Sanctuary - Real ID - Horde/Ally (Badger 2.0)

Real id capped. Will be removing a few to make room for new peeps.. Ally stink so going to give some love ur way. Pm me with faction
Honey man, I know we've avoided each other like the plague in the past but can you help me out with some runs mate.

Honey man, I know we've avoided each other like the plague in the past but can you help me out with some runs mate.


Haven't ever really met you but you seem like a decent person to be around. Add Jahliath#1905, if I'm on I'm typically happy to help out with some runs.

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Haven't ever really met you but you seem like a decent person to be around. Add Jahliath#1905, if I'm on I'm typically happy to help out with some runs.

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Nice. Can you do Alliance?
Nice. Can you do Alliance?

I can. Considering taking a character over to Alliance as is. The Horde population is too large to create interesting/semi-challenging games. I've just yet to find a group of Alliance to play with as my main is Horde and with it, my alts/twinks.

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Right on.
Looking for more alliance real Ids. Also contact me if ur interested in joining Sanctuary Alliance or Horde.

/Happy New Year
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Did a few hours on Alliance had a blast still looking for more Ally real ids that are active. Will be removing inactive of list close to real id cap.

Running Alliance & Horde (must be an active 24 to stay on my real id) not here to make long life friends to grow old with. Ran Alliance & Horde last night.
24 alliance rogue "Jelb#1760" still getting a few more pieces of gear. I should be BiS soon :)
My apologizes to anyone I haven't added. I got burned out after chasing certain achievements I was and playing 90s and pushing more 24s to play 90s bracket (which I still will be) . I will be removing 90% of real Ids. Looking to run 24s on Monday. Looking to add Ally and Horde real Ids. Id like to balance out my real id list n encourage more people to play both factions. Decided to run 24s after requests from some 24s in the community pleaded & asked.

On that note I will play with anyone wanting to group and bullsh@* , As far as recruitment in Sanctuary goes. I am just more picky with who I let into the guild. Sanctuary is full of Non-elistists attitudes, people looking to strengthen the guild & keep guild drama free. I'm proud to keep it that way. I prefer quality people > quaninty.

Have a great day or Die in a fire :)

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Looking for Horde wanting to join, when i have Open spots in a group.

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