Return of the Huntard could it be?

Has Huntards Returned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 86.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 16.3%

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I will be frank, Stop taking all hunter related rants personally,Lil

If you notice that was the FIRST post in ALONG time that I said anything personally or went personal about it. People seem to confuse my annoyance with hunter complaining as me taking it as people attacking me personally when I don't. I know I'm not an avg hunt which most of this QQ is based off of and I know I don't need to crutch on the class and I know when I kill someone I outskill anyways.

I guess I can't have an opinion on people bitching about hunts without people thinking I am taking it personal :/ I did like "don't argue with a stupid person, because the surrounding people may fail to see the difference between both of you" tho lol.. It's how I've felt quite a bit lately :rolleyes:

Edit: nvm I guess my 2nd post in this thread was kinda a personal post but that was more of a rant so meh.. Normally I don't but I guess 4 days isn't that long ^-^
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There is 969 ambush, followed by a 741 eviscerate.
I was not talking about 1v1 shit, on BG's it's quite possible to get hunter/rogue/mage/lock/druid with a burst, even under healing, prot warrior/prot pally can only be killed with time, cause of massive hp/armour/damage reduction.
Item scaling is the same for everyone, you cannot say that X is better than Y even though both X and Y got +10% from item scaling.
Yeap, control is OP.
Good rogue, probably ppala (cause of AOE shield), probably good balance can go on par with hunters damage.
Since I've farmed every possible thing for hunter I do not go after damage numbers in BG's anymore, most of the time I prefer to def or control mid, but yes, even so I top charts, but I cannot take flag (no saves, only escape), I cannot heal, I cannot hard control (roots, sap), basically hunter can see enemy's movements (tracking), do tons of damage and some soft control.

x benefited from patch more than y if x got +10% gear buff +20% dmg buff... while y in some cases got a +5% dmg buff (Mage/Lock) (i honestly have not seen a large increase in my mage dmg {other than hit bug fixed} or even health)

Pallys are also OP, which is why i rolled one... not as much dmg but heals and invincibility> dmg (seriously hunters > prot pallys and rogues Dmg ALWAYS, definatly not on par)

a good hunter can easily solo a prot pally (maybe not Hpal) . however hunters are also OP... massive dmg buff + survivability+ utility makes them the most viable class in this bracket...

if by soft control you mean spam Conshot with complete disregard for DR then yes hunters have no hard control (oh wait... wasp stun?). hunters easily have the most cc (except mages) in this bracket for the sole fact that they do not have to worry about DR. on top of that they get a ridiculous amount of burst at their disposal. you lose a 3 second stun for aprox +30% dmg buff...

This is all from the perspective of my mage, and yes i can solo protadins and even the odd spriest. However backpedaling huntards are so incredibly OP i dont even get to play my mage as often as i would like because of the fear that i will get spawn camped by an Int stacking nelf huntard.
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If you notice that was the FIRST post in ALONG time that I said anything personally or went personal about it. People seem to confuse my annoyance with hunter complaining as me taking it as people attacking me personally when I don't. I know I'm not an avg hunt which most of this QQ is based off of and I know I don't need to crutch on the class and I know when I kill someone I outskill anyways.

I guess I can't have an opinion on people bitching about hunts without people thinking I am taking it personal :/ I did like "don't argue with a stupid person, because the surrounding people may fail to see the difference between both of you" tho lol.. It's how I've felt quite a bit lately :rolleyes:

Edit: nvm I guess my 2nd post in this thread was kinda a personal post but that was more of a rant so meh.. Normally I don't but I guess 4 days isn't that long ^-^

