of dungeons until I realise what I was doing. The fact that these satchels, whether acquired on Live or on the PTR, both equally gave the high level gear should've served as a clue that this was bound to be fixed. Levellers would've definitely encountered it, realised something was off about their gear and it would be quickly patched out, as it has now.
Sure, if it required more of a niche trick, such as only working for satchels acquired prior the pre-patch, then maybe it would've persisted through Live for a little longer before being fixed. Or if it was something intended by the devs, then sure, whatever. But that was never the case.