Return of the Huntard could it be?

Has Huntards Returned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 86.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
Seriously how does this not get old for people??? :confused:

Do you really not get it? Do you really not understand?

For.. YEARS now, since the creation of battleground brackets, hunters have reigned supreme. And the worst part? It takes little to no skill to be more effective than half of your team. Do you even realize how bullshit it is that a mis-geared, piss-poor-playing hunter with a finger glued to the s key can do more damage than warlocks, mages, shamans, warriors, priests (excluding 24 shadow), paladins, druids, rogues, and monks? ...Oh wait, did I name all of the other classes in the bracket?

Do you even understand how frustrating it is to be playing another class at skill cap (yeah, yeah, whatever) doing literally everything within your power, when some fresh 20 hunter decides to spam concussive shot and explosive shot on you and somehow, regardless of how well you manoeuvre your character, to realize that it's hopeless and that the hunter with an eyepatch in a robe will still kill you?

Do you realize how bullshit it is that Blizzard hasn't implemented any Line of Sight walls in the mid-field of WSG to make for interesting play? And by doing so allow mindless zerg to be the best way to play their map? As it is, Hunters can chase you around the entire map without impunity. With no hunter dead zone and no line of sight, what's their counter?

And don't even get me started on 'hunter's high skill cap'. It's a fucking myth. Sure, whatever, they have a couple of interrupts and silences and have to time their focus dump. But this game is already so fucking easy to play, if you can't handle that and know when to use what then you sure as hell shouldn't see any success. But see, that's the problem. Any monkey who can press two buttons will be wildly successful. And for whatever reason (years of conditioning from pokémon and tamagotchi?), hunters attract the dumbest of players.

See, the reason people despise hunters is because the hunter skill floor is higher than most classes skill cap. And that's about as backwards and bullshit as it can get. Do you remember cata? Do you remember how all of the tactical play in this bracket, all of the meta, if you will, was and is based around defeating and surviving hunters?

Does it not get old for you, defending the most bullshit class in the bracket?
Do you really not get it? Do you really not understand?

For.. YEARS now, since the creation of battleground brackets, hunters have reigned supreme. And the worst part? It takes little to no skill to be more effective than half of your team. Do you even realize how bullshit it is that a mis-geared, piss-poor-playing hunter with a finger glued to the s key can do more damage than warlocks, mages, shamans, warriors, priests (excluding 24 shadow), paladins, druids, rogues, and monks? ...Oh wait, did I name all of the other classes in the bracket?

Do you even understand how frustrating it is to be playing another class at skill cap (yeah, yeah, whatever) doing literally everything within your power, when some fresh 20 hunter decides to spam concussive shot and explosive shot on you and somehow, regardless of how well you manoeuvre your character, to realize that it's hopeless and that the hunter with an eyepatch in a robe will still kill you?

Do you realize how bullshit it is that Blizzard hasn't implemented any Line of Sight walls in the mid-field of WSG to make for interesting play? And by doing so allow mindless zerg to be the best way to play their map? As it is, Hunters can chase you around the entire map without impunity. With no hunter dead zone and no line of sight, what's their counter?

And don't even get me started on 'hunter's high skill cap'. It's a fucking myth. Sure, whatever, they have a couple of interrupts and silences and have to time their focus dump. But this game is already so fucking easy to play, if you can't handle that and know when to use what then you sure as hell shouldn't see any success. But see, that's the problem. Any monkey who can press two buttons will be wildly successful. And for whatever reason (years of conditioning from pokémon and tamagotchi?), hunters attract the dumbest of players.

See, the reason people despise hunters is because the hunter skill floor is higher than most classes skill cap. And that's about as backwards and bullshit as it can get. Do you remember cata? Do you remember how all of the tactical play in this bracket, all of the meta, if you will, was and is based around defeating and surviving hunters?

Does it not get old for you, defending the most bullshit class in the bracket?
It's posts like these why Lil keeps defending the ''most bullshit class in the bracket''.

