How fast can you do RFC? This is an event where level 20's can showcase their skill and ability to work together efficiently and use game mechanics creatively
I want to get this going before it goes stale and starts growing mold. Lets see your videos! Submission date ends in two weeks 12/08/2013
Ragefire Chasm is a short low level instance in Orgrimmar, if you didn't know this then you're probably not high enough level to enter
Most of us have run through RFC more than once. Some do it hundreds of times just to see swiftpot recipe drop or to get a mog. Others run it once while they're leveling and never want to see the place again. Love it or hate it, we're all familiar with RFC.
Competitions rules:
-Maximum f2p players: 2
-No exterior buffs. You can use all buffs, scrolls, castable by the two f2p's in the team within the instance
-All class combinations aloud. Monks with f2p restrictions aloud (must provide armory)
-Begin with both players inside the instance standing behind the quest givers
-End when you have killed all the mobs within the instance (any order you like)
Video rules:
-Submit your entry in video form. Either send me the video file here or upload it onto youtube and send me the link via privet message.
-Provide armory links to both players
-Use ingame stop watch. Start the timer to begin. Stop the timer when you kill the last mob
View attachment 3192
-I'm gonna say roughly 3 video submissions max for each team. Do as many practice runs as you like but please don't send me all of your attempts
-Only raw footage. No sped up or slowed down videos
Links and suggestions:
-Decent free game recording software recommended by Trickynick
-For Alliance struggling to get to RFC, it is easier to use the LFG system with 3 other friends. Recommended by Trickynick
If you have any questions, queries or suggestions you may message I, Cheesetoast, bringer of high cholesterol or just post here
How fast can you do RFC? This is an event where level 20's can showcase their skill and ability to work together efficiently and use game mechanics creatively
I want to get this going before it goes stale and starts growing mold. Lets see your videos! Submission date ends in two weeks 12/08/2013
Ragefire Chasm is a short low level instance in Orgrimmar, if you didn't know this then you're probably not high enough level to enter
Competitions rules:
-Maximum f2p players: 2
-No exterior buffs. You can use all buffs, scrolls, castable by the two f2p's in the team within the instance
-All class combinations aloud. Monks with f2p restrictions aloud (must provide armory)
-Begin with both players inside the instance standing behind the quest givers
-End when you have killed all the mobs within the instance (any order you like)
Video rules:
-Submit your entry in video form. Either send me the video file here or upload it onto youtube and send me the link via privet message.
-Provide armory links to both players
-Use ingame stop watch. Start the timer to begin. Stop the timer when you kill the last mob
View attachment 3192
-I'm gonna say roughly 3 video submissions max for each team. Do as many practice runs as you like but please don't send me all of your attempts
-Only raw footage. No sped up or slowed down videos
Links and suggestions:
-Decent free game recording software recommended by Trickynick
-For Alliance struggling to get to RFC, it is easier to use the LFG system with 3 other friends. Recommended by Trickynick
If you have any questions, queries or suggestions you may message I, Cheesetoast, bringer of high cholesterol or just post here
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