Rogue problem

And once again another 19 thread so derailed. Turning into personal attacks.
This is actually the first time I ever addressed you. I avoided doing so for so long due to your evidently being very old, very young, foreign, or just plain soft in the head. You have a naivety that makes your posts painful to read.

Other than insulting my character and my posts, you couldent come up with anything else? i recalled you even used me as an example saying im a crappy shaman, according to alot of people thats not true. And how can you say you avoided me for " a while" when i made this TI account a few weeks ago? lol. shows how dumb you are.
Other than insulting my character and my posts, you couldent come up with anything else? i recalled you even used me as an example saying im a crappy shaman, according to alot of people thats not true. And how can you say you avoided me for " a while" when i made this TI account a few weeks ago? lol. shows how dumb you are.

Can you cite anyone claiming that you're not a crappy shaman? On the contrary, I remember someone posting a screenshot of you dying 12 times in a WSG while doing something like 60k less damage than Shockz.
Just report them AFK.

Nope this wont work lets talk about the real rogue problem well i only read 2 pages maybe its already been talked about in this thread. I think rogues could help a team nicely but they have to work together i played a rogue a few times now and its so awsome to ambush people i start to forget about my team but when a rogue helps his team saps and kills the right targets i think they can be used as game changers but like everyone knows rogues get the big crit bug and only start to focus on how big of ambushes they can do on clothies or the other teams weak players. i really like a rogue open then charge in and finish the tink off its a super K.O combo on most classes.
rogues arnt a problem the abundance of them is.
when u have one (competent) rogue on each side it atleast allows for games to not end in a mid draw, as at 10 stacks a rogue with zerker can pressure an efc super hard.

its the only thing thats good about them in this patch. both factions tend to play for a draw in mid rather than risking a loss for the win. mostly because its fun to put up big numbers in mid and to play a ranged dps, its just how 19 gulch is played.

youre not going to get an ideal class comp every game, u just have to keep queing :eek:
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i have run into a similar problem in the 20-24 bracket but it's easy to work around, you just need to have good coordination/communication with your team so they are well prepared.


this has yielded only positive results in my experiences, just remember to mass report afk anyone who forgets their lube.
i have run into a similar problem in the 20-24 bracket but it's easy to work around, you just need to have good coordination/communication with your team so they are well prepared.


this has yielded only positive results in my experiences, just remember to mass report afk anyone who forgets their lube.

19s and 20-24 brackets are two different animals my friend.

You cannot compare one of to the other.
Can you cite anyone claiming that you're not a crappy shaman? On the contrary, I remember someone posting a screenshot of you dying 12 times in a WSG while doing something like 60k less damage than Shockz.

Bastitch posted that, and i have a pic of him going 4/9 when i went 22/2... he doesent have room to talk either.

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