Your contempt for the hunter class is both ridiculous and irrational. And all we need to do is read through this post of yours to understand that. This idea that hunters have always been dominating. This idea that hunters are stronger than each and every class in this bracket. Is a complete and total joke. But you know, you believe what you wanna believe.

I don't think anyone who went through MoP could say hunters were at the top. But I guess we all have some degree of denial.

Cataclysm, Cataclysm, Cataclysm. I'm sorry, where are we again? Are we in Cataclysm or are we in MoP? How long has it been since Cataclysm? Half a year? Maybe it's about time to let that shit go.

I mean, how can you ask Lil whether or not it gets old to defend themselves from people that never know when to stop. Not a person, but a large group of people. Why don't you put yourself in Lil's shoes for a second.
It's posts like these why Lil keeps defending the ''most bullshit class in the bracket''..

How new are you?

Hunters have been a force in low level PVP for probably longer than I have been playing. His post isn't about the F2P bracket exclusively. Or MOP. Or even Cata. It's about the Hunter class and how it has been very *solid* in low level PvP for ages. Ages. The fact that most of you don't recognize this is both mind boggling and amusing, but entirely unsurprising given that this is the trial bracket.

Frankly, I'm surprised you responded to the rant.
Do you really not get it? Do you really not understand?

For.. YEARS now, since the creation of battleground brackets, hunters have reigned supreme. And the worst part? It takes little to no skill to be more effective than half of your team. Do you even realize how bullshit it is that a mis-geared, piss-poor-playing hunter with a finger glued to the s key can do more damage than warlocks, mages, shamans, warriors, priests (excluding 24 shadow), paladins, druids, rogues, and monks? ...Oh wait, did I name all of the other classes in the bracket?

Do you even understand how frustrating it is to be playing another class at skill cap (yeah, yeah, whatever) doing literally everything within your power, when some fresh 20 hunter decides to spam concussive shot and explosive shot on you and somehow, regardless of how well you manoeuvre your character, to realize that it's hopeless and that the hunter with an eyepatch in a robe will still kill you?

Do you realize how bullshit it is that Blizzard hasn't implemented any Line of Sight walls in the mid-field of WSG to make for interesting play? And by doing so allow mindless zerg to be the best way to play their map? As it is, Hunters can chase you around the entire map without impunity. With no hunter dead zone and no line of sight, what's their counter?

And don't even get me started on 'hunter's high skill cap'. It's a fucking myth. Sure, whatever, they have a couple of interrupts and silences and have to time their focus dump. But this game is already so fucking easy to play, if you can't handle that and know when to use what then you sure as hell shouldn't see any success. But see, that's the problem. Any monkey who can press two buttons will be wildly successful. And for whatever reason (years of conditioning from pokémon and tamagotchi?), hunters attract the dumbest of players.

See, the reason people despise hunters is because the hunter skill floor is higher than most classes skill cap. And that's about as backwards and bullshit as it can get. Do you remember cata? Do you remember how all of the tactical play in this bracket, all of the meta, if you will, was and is based around defeating and surviving hunters?

Does it not get old for you, defending the most bullshit class in the bracket?

blizz doesnt care about low lvl PvP, they have lvl 90 PvP to worry about.
Immolation trap at level 16 and multi-shot at 18... Those were the days. No rogues could dodge my venomstrikes arrows and if he went into stealth he burned. Oh the joy.

blizz doesnt care about low lvl PvP, they have lvl 90 PvP to worry about.

hunter is OP at 90 aswell.
It's posts like these why Lil keeps defending the ''most bullshit class in the bracket''.

Your contempt for the hunter class is both ridiculous and irrational. And all we need to do is read through this post of yours to understand that. This idea that hunters have always been dominating. This idea that hunters are stronger than each and every class in this bracket. Is a complete and total joke. But you know, you believe what you wanna believe.

I don't think anyone who went through MoP could say hunters were at the top. But I guess we all have some degree of denial.

Cataclysm, Cataclysm, Cataclysm. I'm sorry, where are we again? Are we in Cataclysm or are we in MoP? How long has it been since Cataclysm? Half a year? Maybe it's about time to let that shit go.

