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In Patch 8.1.5, the Kul Tiran Humans and the Zandalari Trolls will be finally released!
In Patch 8.1.5, the Kul Tiran Humans and the Zandalari Trolls will be finally released!
- The Zandalari Trolls racials and available classes are being covered which includes Zandalari Paladins. Find out more here
- The Kul Tiran racials and available classes are being covered. The Kul Tiran mount is a horse. Find out more here
- The Darkmoon Faire now has a Rollercoaster in Patch 8.1.5!
- Also in Patch 8.1.5, Children's Week will be added with Kul Tiran and Zandalari children! New micro-holidays as well: The Wanderer's Festival, Vash'jr and Free T-Shirt Day.
- Timewalking Warlords of Draenor is coming! Auchindoun, Everbloom and more! Two mounts for rewards.
- Portal Rooms will be added in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. They will be designed so they can add portals over time.
- New Tools of the Trade questlines to get a unique profession specific epic item. e.g. Blacksmithing get to repair their own gear.
- The Brawler's guild will return. New bosses and progression. A new questline has been added and you need to solve a murder. Rewards? More shirts with a Bruce mount!
- Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin remastered.
- You can fight AI in Battlegrounds in the new AI Comp Stomp Brawl.