Do I really need to say this. Are you people seriously not aware by now. COPY MY GEAR.
I can not figure out what you're trying to achieve with your outdated set. My 3.3k hp set with full versatility + lucky fishing hat and stam enchants is only a few crit percent lower and had more AP than you do in your glass cannon set. My survivability set is nearly double your health pool to lose roughly 3% of crit and gaining 15 attack power.
I really don't get what you're doing in your set as your crit is far too low to be prioritizing crit, your attack power is far too low to be prioritizing attack power, and you have full versatility (assuming that's what would be on your cloak... IF YOU HAD ONE!!!!!11) but you can easily obtain a set with full versatility, higher attack power and higher crit than you have. You also can also get globaled by nearly any class in the bracket.
You don't have a cloak equipped, you're missing boa neck, and you currently have the wrong version of pvp trinket on your armory.
Either trolling or just trying to feed your own ego despite being outdated, unviable and irrelevant.