RIP Aerie Peak Horde


I've been a member of Aerie Peak Horde since December 2011. In that time there has always been an understanding that queueing with 24s and farming graveyard is unacceptable behavior. This was enforced, it wasn't optional. If you wanted to play with us on our server you followed those policies. If you faced us you knew it would be an objective game. That time has come to an end.

Recently AP H has had some distasteful additions to our community. Among them is at least one p2p who plays a 24 prot warrior named Jerkme. Yesterday morning I witnessed him recruiting trial players in our channel to premade with his 24. So I banned him. I banned his alts that he whispered me with. Later on that day his friends were whining for him to be unbanned. I'd be surprised if he was not himself contributing to the noise. A few old players said what's the big deal and he was unbanned. I won't name them out of respect to their history on the server.

To me, this marks an unmistakable shift in our community. No longer can it be said that AP H is honorable. That we play objectively and with sportsmanship. That is lamentable. Times have changed. Old faces are rare to see and a new generation of players has taken up the reigns. The old majority who share my views are gone. I am not proud to call the server my home.

It used to be a tradition not to premade with 24s on AP H so I recommend the new people follow this if they want to be part of AP H.

You did the right thing in banning them. There needs to be a 0 tolerance for antisocial lowlifes.
Ive seen this on ap ally and horde, not really news to me. Quelthalas is more 'honorable' nowdays imho as sad as that sounds
Change is inevitable and a persons ability to adapt to change determines their level of success

I've been a member of Aerie Peak Horde since December 2011. In that time there has always been an understanding that queueing with 24s and farming graveyard is unacceptable behavior. This was enforced, it wasn't optional. If you wanted to play with us on our server you followed those policies. If you faced us you knew it would be an objective game. That time has come to an end.

Recently AP H has had some distasteful additions to our community. Among them is at least one p2p who plays a 24 prot warrior named Jerkme. Yesterday morning I witnessed him recruiting trial players in our channel to premade with his 24. So I banned him. I banned his alts that he whispered me with. Later on that day his friends were whining for him to be unbanned. I'd be surprised if he was not himself contributing to the noise. A few old players said what's the big deal and he was unbanned. I won't name them out of respect to their history on the server.

To me, this marks an unmistakable shift in our community. No longer can it be said that AP H is honorable. That we play objectively and with sportsmanship. That is lamentable. Times have changed. Old faces are rare to see and a new generation of players has taken up the reigns. The old majority who share my views are gone. I am not proud to call the server my home.


A bold statement. I would liked to have heard the conversation you had with that 24 lol.

I fear most players will not understand your position on the matter, and as in the scenario you described, will seek to gain "honor" though the easiest means possible. Even if it is through less-than honorable means.
so yeah I went and ranted in f2p chat a bit, iII sum up my points

We aII know that f2p 20s make up the majority of this bracket. Even though there are OP cIasses within f2p , it's stiII for the most part pretty competitive.

When it comes to twinking there can be two types of fun. The first kind of fun is to aim to have fair, competitive games, kind of Iike end game, where the point is to use strategy, teamwork etc, using the Iimited advantages that f2ps can have access to (swiftness potions, knowIedge of tunneI jumps, etc) - twinkers who want this kind of fun get into twinking because of the fact that they dont have to keep acquiring new gear, they can gear up and just pIay

24s pIay this bracket for a different kind of fun. What ive found is that 24s often use the Iine "oh yeah we do 24 vs 24 premades" as a coverup. Most of the time their purpose of being in this bracket is to dominate, to be unstoppabIe, to have a reputation for being hated and overpowered, to be the bad guys and knowing theres nothing any of us can do about it -- I know because I used to enjoy that type of fun myseIf

AP horde is the biggest f2p reaIm there is, it's kind of Iike the headquarters for f2p. And some of you may say "weII yeah, 24s arent going anywhere so we need to adjust, we need to pIay with 24s and we need to make OP cIasses". But if we start pIaying with 24s we start justifying 24s being used in premades on other reaIms as weII

Iet 24s be 24s -- Iet them faceroII you in gemming premades -- try your best to win but if you don't, don't worry about it -- Iosing to them means nothing about your skiII, how weII you pIayed, how hard you worked, etc -- it just means you can't afford or choose not to pay for this game. theyre having their kind of fun, and f2ps are having our kind of fun.

And our kind of fun is better.
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I can't hear you from up there on the sawmill. :p

Anyways AP ain't what it used to use ranting. Just (re)introduce and support standards. Either they stick or they don't. There are many ways to deal with interlopers and bad apples.

Annnd - keep in mind most people are sheep and I'd wager most are ignorant of any mores of the old f2p culture. They know not what they do. Show them da way!

~AP Hasbeen Drünk
As someone already mentioned, change is always bound to happen. AP is no exception, no matter how much you might want it to be. Perhaps there was a time when grouping with 24s was seen as shameful or hypocritical, but things always change. You might not like it, you will probably even try to stop that change from happening, but in the end, it's bound to happen.

You don't have to treat this like it's a bad thing. As long as those 24s are respectful and generally good people who aren't gy farmers, then I don't see why it's not possible to allow them to become respected and contributing members to the growing AP community.
As someone already mentioned, change is always bound to happen. AP is no exception, no matter how much you might want it to be. Perhaps there was a time when grouping with 24s was seen as shameful or hypocritical, but things always change. You might not like it, you will probably even try to stop that change from happening, but in the end, it's bound to happen.

You don't have to treat this like it's a bad thing. As long as those 24s are respectful and generally good people who aren't gy farmers, then I don't see why it's not possible to allow them to become respected and contributing members to the growing AP community.

They aren't contributing to our realm. Half of the people do not care about what AP was originally about. Hell, half of the pros don't even know an old player when they see one. I've been called a nobody,newfag, etc by new players of AP.

I've thrown the idea around with friends in the past but nothing ever came of it because most of them quit recently or only log into F2P once in a while, but I think its time for us like minded players to have another migration, a migration off of Aerie Peak.
As someone already mentioned, change is always bound to happen. AP is no exception, no matter how much you might want it to be. Perhaps there was a time when grouping with 24s was seen as shameful or hypocritical, but things always change. You might not like it, you will probably even try to stop that change from happening, but in the end, it's bound to happen.

You don't have to treat this like it's a bad thing. As long as those 24s are respectful and generally good people who aren't gy farmers, then I don't see why it's not possible to allow them to become respected and contributing members to the growing AP community.

Thanks for that dose of apathy. 24s are scum.
What concerns me more than a few 24s, is the amount of amateur trash that seems to be flooding the server now. When you have to fucking ask how to get BoAs or fishing hat, you're not worth grouping with. Lots of backpeddling/half of our "premade" running off objective to chase down a single hpala, etc. By this point I know who's worth grouping with, but still.
For some reason I logged onto F2P after taking quite a break and was banned from the channel (at least that's my assumption because it doesn't appear when I log in and I have the addon plus it's updated). :(
For some reason I logged onto F2P after taking quite a break and was banned from the channel (at least that's my assumption because it doesn't appear when I log in and I have the addon plus it's updated). :(

What's the name of your trial? Assuming you aren't 24 I'll unban you.

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