I mean, how can you ask Lil whether or not it gets old to defend themselves from people that never know when to stop. Not a person, but a large group of people. Why don't you put yourself in Lil's shoes for a second.

Hunters have been dominating battlegrounds for now about 4 years.
Hunters have been extremely good, and in some scenarios OP throughout all of MOP (I have a hunter, i know this) and if you don't feel that way, well it's simply because you're bad at playing a hunters.
I think, and i believe rsq feels the same way, I don't have a problem with people who has played hunter throughout a long time and actually like the character.. I have a problem with people who play it because it is so extremely easy to reach a minimum of so called "skill" while playing a hunter, then to call themselves good and talk down to other people, who probably in most cases are a lot better, just perhabs play a class who is easily countered by hunters, such as warlocks, enhas and warriors..
Also, Lil who made a trial hunter in cata, in my oppinion deserves to be ridiculed, especially when that person then goes on to comment such things on a thread like this.
Talking as someone whose first hunter twink was made in start of BC, and who quit playing them in cata because of said OPness and doesn't wanna be put into a box with "these people": if you have a problem with the hate against your class, either reroll into something that doesn't steamroll by clicking 1234 or stop going into every thread concerning hunters and bitch about every person crying about hunters, and taking every statement made against hunters as a personal attack..

It's posts like these why Lil keeps defending the ''most bullshit class in the bracket''.

Your contempt for the hunter class is both ridiculous and irrational. And all we need to do is read through this post of yours to understand that. This idea that hunters have always been dominating. This idea that hunters are stronger than each and every class in this bracket. Is a complete and total joke. But you know, you believe what you wanna believe.

I don't think anyone who went through MoP could say hunters were at the top. But I guess we all have some degree of denial.

Cataclysm, Cataclysm, Cataclysm. I'm sorry, where are we again? Are we in Cataclysm or are we in MoP? How long has it been since Cataclysm? Half a year? Maybe it's about time to let that shit go.

I mean, how can you ask Lil whether or not it gets old to defend themselves from people that never know when to stop. Not a person, but a large group of people. Why don't you put yourself in Lil's shoes for a second.

AHAHAHHAAAHAHA oh god my sides.
You're either very new to this game (Joined Mar. 2012), play a hunter (wait, you do), or have had blinders on during your entire time spent in this game.
You're just trash in general.
Can we ban trialmop and oneshot? They are clearly the biggest hunter trolls on this site.
I liked 5.2 aside from the OP shield slam (and it still is) and I guess you could say heals were a little OP, but teamwork could still bring them down. Aspect of hawk buff was not needed because heals and resilience from heirlooms got nerfed and this arcane+steady shot buff is just overkill.
Hunters have been dominating battlegrounds for now about 4 years.
Hunters have been extremely good, and in some scenarios OP throughout all of MOP (I have a hunter, i know this) and if you don't feel that way, well it's simply because you're bad at playing a hunters.
I think, and i believe rsq feels the same way, I don't have a problem with people who has played hunter throughout a long time and actually like the character.. I have a problem with people who play it because it is so extremely easy to reach a minimum of so called "skill" while playing a hunter, then to call themselves good and talk down to other people, who probably in most cases are a lot better, just perhabs play a class who is easily countered by hunters, such as warlocks, enhas and warriors..
Also, Lil who made a trial hunter in cata, in my oppinion deserves to be ridiculed, especially when that person then goes on to comment such things on a thread like this.
Talking as someone whose first hunter twink was made in start of BC, and who quit playing them in cata because of said OPness and doesn't wanna be put into a box with "these people": if you have a problem with the hate against your class, either reroll into something that doesn't steamroll by clicking 1234 or stop going into every thread concerning hunters and bitch about every person crying about hunters, and taking every statement made against hunters as a personal attack..