Just admit that your favorite class is OP...
I just read through this thread and one thing I notice is that people are comparing classes, which you cannot simply compare. How can you compare a Rogue to a Hunter? They are 2 totally different classes, with a different play style and different objectives. Also, saying that because you can't beat a Hunter on a class like Rogue makes them OP, is stupid. Hunters counter Rogue's in this bracket, it's that simple. If played correctly, a Hunter should always win. But if you look at different classes, like a Boomie, they shouldn't complain about Hunters because they counter them pretty well. It is rather obvious that Hunter is on the OP side this patch, but so what? Why does it matter so much? Every patch and every expansion one or the other class/spec is OP. It has always been like that, and it will always be like that. So complaining because you can't beat a hunter, whats the point? It's not like you'll accomplish anything other than annoying people. Perhaps it's time to reflect upon one selve and think about how you can accomplish killing a Hunter more efficiently. For me as a Rogue, I simply don't go on a Hunter if the odds are against me. And if one catches me in mid-field and I die without being to do anything, I don't care. Often enough I catch people and they can't do shit.
I think, a hunter and a rogue should duel to find out who is really op of the two.The main catch is that the hunter will be meleeing and without a pet, whereas the rogue will use only a thrown weapon.
I have.. PLENTY of times..

Just admit you didn't read any of my posts or don't understand my arguement.. Actually better yet just read ^ Basically the samething I have been saying except for the comparing part.

damnit [MENTION=11340]potatoez[/MENTION] I did it again :/ I will learn to follow your advice one day!

i admit it! i dont stalk you on TI therefore i have no idea what your stance is on hunters... but if you understand hunter is OP then why keep posting? im confused...
x benefited from patch more than y if x got +10% gear buff +20% dmg buff... while y in some cases got a +5% dmg buff (Mage/Lock) (i honestly have not seen a large increase in my mage dmg {other than hit bug fixed} or even health)

Pallys are also OP, which is why i rolled one... not as much dmg but heals and invincibility> dmg (seriously hunters > prot pallys and rogues Dmg ALWAYS, definatly not on par)

a good hunter can easily solo a prot pally (maybe not Hpal) . however hunters are also OP... massive dmg buff + survivability+ utility makes them the most viable class in this bracket...

if by soft control you mean spam Conshot with complete disregard for DR then yes hunters have no hard control (oh wait... wasp stun?). hunters easily have the most cc (except mages) in this bracket for the sole fact that they do not have to worry about DR. on top of that they get a ridiculous amount of burst at their disposal. you lose a 3 second stun for aprox +30% dmg buff...

This is all from the perspective of my mage, and yes i can solo protadins and even the odd spriest. However backpedaling huntards are so incredibly OP i dont even get to play my mage as often as i would like because of the fear that i will get spawn camped by an Int stacking nelf huntard.

Seriously not sure if stupid or trolling, everyone got gear scaling, so basically it's the same as everyone get +10% to their damage/health/etc., so you cannot take this into consideration.
Buff was not +20%, buff was more like 9+3.5+0.6=13%, other 8% were availiable prior to 5.3, but people prefered 3sec stun instead of them, so it's +13% buff.
And I'm not talking about 1v1 fights, cause they happen not so often and if your for is a good and geared player this fight will likely end after one of you got help from the team.
Hard control is something what can cause loss of a character for 8+ secs, hunter can actually do with two skills 4+2(DR)s, but this way he losses silence.
We lost 3sec of stun for +13% buff, stop being ignorant, you've got all the numbers.

You guys are just mad, seriously, while I consider hunters to be OP for this bracket cause of their mobility and control - I do not see sourse of the hatred.
why cant people just accept hunters are OP?, just leave them the fuck alone, bitching all the time wont solve the issue.
even in cata with all of a hunters glory you and I had multiple 1v1 battles and it was generally a fun fight vs your lock. "Lock vs hunt in cata and the fights were even?! What is this?" Oh that's right it's an avg hunt vs a really good lock. This goes out to any person on this thread complaining about the avg hunt beating you. There are far better ways to spend your time in this game then complaining about hunters like idk maybe making yourself better?

The biggest difference is that hunters could be countered 1v1 in Cata by abusing the dead zone. Beyond that, they'd actually have to stop moving to cast steady shot when their focus was dumped and you could blink/shadowstep/gouge/charge their disengage and stay on them. I don't know about Cata locks too well, but mages could also could pop in and out of max range when the hunter was looking elsewhere and keep decent damage coming. I'd assume locks would be similar with Bane of Doom/stronger dots.