best post on the hunter subject in a long time ^^

think how much some of you hate healers. now think how annoyed you'd be if they was like it as long as hunters have...
Wow, so much butthurt in this thread. This entire bracket is pathetically and overwhelmingly FoTM scrubs. Acting like you're a martyr because you aren't currently maining the class that rapes you all game every game isn't noble. Also, if most Hunter players are so terrible, you should have no problem with them. I don't consider myself much better than average, but consistently blow up Hunters on my Monk. You guys aren't even trying to mask the fact that you're bitter children.
And this is why I don't give a fuck what this website thinks anymore about me personally.. Once people base an opinion on me (normally mind already made up within my char selection) it will never change. It could be RoD (return of deathwing) 10 yrs from now and I'll still be labeled as a cata hunt. I stopped trying to "defend my class" or defend myself ALONG time ago. (go ahead look through posts, I have called hunts easy to play and said they were OP) All I am trying to do is get people to shut up and stop making pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ about the same subject.

Like I said before I KNOW I am not the only person who's fed up with it and even non-hunters have told me how annoyed they are with the 3 threads a day about hunter complaining. Idc who replies or what dumb jokes want to be said about me after this post cause I'm done. The stereotype about hunters is pathetic and I'm tired of bad players using "they are a hunt they had to crutch to beat me" excuse. Stop blaming hunts and think about how you can get better because the avg hunt in this bracket (not many are very good) should NOT be able to faceroll you easily unless you are a rogue who gets spotted first or a war or just simply are less skillful then the avg hunt.

It's so obvious who jumps in on the hunt hate bandwagon making 5 threads a month about hunters and the people who dont complain and go kill some hunts in bgs. Hunters have a low skill floor. Hunters are now OP. Hunters are this bracket scapegoat.

Btw something I've always wanted to say that I'll just throw out with my rant... When I joined this bracket I would NEVER call a hunter a huntard. I don't like using the word retard because it is wrong and used in the wrong context. It sickens me how many people only use huntard (hunter retard). I have found myself saying huntard some of late and don't like it but it's tough when I see huntard more then hunter.

Done. Don't bother quoting me just make some smart reply and get 5+ likes but I'm not replying after this.
Wow, so much butthurt in this thread. This entire bracket is pathetically and overwhelmingly FoTM scrubs. Acting like you're a martyr because you aren't currently maining the class that rapes you all game every game isn't noble. Also, if most Hunter players are so terrible, you should have no problem with them. I don't consider myself much better than average, but consistently blow up Hunters on my Monk. You guys aren't even trying to mask the fact that you're bitter children.

my 24 *shock horror* mage has 2.2k hp, i'm all but dead buy the time i get a spell off. no trolling here, if you can tell me how to counter that i'd be grateful. please don't tell me to run round with a healer.
That's the first time in a long time I've had a rant on TI... and man did it feel good. It was mostly a response to my play experience today — I logged in hoping to enjoy WSG CtA after a many month hiatus only to be chased through mid by 3+ cyclops. Not exactly my idea of fun, especially when wanting to learn a new class (my 'f2p' monk). To respond to a couple of points:

This idea that hunters have always been dominating. This idea that hunters are stronger than each and every class in this bracket. Is a complete and total joke. But you know, you believe what you wanna believe.

I've been twinking ever since Warsong Gulch was added (was that patch 1.4?). My first twink was a 40 hunter and then when the brackets were changed I had a 29 hunter alt (mained a 29 frost mage, RIP) all throughout vanilla and TBC. I took a break from WoW basically until cata and f2p came into being, when I rolled, first, a 20 hunter because that was my 'main' in vanilla.

Throughout each of these periods, hunters have been one of, if not the most dominant classes in low level pvp. I would have hoped that at least by now Blizzard would have learned from some of their mistakes. It seemed at the beginning of MoP hunters were in a great place — they were more CC oriented, requiring more thought, and thus more interesting. Healers were, inarguably, OP... but hunters were in the perfect place with respect to the other classes, able to both survive and kill a healer one on one when played thoughtfully. As the expac has continued, healing has been scaled back, which has been great, opening room for other classes to excel. But it seems Blizzard still can't get it right, as just as healing is pulled back hunters pull ahead once again.

My post was more about my frustration seeing hunters as once again the kings of low level pvp, when MoP was headed in a direction of more general class balance.