Hunter damage isn't quite as bad as it used to be, but compared to Cata they've gained three big things - no minimum range, 100% mobility with moving Steady Shot and Posthaste (which is honestly one of the strongest abilities in the bracket).

They just have unmatched quality of life. There are no games that make you say "Ugh, I really wish I was playing something other than my hunter right now" (outside of the ones that are too easy :p). Hunters have the least vulnerability and the most ways to escape, it's an absolutely ridiculous side effect of playing this game at a random level that's of little concern to developers (or the majority of the playerbase).

Hunters didn't bother me that much in Cata and they don't bother me that much now. The game isn't meant to be 1v1 and I don't try to play it that way. But as long as hunters have an uncounterable advantage in nearly every 1v1 situation, you're going to have to listen to people complain about them. They can just be really un-fun to fight against sometimes /shrug.

Also, I got a chuckle out of your emoting Lil, but you really should work on taking things less personally. Life can throw enough at you on its own - you'll never do yourself any favors if you look to see yourself as a victim.
Seriously not sure if stupid or trolling, everyone got gear scaling, so basically it's the same as everyone get +10% to their damage/health/etc., so you cannot take this into consideration.
Buff was not +20%, buff was more like 9+3.5+0.6=13%, other 8% were availiable prior to 5.3, but people prefered 3sec stun instead of them, so it's +13% buff.
And I'm not talking about 1v1 fights, cause they happen not so often and if your for is a good and geared player this fight will likely end after one of you got help from the team.
Hard control is something what can cause loss of a character for 8+ secs, hunter can actually do with two skills 4+2(DR)s, but this way he losses silence.
We lost 3sec of stun for +13% buff, stop being ignorant, you've got all the numbers.

You guys are just mad, seriously, while I consider hunters to be OP for this bracket cause of their mobility and control - I do not see sourse of the hatred.

oh god another butthurt hunter...

You cannot exclude gear scaling as it affects all the other Dps increases (i.e. 100+10%<110+10%). Similarly if all the hunters that were BM (90%) before 5.3 hit then switched to surv how can you not include the surv passive when calculating dmg increase, especially when it is integrated into all the other dmg bonuses hunters have received recently...

These numbers you have presented are completely arbitrary... 9% because of no crit bonus? how do you justify that crit is exactly a 1% damage increase? 3.5% increase from arcane shot? how often are you casting AS? 0.6% increase from steady shot? really? a 10% increase to RAP and a 10% damage increase to SS only increases your overall dmg output by 0.6%?

Why does the class that was already topping dmg without these buffs all of a sudden get get their damage buffed out their asshole? According to you its because hunters "lost 3sec of stun" which imho made an otherwise balanced class OP.

8+ seconds of stun is called stunlock... 8+ seconds of poly or fear is hardcontrol...

So... you just called me stupid, told me hunters got a ridiculous damage buff (which is what ive been saying), hunters lost one of their stuns and now have to choose between stun or silence (which is what ive been saying), hunters have some of (if not) the best mobility and control in the bracket (which is what ive been saying) and hunters are OP (which is what ive been saying).

You sir are the troll...
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oh god another butthurt hunter...

You cannot exclude gear scaling as it affects all the other Dps increases (i.e. 100+10%<110+10%). Similarly if all the hunters that were BM (90%) before 5.3 hit then switched to surv how can you not include the surv passive when calculating dmg increase, especially when it is integrated into all the other dmg bonuses hunters have received recently...

These numbers you have presented are completely arbitrary... 9% because of no crit bonus? how do you justify that crit is exactly a 1% damage increase? 3.5% increase from arcane shot? how often are you casting AS? 0.6% increase from steady shot? really? a 10% increase to RAP and a 10% damage increase to SS only increases your overall dmg output by 0.6%?

Why does the class that was already topping dmg without these buffs all of a sudden get get their damage buffed out their asshole? According to you its because hunters "lost 3sec of stun" which imho made an otherwise balanced class OP.

8+ seconds of stun is called stunlock... 8+ seconds of poly or fear is hardcontrol...