I have a problem with people who play it because it is so extremely easy to reach a minimum of so called "skill" while playing a hunter, then to call themselves good and talk down to other people, who probably in most cases are a lot better, just perhabs play a class who is easily countered by hunters

Agreed, for the most part. I of course don't have a problem with individual players
@Líl — even though my post was directed at you I want to clarify I have literally no problem with you and in fact think that you're a great addition to TI (your various guides speak volumes), if only a bit delusional about hunters :p. But seriously, apologies for ranting in your direction
but rather with the whole hunter mentality and the fact that poorly played hunters are not punished for bad playing. Simply put, as a warlock, mage, monk, etc. you are severely punished for making mistakes. So much so that if you're in a bad position you'll just straight up die. Hunters don't receive the same treatment. They are FAR too forgiving... Removing hunter dead zone was, I think, one of the worst class balance decisions Blizzard ever made as it enabled and supported mindless play.

I guess one thing I can take from this thread is that regardless of anything, people will always complain.

Touché, it's a valid point. I guess the root of my rant was that I finally felt like the bracket was coming to a place where a number of classes and specs could be considered as viable/useful and hunter buffs in 5.3 and the most recent hotfix were a horrible step in the wrong direction for this bracket (even though I'm fully aware none of their balancing even remotely takes lvl 20 into account. We all know WoW is a PvE game).

Some of the rarer specs we'd been seeing at the release of 5.3 such as slightly more mages, people trying out enh shamans, ret paladins, so on and so forth... Take my word for it, all of those will become much rarer in the coming weeks. A meta dominated by skill-less hunters forces people into their 'optimal' or most defensive builds.

I guess I still haven't come to terms with the fact that this game will never be as balanced as other PvP games I enjoy and my post was a reflection of the frustration I've felt at realizing, once again, WoW's PvP will never be balanced.
And this is why I don't give a fuck what this website thinks anymore about me personally.. Once people base an opinion on me (normally mind already made up within my char selection) it will never change. It could be RoD (return of deathwing) 10 yrs from now and I'll still be labeled as a cata hunt. I stopped trying to "defend my class" or defend myself ALONG time ago. (go ahead look through posts, I have called hunts easy to play and said they were OP) All I am trying to do is get people to shut up and stop making pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ pointless QQ pointless QQ after pointless QQ about the same subject.

Like I said before I KNOW I am not the only person who's fed up with it and even non-hunters have told me how annoyed they are with the 3 threads a day about hunter complaining. Idc who replies or what dumb jokes want to be said about me after this post cause I'm done. The stereotype about hunters is pathetic and I'm tired of bad players using "they are a hunt they had to crutch to beat me" excuse. Stop blaming hunts and think about how you can get better because the avg hunt in this bracket (not many are very good) should NOT be able to faceroll you easily unless you are a rogue who gets spotted first or a war or just simply are less skillful then the avg hunt.

It's so obvious who jumps in on the hunt hate bandwagon making 5 threads a month about hunters and the people who dont complain and go kill some hunts in bgs. Hunters have a low skill floor. Hunters are now OP. Hunters are this bracket scapegoat.

Btw something I've always wanted to say that I'll just throw out with my rant... When I joined this bracket I would NEVER call a hunter a huntard. I don't like using the word retard because it is wrong and used in the wrong context. It sickens me how many people only use huntard (hunter retard). I have found myself saying huntard some of late and don't like it but it's tough when I see huntard more then hunter.

Done. Don't bother quoting me just make some smart reply and get 5+ likes but I'm not replying after this.

bye o/

Please, read my most recent post — specifically inside the spoiler. And keep in mind little to none of this frustration or criticism is directed at you but more accurately at Blizzard's awful balancing team. Even when re-reading my (angry) rant, nothing but the last sentence is directed at you but at the fact that low skilled hunters are of more use to a team than a focused and well played differing class. Because, after a certain point, there's only so much you can do against 3 hunters trolling throughout mid.

And I agree with you fully on the huntard point — definitely un-cool to mock mentally retarded people.

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