So... you just called me stupid, told me hunters got a ridiculous damage buff (which is what ive been saying), hunters lost one of their stuns and now have to choose between stun or silence (which is what ive been saying), hunters have some of (if not) the best mobility and control in the bracket (which is what ive been saying) and hunters are OP (which is what ive been saying).

You sir are the troll...

I've said that hunters are OP in my first post and continued to agree with that, not sure why you start to say that hunters are OP, cause you're errrr, right?
+10% from damage scaling affects all, you cannot say that hunters got 10% buff cause you (for example healer) got another 10% of health or int or spirit.
You will be fucking shocked, but surv spec get only one ability ES - that's ALL, NO PASSIVES, NO NOTHING, +10% agi was maybe in cata or earlier, not sure.

Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters damage by 10%, that's exactly flat 10% increase.
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters agility by 10%, that's more or less exactly 10% (some abilities benefit from agi>RAP more, some less, and agi>crit rate).
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters RAP by 10%, that's more or less exactly 10% abilities damage increase, but overall (including hit, crit, exp) it's a little less, cause crit stays the same.
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters AS by 10%, that's exactly 10% increased damage on AS, but since typical AS usage (through whole bg, not bursts) is 30-40% - overall damage increase is 30-40%*10%=3-4% (but closer to 10% during burst situations).
Same for SS, 5-10*10%=0.5-1%

Why did we get +10% I've got no idea, cause hunters damage was quite ok without it, taking out our 3sec stun was right idea too, cause it was too OP, the best solution was to give us some additional skills cause right now only one spec is viable. Actually I've got some ideas about +10% on AS and +50% next patch - AS is for focus dumping on 90 lvl, so they just want hunters to dump focus more effective and upgrade more or less useless ability (for 90).

I prefer to refer as stunlock only to stuns, charm/poly/sleep/roots can be cancelled by damage, so it's not stunlock, yes it's hard control, hunters hard control is only 4sec - scatter and monkey.

Actually fuck this, I'm trying to give you here more or less exact numbers to justify damage increase while you twist everything your way.
I'm out of here, stalker.
I've said that hunters are OP in my first post and continued to agree with that, not sure why you start to say that hunters are OP, cause you're errrr, right?
+10% from damage scaling affects all, you cannot say that hunters got 10% buff cause you (for example healer) got another 10% of health or int or spirit.
You will be fucking shocked, but surv spec get only one ability ES - that's ALL, NO PASSIVES, NO NOTHING, +10% agi was maybe in cata or earlier, not sure.

Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters damage by 10%, that's exactly flat 10% increase.
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters agility by 10%, that's more or less exactly 10% (some abilities benefit from agi>RAP more, some less, and agi>crit rate).
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters RAP by 10%, that's more or less exactly 10% abilities damage increase, but overall (including hit, crit, exp) it's a little less, cause crit stays the same.
Lets say blizz wants to increase hunters AS by 10%, that's exactly 10% increased damage on AS, but since typical AS usage (through whole bg, not bursts) is 30-40% - overall damage increase is 30-40%*10%=3-4% (but closer to 10% during burst situations).
Same for SS, 5-10*10%=0.5-1%

Why did we get +10% I've got no idea, cause hunters damage was quite ok without it, taking out our 3sec stun was right idea too, cause it was too OP, the best solution was to give us some additional skills cause right now only one spec is viable. Actually I've got some ideas about +10% on AS and +50% next patch - AS is for focus dumping on 90 lvl, so they just want hunters to dump focus more effective and upgrade more or less useless ability (for 90).

I prefer to refer as stunlock only to stuns, charm/poly/sleep/roots can be cancelled by damage, so it's not stunlock, yes it's hard control, hunters hard control is only 4sec - scatter and monkey.

Actually fuck this, I'm trying to give you here more or less exact numbers to justify damage increase while you twist everything your way.
I'm out of here, stalker.

So we agree?

btw i was talking about intim+wasp stun when i said stunlock...

I dont have anything against you, you need to calm down. How am i a stalker? I get notified everytime someone quotes me in a post... and i usually reply... have i offended you in some way?
hunters are the new FOTM again
stop whining
if you hate it quit
otherwise play
HF GL see ya soon :)

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